Compost It
Majority Report: Do pass as amended
Signed by Representatives Chandler, Condotta, Conway, Crouse, Green, Moeller, Williams, and Wood. Yay!

Now it is like a good track workout where you just ran a hard 400 and your coach says, "Good.  Now, let's do that again."

The Committee on Health & Human Services Appropriations meets tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. so there is a sense of urgency.  They may not know about this bill, but they will once we speak up and tell them this bill is important to vote out of committee.  So, if you wrote or emailed last time, please consider a repeat performance.  If you thought about it but didn't, please take the time today!  It will be a good workout and you will feel good.

I have no idea where HB 6349 goes next but we will keep you posted on this most exiting political process that YOU are part of and of which YOU are making a difference!

The chart below indicates the average age of the operator.  Let's help pass laws that will reverse this uphill trend.  HB 6349 is a way to ensure, ultimately, the safety of our food.    
Action Required!
average age of operator graph
Because we want our letters to go to the right place so we are most effective with our efforts, we have included a whole new set of committee member who need to hear from you today before they meet tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.  P.S.  The average age of our San Juan County farmers was actually 61.8 in 2007 so that is even higher than the age shown in this chart, so for the sake of our aging farmers, let's get them some youthful interns who want to learn this most noble of professions.

Contact Information for each committee member.  Please write a few short sentences detailing your support for this bill.  Following up with a quick phone call to let each person know you have sent an email and that it is important to vote SB 6349 out of committee.  Write your words, copy them and paste them into a new email to each man and woman on this committee.  Follow up with a call if you have time.  They are hearing from us and it is making a difference.

The committee members contact information and draft text is as follows:
Committee Members

Pettigrew, Eric (D) Chair LEG 122H(360) 786-7838
Seaquist, Larry (D) Vice Chair JLOB 317(360) 786-7802
Schmick, Joe (R) * JLOB 419(360) 786-7844
Alexander, Gary (R) ** JLOB 407(360) 786-7990
Appleton, Sherry (D) JLOB 424(360) 786-7934
Cody, Eileen (D) JLOB 337(360) 786-7978
Dickerson, Mary Lou (D) JLOB 302(360) 786-7860
Fagan, Susan (R) JLOB 439(360) 786-7942
Johnson, Norm (R) JLOB 414(360) 786-7810
Miloscia, Mark (D) LEG 437A(360) 786-7898
Morrell, Dawn (D) LEG 434B(360) 786-7968
O'Brien, Al (D) JLOB 429(360) 786-7928
Roberts, Mary Helen (D) JLOB 315(360) 786-7950
Walsh, Maureen (R) JLOB 423(360) 786-7836
Wood, Alex (D) LEG 437B(360) 786-7888
*Ranking Minority Member  **Asst. Ranking Minority Member

Remember, if you need help with words, Peggy of The San Juan Agricultural Resources Committee (ARC) provides the following:

Asian Pears at Mitchell Bay Nursery
Chair Pettigrew and members of the Committee on Health and Human Services Appropriations,
Thank you for the opportunity to offer my full support of SB 6349 to establish a process for internships on small farms in Washington State.
Recent audits of small farm internship practices by Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) have raised a serious issue for the small farmers in our state.  Washington State labor law does not recognize farm internships as a valid worker category unless the participants are matriculated at a recognized educational institution. Because only a small percentage of farm interns are registered students, the majority of small farms that use interns are likely not in compliance with L&I's requirements.
Statewide, small farms are becoming increasingly important in maintaining a diverse and sustainable local economy.  This bill allows small farm s to establish an internship programs for future farmers to pass on crucial vocation knowledge of farming practices and enterprises.  SB 6349 is essential for ensuring continued growth in the agricultural industry. 
Please help farm interns and small family farms in Washington and vote SB 6349 out of committee.
Once you have become involved in your democracy, you may want to watch what happens to this bill as it makes its journey to become law.  Here is a link to the latest information available.  Watch how your actions work to wend this bill along.

P.S. This is also a great time to share this email with young people, not only because this is a very real opportunity to watch the process as it relates to our farmers state-wide, but especially because it affects our own local food producers.  Let's keep hope alive for enthusiastic young future farmers!  Let's also keep our local farmers afloat by buying the food they work so hard to produce.  Have you joined a CSA for this season?  There are more public hours at the food co-op so take advantage of that, and buy at our local farmers' market or direct from the farmer.  Spread the word!
Linda Degnan Cobos/Maureen Marinkovich
Products for a Healthier Planet