October 4, 2010
In This Issue
Water Team Launches Blog
Partnership to Assist Alabama City with Green Efforts
Staff Featured in the News
Report Compares Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential
Forum Focuses on Allocating Federal Fishery Resources
Holman Appointed to Biofuels Board
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Water Team Launches Blog
Follow the Nicholas Institute's water policy work as staff members blog from across the globe. Visit now to learn about Ryan Bartlett's work in Laos. 
Partnership to Assist Alabama City with Green Efforts
Nicholas Institute staff are working with officials and local organizations in Birmingham to help the city become more sustainable. As detailed in a recent Institute report, Birmingham ranked among the lowest of major cities in the Southeast for their work to address climate change. Read More
Staff Featured in the News
Lydia Olander, director of ecosystem services, and Brian Murray, director of economic analysis, were quoted in a story run by Greenwire and The New York Times on measuring carbon in the Amazon. Read More
Report Compares Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential
The Technical Working Group on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (T-AGG) has released a report, which provides a side-by-side comparison of the biophysical greenhouse gas mitigation potential of more than 40 agricultural land management activities in the United States. Read More
Forum Focuses on Allocating Federal Fishery Resources
In September, oceans and coastal staff participated in the Fisheries Leadership and Sustainability Forum. Hosted semi-annually by the Nicholas Institute, Stanford Woods Institute, the Center for Ocean Solutions and the Environmental Defense Fund, the latest forum focused dicsussions on allocating federal fishery resources. Read More
Holman Appointed to Biofuels Board
Joe Hackney, speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, has appointed Bill Holman to serve on the board of directors for the Biofuels Center of North Carolina. Holman is the Institute's director of state policy. 
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