April 2012 
In This Issue
A Life Touched
Vote for RG!
Why a Dental Clinic?
Help Load Container
Praises & Prayers

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  Contact Us:

4300 W. Waco Dr., B2-314 Waco, Texas 76712

(254) 752 - 0583


Allison Todd
Director of Administration atodd@restorationgateway.org


Shoan Holley

Director of Development sholley@restorationgateway.org 


Please contact us to schedule the McCalls or RG staff to present the story of RG to your organization, church, business or other group.

A Life Touched 

Joe* came to Restoration Gateway about 18 months ago. Both of his parents had died of natural causes, and his maternal grandmother was heavily involved in witchcraft. Joe even blames her for the death of his brother and possibly his father. His paternal grandparents wanted to give him an opportunity for a better life. So, at 11-years-old, Joe came to RG.
Unfortunately, Joe had already been a part of many of his grandmother's rituals, including incantations promoting the deaths of others. Perhaps this is why at RG he began to rebel and disrupt the learning and growth of the other orphans. Oftentimes, he would be found fighting, kicking and biting them.
Through the prayers of many and counsel from a pastor friend of RG, we are seeing a shift in Joe. Just last week he came to Tim and expressed the need to forgive those who have mistreated him. Joe shared that he had been reading the 18th chapter of Matthew in the Bible where Jesus talks of forgiving "up to seventy times seven" and felt convicted by God to forgive others.
It is exciting to be a part of Joe's life and see the transformation taking place. Please pray for Joe as he continues to experience the heart of his heavenly Father.
*Name changed for confidentiality.


Help RG Get a Grant!  

If you have not yet voted, please take a moment now to visit  www.givingoflife.com/profile/restoration-gateway-uganda and vote for us! If we are one of the top five vote-getters in the Orphan Care & Adoption category, we could be selected to receive a minimum of $10,000. You can also get extra votes if you register. Read more at www.restorationgateway.org/news.
Voting ends May 22, so don't delay! Please spread the word to your friends through email, Facebook, Twitter or other means.


Why a Dental Clinic? 

Half of the school children in Uganda live with dental pain. Compare this with only 5% of American children reporting the same problem. The children of Africa deserve our help. We can help them.
As you read this, Restoration Gateway's dental clinic is under construction. This will be the only dental care facility accessible to upwards of half a million Ugandans in the districts surrounding RG. Due to lack of facilities, lack of dental professionals and lack of attention to dental needs, there is almost no information available regarding dental health in Uganda. This reveals a tremendous need.
The children at RG asked Dr. Tim how he still had so many teeth. They were surprised because the norm in the Ugandan bush is for people to lose many teeth throughout adulthood. They have no way to restore dental cavities, so when one develops, it continues to worsen until it becomes abscessed. When the pain becomes too great, an untrained villager attempts to extract the tooth, frequently resulting in a broken tooth with the roots left in the jaw.
There are only 250 dentists in Uganda. Even if they were dispersed equally across the nation and every person had access to them, each dentist would have 138,000 patients! But dentists are not dispersed. 76% work in and around Kampala, even though Uganda is a rural nation. So 3/4 of dentists serve only 1/4 of the population, leaving the remaining approximately 60 dentists with the impossible task of serving 25 million+ people. That's a ratio of 1:420,000, or the equivalent of only one dentist serving the entire population living in the city limits of Atlanta, Georgia! RG's dental center will also serve as a training facility for dental students.
So you see...we have to help. We must do something to provide greater dental access for more people. Not helping is not an option. Thank you for partnering with us to make this a reality. Learn more about the dental center at www.restorationgateway.org/dental.
Volunteer an Evening With Your Small Group
Want to change the world? A great place to start is simply volunteering a couple of hours to help the Waco office load a shipping container to send to RG. If you would like to bring some friends from your church or school for an evening or Saturday of loading boxes or equipment to be shipped, contact Allison Todd.
praise icon

Praise God:

  • That the children of RG are thankful for education and are progressing well in school.
  • For the staff who walk in integrity and seek to please God in all they do.
  • That each of our 72 children at RG have recently tested negative for the HIV virus.
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Please Pray:

  • That God will prepare the way for the new orphaned children that will be moving to Restoration Gateway soon.
  • For each child to know the Father's love and have a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • For God to bring the workers and staff that He has in mind for RG.