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Greening the Next Generation
Issue 5 November 2009
masthead 5

Dear Green Schools Supporter-
Over a year has passed since I started my position as Sustainability Director, and we have come a long way! The District has a sustainability website and newsletter, we're conducting energy and water audits of our schools, we're shifting away from bottled water, we're rolling out commuter benefits for staff, we're planting trees and installing rainwater cisterns, we're expanding composting to admin buildings, we're launching green teams at seven school sites, and most recently, we've introduced a new ecoliteracy website for teachers. And I didn't even mention the countless initiatives happening at individual schools throughout the District. No wonder SFUSD was just selected to receive the Green California Schools Leadership Award. A big thank you to all who made this possible with your hard work and concern for the future of our planet. Let's keep it up!
Nik Kaestner
Director of Sustainability

SFUSD Launches SF Ecoliteracy Website
Bringing Kids into Nature and Nature into the Classroom
Smart by Nature San Francisco's numerous environmental education providers have teamed up with SFUSD's Sustainability Department to make environmental education resources more accessible to teachers in the District.

The first product of this collaboration is the new www.sfecoliteracy.com website, a compendium of  field trips, service learning opportunities, classroom and assembly presentations, curriculum materials, school projects, and teacher resources. The goal of the website is to make it easy for SFUSD teachers to find programs available to their school and to get all the details they need to select the best one(s) for their students.

The next step is to reach out to schools that have historically failed to take advantage of the many opportunities for place-based education in the City and to let them know about the website, about available funding opportunities, and about the importance of getting their kids outside.

Bring Green Cleaning to Your School
Recent Study Underscores Importance of Non-Toxic Cleaners
Green Seal Logo Air pollution testing conducted for the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals that cleaning supplies used in several California school districts can cloud classroom air with more than 450 distinct toxic contaminants, including chemical agents linked to asthma and cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 1 in 10 children have asthma in the U.S., up from just 3.6 percent in 1980.  Asthma-related absenteeism cost schools $40.8 million in state funds.

Luckily, SFUSD saw the writing on the wall several years ago and began introducing green cleaners in collaboration with San Francisco's  Asthma Task Force. In the 2009-10 school year, the District will expand its green cleaning program to 43 schools across the City. While we have not yet identified funding to cover the $500 switchover for every school, sites that are able to fund the equipment themselves are encouraged to contact Martin Escalante, Custodial Supervisor, to express their interest.
SFUSD Sustainability Makes Waves
District Receives Green CA Schools Leadership Award
D'Anthony JonesEvery now and then it's nice to get noticed. Recently, it's been happening more and more:

* Mission High School's D'Anthony Jones was a featured speaker at the annual West Coast Green sustainability conference and trade show.

*Green Technology Magazine and the Green Schools Initiative highlighted efforts by the "District by the Bay" to green its operations and curriculum.

* Streetsblog covered the annual Walk-to-School Day at Longfellow Elementary School as well as the launch of the Safe Routes to School Program at Longfellow, Carver, Bryant, Sunnyside, and Sunset Elementary Schools.

* The CA Green Schools Summit announced that SFUSD has won the Green California Schools Leadership Award for its "innovation and dedication to greening its campuses".
Climate Status Investigations
Gain the confidence to knowledgeably speak to your middle and high school students about climate change. Contact Barry Scott to get a detailed flyer and sign up.

Climate Change Education
Get hands-on demonstrations on climate change just in time for the Copenhagen summit. The website also contains a wealth of resources.

Recycling Tour
4th Thu of Month Come check out the recycling center at Pier 96 free of charge. Tours go from 10:45-1:30 and lunch is provided. If interested, email Stephanie Pavis.


Community Development Block Grant
The Mayor's Office of Community Investment (MOCI) provides funding for  gardens, green schoolyards, picnic tables, benches, planter boxes and fencing. Contact Delia Barnes at 928-7417 x301 or 716-8287.

Nickelodeon's Big Green Grants
Nickelodeon provides up to $5,000  to support green projects that educate and inspire kids to (1) take care of the environment; (2) be active and live healthier; and/or (3) engage in community service.

Captain Planet Foundation
The Captain Planet Foundation provides up to $2,500 for student-initiated, hands-on projects that promote understanding of environmental issues.

Siemens Challenge
Siemens Foundation empowers students to create solutions to environmental problems in their own backyards.

Lowe's Toolbox for Education
Lowe's will donate up to $5,000 to public schools projects that improve landscaping or facilities in a sustainable fashion.