| Mable Campus 1557 W. Mable St. Anaheim, CA 92802
1st Grade-8th Grade 714.563-4050
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Mable Campus Newsletter

PHOTO OF THE WEEK Megan M. enjoys the Thanksgiving feast with her mom.
News & Announcements
Holiday Concerts The beginning of December, with its sights, sounds, hustle and bustle fills everyone with excitement. Nothing brings greater joy, however, than the sounds of our students creating beautiful music. Please join us on Wednesday, December 7, and Wednesday, December 14, for our Winter concerts.
On Wednesday, December 7, our 1st graders will bring to life "Holiday Zoobilee," and our 2nd graders will entertain us with the story of "Boo Bear and the Night Before Christmas."
On Wednesday, December 14, our 6th grade students will "show off" all they have learned in their instrumental classes with tunes like "Jingle Bones." The Junior High band will join with the all campus Ensemble which features musicians from elementary through Junior High and delight us with a song from "Star Wars" and the holiday carol, "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers."
Please come out and enjoy two wonderful nights of music. Both shows have a daytime performance at 9:00 a.m. and a nighttime rendition at 6:30 p.m. All shows will be held in the cafeteria.
Spanish Class Announcement- The final test for the "Las Palabras" contest will be next week!!
The test will be on Monday, December 5, and Tuesday, December 6, during the Spanish class. This is only for grades 4th, 5th, and 6th.
The class that has the most students with close to 150 correct words will win a Fiesta (Mexican Party) with Piņatas and all!!
Students have learned so much in just a few months. They are very motivated about the "Las Palabras" contest.
Good Luck to everyone!
December Lunch Menu
Feature Article  Mable Campus Gives Thanks
Each and every year, Mable Campus plays host to its annual Thanksgiving Feast. Before the students arrive, the 6th grade students who fill the roles of servers and greeters, wait, nervously in the cafeteria as they try to remember all of the instructions given to them. Parent volunteers hustle about making sure everything looks just right. The 6th grade students chosen to help out have meticulously set each place on the tables with silverware, napkin, straw, apple juice, and a butter pat. This year, the air was filled with even more excitement because, for the first time ever, parents had been invited to feast alongside their children.
The event begins as students enter the cafeteria, where 1st graders can be seen dressed as Indians and Pilgrims as they anxiously wait in line. The aroma of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and apple pie overwhelm the senses. Students and parents work their way through the line as their plates are heaped with turkey, stuffing, corn, cranberry sauce, and the ever popular dinner rolls! Students then make their way to their seats as they jockey for a position next to their teacher or best buddies. Once everyone is seated and has had the chance to eat their scrumptious meal, pie is served! Shortly after, Mrs. Calabria takes the stage and quiets the crowd. Several students from each grade are called to the stage to read about what they are most thankful for. During the first seating, Rahil L., Matthew S., Lianne C., Hriday P., Yiyi O., and Iris C. had their chance to share about all the things for which they are thankful. At the second seating, Numair R., Lydia L., Tiffany K., Emaad R., Alexis D., and Adnan I. took their turn to share. The ceremony continues with Mrs. Calabria recognizing girls in each lunch group that have unselfishly donated their hair to Locks of Love. Raajasvi T., Esther K., Lisette N., Tammie N., Leila M., Sadhana S., Brianna S., and Tejal P. took the stage to receive their recognition. To conclude, Mrs. Calabria read a poem to each lunch group and the students finally dispersed to the playground. The cafeteria emptied and the feast was over, but in just 52 short weeks, it will be time to do it all over again!
 Results Thursday, December 1 Boys Fairmont 35 -- Orangewood 22 Girls Fairmont 32 -- Orangewood 11 Upcoming Games Tri-Way Basketball
Tuesday, December 6 vs. Calvary- Home Game Boys Game: 3:00 p.m. Girls Game: Immediately following Boys- Approximately 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 8 vs. TVT- Away Game- Click here for TVT map. Boys Game: 3:00 p.m. Girls Game: Immediately following Boys- Approximately 4:00 p.m. |
This Week On Our Blog... 
 Dates to Know
Monday, December 5 2nd Grade Study Trip- The Elves and the Shoemaker
Tuesday, December 6 6th Grade- Jumpstart to Junior High
Wednesday, December 7 1st and 2nd Grade Winter Performance 9:00 a.m. AND 6:30 p.m.
Ruby's Night
Thursday, December 8
Elementary Honor Roll Assembly
2:00 p.m. Gym Friday, December 9
CHOC Toy Ride 8:40 a.m.
Wednesday, December 14
6th/JH Grade Instrumental & Ensemble Winter Concert 9:00 a.m. AND 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, December 15 Ensemble Trip to Villa Valencia
FPA: Holiday Potluck Meeting 8:30 a.m. Library Stage Area Junior High Honor Roll Assembly 2:00 p.m. Gym Friday, December 16 Last Day of School Before Winter Break Monday, December 19 to Monday, January 2 Winter Break Tuesday, January 3 School Resumes
Sunday, January 22 Fairmont Private Schools Expo 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Chapman University, Beckman Hall 404