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                     CP CAL NEWSLETTER
January 2011
We are pleased to bring you Volume 2011/1 of the CP Cal Newsletter, the electronic newsletter of Collaborative Practice California.
Past issues of the CP Cal Newsletter are archived on the CP Cal website at www.cpcal.com. If you have comments or questions, please contact Emily Weaver or Susan Campbell, Managing Editors. Emily's email address is Emily@eweavermft.com and Susan's email address is Susan@bvfinancialresources.com

From the Editors 
Susan Campbell and Emily Weaver



Happy New Year!  As we begin a new Collaborative year, the CP Cal Board sends its best wishes to all our members.  We hope the year will hold an abundance of learning, skill building, forming and deepening of Collaborative relationships with colleagues and clients, and professional and personal growth for each of you. We remain grateful for the opportunity to serve a community that values the cultivation of our best selves--both professional and personal.



As most of you know, CP Cal has only two sources of income - annual dues from the member practice groups and the profit from the annual Celebration. This year we have a fabulous team of fundraisers (Warren Sacks, Stephanie Maloney, Hal Bartholomew, Justin Reckers, and Susan Campbell) working hard to tap into new resources to increase our revenue. If you know any of any individuals or businesses that believe in our Collaborative mission, please let us know and we will get them our Sponsor, Exhibitor and Advertiser Opportunities and Application. Additionally, this year's Celebration VI will be holding a silent auction which we anticipate being lots of fun. We are seeking contributions to be used in the auction, including: vacation rentals, jewelry, wine, tickets for sporting events, concerts, lectures or seminars, gift certificates (spas, restaurants, retail establishments or any other businesses), autographed memorabilia, lessons (golf, tennis, personal trainers, etc.), artwork, AND any other similar items that may be of interest to our members. If you would like additional information, have an item(s) to donate, or have a contact to someone who does, please contact Paula Jackson at paula@gneo.net.
Important Dates to Remember


1.  IACP Institute: February 24 - 26, 2011, Phoenix, AZ 


2.  CP Cal Celebration VI, COLLABORATION WITHOUT BORDERS: EXPANDING OUR HORIZONS: April 29 - May 1, 2011, located at the lovely Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, CA


Click here for the registration brochure.

Click here to register online.


3.  IACP Forum: October 27 - 30, 2011, San Francisco, CA at the Westin, St. Francis Hotel.


About CP Cal

Collaborative Practice California is a statewide organization of Collaborative Practice groups.  We are an interdisciplinary volunteer organization. For details on how you can become involved in CP Cal, see your local Delegate.

In This Issue
From the Editors
Important Dates to Remember
Thank you to our Celebration VI Sponsors to date
Platinum Sponsors
* Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego 
* Collaborative Family Law Professionals of Marin
* Collaborative Practice San Francisco

Gold Sponsors
* Sacramento Collaborative Practice Group
Bronze Sponsors
* Collaborative Council of the Redwood Empire
* Central Valley Collaborative Law Group
* Los Angeles Westside Collaborative Divorce Professionals
15-Second Movie Theater Ads about Collaborative Practice

CP Cal has contracted with National CineMedia (NCM) to develop a 15-second movie theater ad that can be run in NCM-linked theater complexes. NCM handles most of the Century, AMC and Regal theater complexes throughout California.

If your group is interested in finding out how to run the ad in your area, please contact CP Cal Board member Steve Rutlen, CPA, CDFA for information. Steve can be reached at 916-313-5722 or steve@srutlencpa.com.

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