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May 14, 2012

 But if each man could have his own house, a large garden to cultivate and healthy surroundings- then, I thought, there will be for them a better opportunity of a happy family life. - George Cadbury

  Happy Kid food



Regular size CSA items:  Haas avocado , Valencia oranges, strawberries, Ruby grapefruit,  heirloom tomatoes,  lettuce,  salad with edible flowers,  beets, leeks, radishes or sprouts, chives, cilantro or rosemary or sorrel, carrots, Swiss chard, red potatoes, poblano pepper, Spanish onion, mushrooms, purple garlic  and bouquet of flowers.  Substitutions may occur. 


Dear Friends,


We had two successful Meetups here at the Farm Saturday.  One for Corgi's to have fun and one for making mozzarella cheese.  These events are important to let people see our work here and add much needed funds to the coffers for our ever increasing water bill!


This is an especially wonderful time of the year..days are longer, and days and nights are a little warmer but not too hot.  I can practically see the beans, tomatoes, and squash grow!  Many good crops to come.


Here is a recipe for avocado soup and I'd use the poblano chili too:  Avocado Soup


The lowly potato is finally getting good press.  Here's a good article:  Yeah for Potatoes


For those that can handle the truth about our food supplies: Truth about Food


And for more support on eating your fruits and vegetables: Are you getting your 5-9 a day?


Locavore level low.

California ranks a lowly 41st among states in the Locavore Index. Using data exclusively from government sources (principally USDA and US Census data) dating from 2010 and 2011, the Locavore Index measures the commitment of states to locally-sourced foods by measuring the per-capita presence of Community-Supported Agricultural enterprises and Farmers Markets, each of which is an indication of both the availability and demand for locally-produced food. One through five are Vermont, Iowa, Montana, Maine, and Hawaii.


If any one needs cooking suggestions, please remember we now have Julie on board (we're trading deliveries for cooking and recipe support) and she'll be happy to help you.  Her blog is posted on our website or you may reach her and view her recipes here:





Here is a link to see the pictures and to sign up if you'd like notifications of coming events:



Please keep your notes and comments coming.  I read them all.



Enjoy in good health. 


Stephenie Caughlin

Seabreeze Organic Farm

Seabreeze Green Store























3909 Arroyo Sorrento Road
San Diego, California 92130