In This Issue
Protocol Changes
Insights into Lyme Disease Treatment
October Lyme Conference
Treatment Updates
Walk for Lyme
ACZ nanoŽ For Detox
BetterHealthGuy Tidbits
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Issue #27 Fall 2009
ScottJust one short month until I've been off antibiotics for one full year!!  I'm feeling very grateful having been able to maintain my overall progress without them.

Overall, things have been a little bumpier than I had originally expected over the past few months, but I'm doing quite well at this point.  I have been on the KPU protocol since April and that definitely stirred the pot a bit.  Ultimately, I think it's been a benefit to me and I am sticking with it even though it has been somewhat uncomfortable at times.   

I just returned from a powerful visit with my doctor and mentor, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, in late August.  More later...

With a spirit of gratitude, I am thankful for all that this disease has taught me and for everyone that I have been introduced to along the way as a result of having it. 

Here's to your health!
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Protocol Changes

What's New?

Bee VenomIn late August 2009, I traveled to Seattle, Washington to meet with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD.  Dr. Klinghardt has been my guide in navigating this disease for over three years since shortly after my official diagnosis in 2005. 

The morning of my appointment, my mom called and said she had heard about Bee Venom therapy for Lyme disease from a friend.  I had heard of it before but have never done it myself.  When I got to my appointment, one of the staff said, "Have you ever considered Bee Venom therapy?"  Oh boy!  I knew right then that the universe had spoken and it was clear what was likely to follow.  Synchronicity....

Bee venom therapy can be helpful for pain associated with Lyme disease and other conditions, but it also has an anti-microbial effect due to the melittin contained in the venom. 

The shots were tolerable but not without some pain - about the same as being stung by a bee I suspect.  The photo above shows how the "stings" looked about 1-2 days after the injections.  I'll be incorporating bee venom injections into my protocol going forward for the next several months and will report back.

For more information on bee venom therapy, visit

I've added biotin and taurine to the KPU protocol and adjusted the dosages of the remaining components.  I've started thymus extract injections to support the immune system. 

I have incorporated components of what is becoming known as the "Vitamin K protocol".  This is a protocol that has recently emerged from the world of autism which supports pH balance, detoxification, thyroid, and immune function.  A Yahoo! Group on the topic can be found here

It is too early for me to have any opinions on the impact of this protocol at this time as I am just starting it.  Further information is available through  A PowerPoint presentation on the "Vitamin K Protocol" can be found here

To further support detoxification of heavy metals which is even more critical when on the KPU protocol, I have added BioPure MicroSilica as a gastrointestinal metal binder.  I'm continuing with a number of other metal binding agents as well including Detoxamin, Captomer (DMSA), Malic Acid, and others.

For Lyme-related infections, I am still using what has been for me an effective herbal product called Quintessence based on the Buhner protocol. 

I'm sure there will be a few bumps along the way, but I am glad to have gotten more clarity around where the next several months of treatment will take me.

Onward and upward...
Insights into Lyme Disease Treatment
InsightsAn Exciting New Book Covering Treatment Approaches of 13 Practitioners!
"Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment: 13 Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Share Their Healing Strategies" is a fantastic new book on Lyme disease.  I had the opportunity to review the book prior to final publication and I was more than impressed.  

Here's a list of the doctor's that each shared their thoughts on how to approach the treatment of Lyme disease:

Steve Harris, MD
Steven Bock, MD
Susan Marra, ND, MS
Ginger Savely, DNP
Lee Cowden, MD, MD (H)
Ingo Woitzel, MD
Ronald Whitmont, MD
Deborah Metzger, MD, PhD
Pete Muran, MD, MBA
Nicola McFadzean, ND
Marlene Kunold, "Heilpraktiker" (Healing Practitioner)
Elizabeth Hesse-Sheehan, DC, CCN
Jeffrey Morrison, MD

I summarized the book in this way:

"Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment" is tremendous.  Imagine having a clear roadmap that explains even a single doctor's ideas on the treatment of Lyme disease.   In this book, not one, but thirteen Lyme-literate practitioners clearly spell out their treatment approaches!  It would take countless hours and significant dollars to gather the kind of information available in this single book.

I'd love to hear your feedback on this exciting new book.  It's one of the best I've read on the topic. 

The book is available now.  To learn more, click here.
October Lyme Conference with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
Dietrich Klinghardt"Lyme and Other Chronic Infections as the
Underlying Cause of Chronic Illness" Conference
I'm very excited about an upcoming Lyme-related conference in Seattle, WA in October.  Dr. Klinghardt and other speakers will host this exciting event October 9-11, 2009.

Speakers include:
  • Master herbalist Stephen Buhner, author of Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections, will share updates & results of his protocols over the past 4 years in the treatment of over 500 people
  • Steven Harris, MD, the newest theories on Lyme and the latest antibiotic protocols
  • Kelly Olson, Ph.D., Neurosciences Laboratory, on mold and laboratory testing
  • David Berg, MS (formerly of Hemex Laboratories), AZ Coagulation Consultants, Inc., on blood coagulation, chronic infections and chronic illness
  • Doug Phillips, former Florida dentist, on his approach to Lyme Disease
  • Robert Zieve, MD, Pine Tree Clinic, Prescott, AZ on Total Biology and Chronic Illness
  • Claire Riendeau, ND on Autonomic Response Testing and Mold Illness in Lyme disease
  • Gay Langham-McNally on Laboratory Indicators for Bacteria, Viruses etc.
  • Bau-Biologist Vickie Warren on Lyme disease, Mold and Electrosmog
More information on this exciting event can be found here
I hope to see you there!
Treatment Updates
AI, QN, and EVOX

I've been doing Allergie-Immun (AI) drops from Germany for about seven months.  I completed round 7 one month ago and was told that there are no ongoing dysregulations that were identified.  Thus, my AI therapy has concluded for now.  After 3 more months, I will send one more sample to Germany to see if any further corrections can be made.  Otherwise, no further drops are required.  Overall, I think this therapy was worth doing.  Several people have experienced improvements in detoxification as a result, myself included.  Though it did not correct all of my remaining problems, I do think it was worth doing and would do it again.

Quantum Neurology (QN) is a system of strengthening the nervous system to various challenges or stressors (visual, auditory, etc.).  The system was created by George Gonzalez, DC.  More details are available on the QN web site

I became interested in QN after having seen someone with Lyme disease go from a walker to running around a conference hall after two sessions.

I've had about 8 sessions so far.  Weaknesses were identified and strengthened.  I can't say that I have seen any major changes yet, but I'm not done.   I will continue with the QN work over the next couple of months and then evaluate the benefits it may provide.

EVOX is a product from the makers of ZYTO LSA Pro.  It is intended to clear emotional roadblocks to healing.  I've had about 5 sessions with EVOX to date and have only a few more remaining before I'm done.  It is difficult at this stage to say whether or not I have observed any notable benefit.  I've been pleased with ZYTO technologies overall, and will complete the sessions on the EVOX before forming any final conclusions.'s
A Wealth Of The Most Current Information Available is a web site that was created by the mother of an autistic child. The site is full of information that can help all of us improve our health and thrive. 

Most recently, I found the site which outlines a protocol for the treatment of autism that has emerged over the past eight years.  The group holds summits with some of the top practitioners in the world to discuss what is working best in treatment. 

I've always felt that autism is even more complex than Lyme disease and in many cases, Lyme disease is a component of autism.  The information about how to approach the treatment of autism has great overlap with how one might approach the treatment of chronic Lyme disease.

Several presentations are also available on the site from Dr. Klinghardt.

Lots to learn.  Have fun!
Walk for Lyme
Support Turn the Corner Foundation
Turn the Corner Foundation

On November 7, 2009, I will be participating on a walk to raise funds for Turn the Corner Foundation.   Turn the Corner is doing so much for all of us impacted by Lyme disease and I believe that it is important for us to support their work.

To support me in raising funds for Turn the Corner Foundation through their Northern California event in November, click here.
ACZ nanoŽ For Detox
Advanced Zeolite Formulation: A Breakthrough in Selective Chelation
ACZ nano
One of the products I have been using that may help with detoxification of various metals and other toxins is ACZ nanoŽ.  ACZ nanoŽ is a liquid zeolite that comes in a convenient spray bottle. 

More information on ACZ nanoŽ
can be found here.  ACZ nanoŽ can be purchased from or
BetterHealthGuy Tidbits
You Won't Want to Miss These!! 

  • Lyme Disease - What is going on? - video
  • Dr. Eva Sapi - Lyme Disease Research - video
  • Tapped - The Movie
  • Dr. Klinghardt's Treatment of Lyme Disease on
  • Perry Fields'
  • Thanks for all your kind words, inspiring stories, thoughtful direction, and for your compassion. Live, love, and laugh each and every day; for tomorrow is not a given.

    In Better Health,

    Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All information provided in this email is for informational purposes only and represents the experiences and information encountered to date by
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