
The California Hepatitis Alliance (CalHEP) is seeking nominations for the Sherri Ziegler Community Service Award. This award is presented to an individual who has exhibited outstanding leadership in addressing the viral hepatitis epidemic in California through advocacy, education, and/or direct services.  


Established in 2009 in honor of the late Sherri R. Ziegler, a founding member of the CalHEP Steering Committee, the award reflects her dedication to fighting hepatitis B and C. Sherri worked tirelessly to advocate in Sacramento and Washington DC for those in need of support and services, especially in rural northern California. She loved to travel with her message of hope for people who, like her, were affected by hepatitis C. Sherri also mentored countless advocates all over the rural north. She always had a positive attitude even when she faced obstacles that would overwhelm most people. Along with her advocacy efforts, Sherri provided education, support, and other services for people with hepatitis C in her community. She was an invaluable resource to the Peach Tree Clinic, the Sutter, Yuba, and Butte County Health Departments, and advocacy groups in Shasta and Plumas Counties.  


Previous award recipients include Leslie Benson and Orlando Chavez.


The Sherri Ziegler Community Service Award will be presented to an individual who has played a leadership role in one or more of the following activities:

  • Involvement in local, state and/or federal hepatitis advocacy.
  • Raising hepatitis awareness and/or providing support for hepatitis prevention, screening and/or treatment within their community or California.
  • Addressing the needs of heavily impacted communities and reducing disparities in viral hepatitis.

Nominations are encouraged for individuals who are leaders in the hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C communities. The Sherri Ziegler Community Service Award recipient will be chosen by the CalHEP Steering Committee and will be presented the award in May in Sacramento.


Nominations may be submitted until 5 pm, April 13, 2012. The award recipient will be chosen and notified by April 23, 2012.


To nominate someone for the award, please send an email to Ryan Clary ( with "Sherri Ziegler Community Service Award" in the subject line. In the email, please include the following information about your nominee:

  • Nominee's name and organizational affiliation (if applicable)
  • Your name, affiliation, and contact information
  • Briefly address the nominee's accomplishments related to one or more of the following:
    • Involvement in local, state and/or federal hepatitis advocacy.
    • Raising hepatitis awareness and/or providing support for hepatitis prevention, screening and/or treatment within their community or California.
    • Addressing the needs of heavily impacted communities and reducing disparities in viral hepatitis.
    • Nominee's resume or bio (this is helpful, but is not required).

For full consideration, all nominations must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, April 13, 2012.  


If you have questions about the award or the nomination process, please contact Ryan Clary  or telephone (415-558-8669 x224).


Thank you for taking the time recognize our colleagues for their outstanding contributions to hepatitis advocacy and community service!





Ryan Clary
Director of Public Policy
Project Inform
415-558-8669 x224