Week 1 - June 22: Treasure Hunt at Anaheim Hills
This Friday, June 22, summer camp will be traveling to the Anaheim Hills Campus for a day of fun in the sun with our sister Fairmont campuses, Anaheim Hills and Edgewood. While there, campers will get wet and wild on the water slide and slip 'n slide! Campers will also be treated to snow cones, popcorn, and a pizza lunch! Also on the agenda, an opportunity to make a one-of-a-kind Fairmont Summer Camp stuffed animal!
What to wear/bring: All campers need to wear their Fairmont Summer Shirt, in addition to their bathing suit. Campers should arrive at camp with sunscreen applied and close-toed shoes. Please pack a bag with a change of clothes, flip flops/sandals, and extra sunscreen. Field Trip Flyer
Week 2 - June 29: L.A. Zoo
On Friday, June 29, all campers will be going to the LA ZOO! We will depart campus at 9:00a.m. and will return by 4:00p.m.
What to wear/bring: All campers need to bring a disposable SACK LUNCH. Please have campers wear their green Fairmont Summer Camp shirt and sunscreen. As always, closed toed shoes are a must. Campers may bring $5-$10 for a snack or souvenir. Campers will not be allowed to bring back packs on the trip, only small wallets and purses (make sure your camper wears shorts with pockets)!