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August 2008
In This Issue
On the Road
Purchase Orders
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Extreme Point of Sale Inc is proud to have signed up with Sharp as an official dealer of their POS products!  We now can provide a lower cost, lower training product in addition to our more advanced inventory control and point of sale systems.
ExtremePOS on the Road 
Thank you to all of those who came out to see us at the Video Buyers Group show in St. Louis Park, Minnesota August 13th and 14th!  We enjoyed meeting the members of this organization.
Purchase Orders
This feature of Extreme POS allows you to easily track and recieve purchase orders from various vendors.  As a prerequisite to this, you must have the vendor you are ordering from set up in the view -> vendors screen. 

1.       From the main invoice screen, either hit <Ctrl + P> or go to the Actions menu and then Purchase orders.  You will see the Purchase Orders screen.
2.       Hit the add button.  The screen for a specific order will appear. 

3.       Select a vendor from the list.  Enter a due date in MM/DD/YYYY format.  The other fields are for your reference, but the first two are required by the software.
4.       Hit the View/Add Items tab to bring up a blank list of items to receive.  You may add items by doing a search for them or by entering or scanning the bar code associated with them.  Hit Save to save the purchase order.
5.       You may add to the order by selecting it from the main purchase order screen and hitting edit.  This will allow you to change the order as you like.  When finished, hit Update to save the changes.
6.       When ready to receive the order, go into it as listed in step 6 above.  You may either receive all items at once or receive line by line.  Hitting update will update your inventory to reflect received items.   Hitting close will permanently close the purchase order, and should be done once the order is fully finished and received.  However, it is irreversible, and so should only be done after checking for errors.

One trick that can be very useful if you have set yourself up for it is searching for items that have fallen below their reorder level.  This is done on the advanced search screen by checking below reorder point. You can even consider used items you have and things you've put on Purchase Orders but not recieved this way!  After you search, you can either add items one by one or hit add all to PO in order to add everything that meets the search to the purchase order.
Security Practices
Are you keeping your POS machine as clean as you think?  If you're connected to the internet, making sure that you have a firewall and up-to-date antivirus and antispyware utilites is just the first step to insuring against disaster.

Make certain you're making nightly backups, and taking them off-site at least once a week via a flash drive or some other method!  Should problems strike, the last thing you want is to lose a month's sales data due to inadequate backup practices.
Now that 2.6 is out, your usernames and passwords for support have been updated.  You should have received an email with your new information; if not, contact support.

Not supported?  Get supported here!

You may view an archieve of our emails here!

Jeremy Spencer
Support Manager
Extreme Point Of Sale Inc