On Wednesday, July 25, summer camp will travel to Angel Stadium to watch the Angels take on the Kansas City Royals. All campers will be treated to a hot dog lunch at the stadium. Campers must wear their green Fairmont camp shirt on this trip. Campers may bring $10.00 to the game for a treat and/or souvenir. Summer school students who are enrolled in summer camp will be dismissed from class at 11:30a.m. so that we can make it to the Angels game on time.
We will return to campus by 4:00p.m.
Field Trip FlyerCorona Del Mar State Beach: July 27On Friday, July 27, Summer Camp will be heading for fun in the sun!!! Campers will enjoy a day at Corona del Mar State Beach where they will play in the waves, build sand castles and have lunch on the sand.
All campers need to do the following:
- Come to campus in the morning with a green camp shirt and shorts.
- Wear a bathing suit underneath camp shirt and shorts (boys bring a pair of dry shorts for after the beach).
- Wear close-toed shoes on the bus. Campers can put on sandals when we get to the beach but due to bus regulations, they MUST wear close toes shoes while riding on the bus.
- Bring a disposable sack lunch with several cold drinks to last the day.
- Come to camp wearing sunscreen and bring a bottle of sunscreen for later in the day.
- Bring a towel, goggles, and any other beach items that you may want. Please remember, any items that campers bring they must carry across the sand. All items (including shirt, shorts, towel, lunch, etc.) brought to the beach should have your camper's name written on it.
- Campers my bring $5 to spend at the snack bar if time permits and provided the snack bar is open.
Please have campers here at 8:45 a.m.!