The Bulletin Board | Like in the early days of the Theatre Ontario office, The Bulletin Board is a place where the public can check notices posted by our theatre members
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Our supporters play a vital role in entertaining, inspiring and exciting audiences in ways only theatre can. A donation to Theatre Ontario enables us to continue to offer vital programming helping thousands of theatre artists, youth, educators and enthusiasts bring their dreams to life and to the stage! It is with that in mind that we ask you to make a financial contribution to Theatre Ontario.
Theatre Ontario has for almost forty years been the network of support for the people at the heart of our province's arts and culture. We are proud to be the face of Ontario's theatre; young and old, professional and community, on-stage and off, teachers and learners, emerging and established. The stages across the province tell the story of Theatre Ontario's history--unforgettable opening nights, young people inspired, careers made, communities built, and the applause of millions. Our members make up the exciting and diverse theatre community that entertains and engages us all--from the community halls and the classrooms to the smallest studios and the biggest auditoriums. We are working hard to make theatre in Ontario possible and your donation ensures that, across the province, Ontarians are able to access and participate in theatre. YES! I would like to make a gift to Theatre Ontario! |
Unveiling the New
We are pleased to announce that our new website is up and running. Among the highlights you can find at the new ONstage, our listing of shows across the province, now has some search capabilities (member theatres: don't forget to send us your listings!)
- Online tools to register for workshops, renew your membership, make a donation, or order publications
- Auditions are now available to members online, meaning we're able to publicize more acting opportunities with shorter windows between call and deadline
We'll be unveiling new features and services in the months ahead, as well as promoting many of our existing ones. We're here to serve you and feedback is always appreciated: email Brandon Moore at For current members: The members-only pages are password-protected. Unfortunately, there is no cost-effective way for us to send you all your personal passwords. Use the "Forgot Your Password" page to have your password reset and a new one emailed to you automatically. Group members must use the email address associated with your membership in order to receive your login (if you're not sure of it, contact us at
Congratulations to Winston Morgan Theatre Ontario is thrilled to announce that the 2010 Sandra Tulloch Award for Innovation in the Arts shall be presented to Winston Morgan.
Winston is being recognized for his significant contribution to the growth of stage managers by creating learning materials, and affordable networking and professional development opportunities for stage managers.
Read more about the 2010 Sandra Tulloch Award for Innovation in the Arts
Order Your 2011 Festival Tickets We are pleased to announce that tickets for the 2011 Theatre Ontario Festival in Richmond Hill will be on sale starting Monday, November 15.
The annual Theatre Ontario Festival is a showcase of outstanding community theatre productions chosen from regional festivals across the province. The Festival brings together theatre lovers from all over Ontario, and is an excellent learning experience, with adjudications, workshops, networking and play readings by Canadian writers. It's also a celebration of community theatre, with awards recognizing outstanding achievements, and lots of parties!
Read more about Theatre Ontario Festival 2011
Thank You! Theatre Ontario would like to acknowledge and thank the J.P. Bickell Foundation and the George Lunan Foundation. We are grateful that both of these foundations are supporting our community outreach activities.
From Our Blog Dennis Johnson wrote about professionals in community theatre, and the notions of "professionalism" and "amateur."
And check out all the latest events, opinion, and opportunities in the province and around the web in our weekly 7 Days In Ontario Theatre
Missed an issue of Theatre Ontario Presents... ? Visit our archives.
Brandon Moore
Communications Coordinator, Theatre Ontario
416.408.4556 x.15 |