In This Issue
Dr. Warren Levin
Another Little Bump in the Road
LIA Conference
Lyme Disease Survival Guide
New Bartonella Book
5 Levels of Healing
BetterHealthGuy Tidbits
Quick Links
Issue #22 Spring 2008
It is hard to believe how fast the year is going.  Summer is nearly upon us.

Overall, things are quite good.  I am still treating with antibiotics as well as continuing to incorporate several other components into my overall treatment plan.

I had a great time last month at another conference taught by Dr. Klinghardt.  I always learn so many new things at conferences and look forward to them.  In fact, later in this newsletter, you will learn about a conference later this month that I just cannot wait for.  I'm like a kid in a candy story when it comes to these events.

I want to express my continued appreciation for the interactions that I have had with so many of you.  I have learned a great deal from the sharing of information that comes from such a community as that shared by those of us recovering from Lyme disease.
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Dr. Warren Levin on Candida Related Complex
Warren LevinCandida Related Complex: A Complicating Factor in Lyme Disease
My most recent article is a collaboration with Dr. Warren Levin on the topic of Candida Related Complex.  Candida Related Complex is an often overlook component of the symptom picture of those of us with Lyme Disease. 
You can read the article here.
Another Little Bump in the Road
 My Recent Visit to the ER
About a week ago, I woke up with pain in the left side of my chest and some difficulty taking a deep breath.  I felt as though the problem was likely muscular but called my nurse to be certain since I wanted to be extra cautious knowing that I have a PICC line and that blood clots can occur.
The nurse said that I needed to go immediately to the ER and that this had to be taken seriously.  I called a friend to drive me to the hospital.  I actually felt well enough to drive, but it seemed better not to take the risk if something really was wrong. 
The craziest part of my nine hour stay at the ER was the two doctors that tried to convince me that Lyme disease is a "moon-beam diagnosis" and that my doctors clearly had me on therapy so that they could profit from it, not because I actually needed it.  I calmly told them that I understood the debate between the IDSA and ILADS and felt well-informed.  When the ER doctor asked me if I was seeing an Infectious Disease (ID) doctor for my "supposed" Lyme disease, I responded, "No, that is the last place I would go.  They don't know a thing about the disease."
A CT scan was performed.  In the middle of the scan as they pushed a dye into my arm under pressure, they infiltrated about 30ccs of fluid into my arm.  It felt like someone ripped my arm right off.  Suddenly, everyone was more concerned with the egg size pocket of fluid in my arm than the fact that I could not breathe without pain. 
After many blood tests, an X-ray and a CT scan, I was told that I did have several "extreme" clots and that these were at the tip of my PICC line and in my right atrium and possibly right ventricle.  Ouch.  That is not good news.  I left that night with paper in hand suggesting that my heart had blood clots.  I knew this was serious.  It was at this moment that I felt the most fearful than I had at any moment since my Lyme journey began.  I could actually die.  The orders I had from the ER were to see the surgeon that put the line in the next morning.  I, of course, complied.
The surgeon read the radiology report and said "this is very serious and the ER should never have let you go home".  He continued "you should be in the hospital with this kind of report".  Oh, great.  More good news.
Fortunately, the surgeon decided to go review the scan himself and not rely on the interpretation from the ER.  After about 20 minutes, he came back and his comments where the LAST thing I ever expected.
He said to me something like "How do I explain this to you?  We have these people we call the night hawks which means that we send your scan to a foreign country to be interpreted and they simply misread your results.  I had another radiologist review the report after I reviewed it and we agree that there is nothing wrong with your scan and no reason to have to remove your IV line.  Have a nice day."
I do have to say that the surgeon was very kind and caring but what a two day experience. 
I had heard that some medical work is outsourced, but never expected that my scan was being sent offshore for interpretation.  Never once did I consider that the interpretation might be entirely wrong.
Well, in the end, it all turned out for the good.  It reminded me though how few people really understand the struggles we go through with Lyme disease and how grateful I am for the few doctors that do truly care about making us well.
LIA Foundation Conference
LIA FoundationDon't Miss It!
LIA Foundation has planned an exciting West Coast conference June 26-29, 2008. 
Speakers include:

Steven Harris, MD, Garry Gordon, MD, Aristo Vojdani, PhD, Stephen Harrold Buhner, William Lee Cowden, MD, Amy Derksen, ND, Richard Horowitz, MD, Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, and many more.
This purpose of the LIA Foundation is to shed light on the link between Lyme disease and autism.  In my opinion, if we can understand autism, we can heal Lyme disease.  There are so many overlaps between the two conditions that learning about one can only benefit us in recovering from the other. 
I have been excited about this event for months and it is almost here!  Come join us.

There will also be a live webcast available of the event.
More details are available here.
New Book "The Lyme Disease Survival Guide"
Lyme DIsease Survival GuideLyme Patient Writes "The Lyme Disease Survival Guide"
"The Lyme Disease Survival Guide" is a new book from Connie Strasheim, a chronic Lyme disease sufferer.  This is a book written by someone that has been tested with the challenges of Lyme disease for years. 

The book brings a unique perspective of someone that has lived through the disease herself.  She shares her experiences in hopes that others will benefit from her journey.

I have read the book and think that most people will find it to present helpful information and insights.

More information about the book can be found here

Note: Ms. Strasheim is not a medical professional and readers should ensure that they consult with their personal doctors before making any changes to their health treatment program as a result of reading this book.
Note: The author of this newsletter does not financially benefit from your potential purchase of this book. 
New Bartonella Book from Dr. James Schaller
Bartonella Diagnosis and TreatmentBartonella: Diagnosis and Treatment
Bartonella may be the most prevalent co-infection found in those of us with Lyme disease.  It may also be the co-infection that creates some of the worst symptoms we experience.

Dr. James Schaller, MD recently released his latest book - Bartonella: Diagnosis and Treatment.

I have started reading the book and have learned about some new potential treatment options as a result.  Though there is not yet a miracle cure for Bartonella, the book does share some new information and latest thoughts on treatment from Dr. Schaller.

More information about the book can be found here.
Note: The author of this newsletter does not financially benefit from your potential purchase of this book. 
Klinghardt 5 Levels of Healing
Dietrich KlinghardtNew Videos Discussing 5 Levels of Healing
Dr. Klinghardt has outlined a healing system that consists of 5 Levels. 
The 5 Levels of Healing are described here
Dr. Mercola recently produced a series of videos with Dr. Klinghardt.  These videos discuss the 5 Levels of Healing.  They can be found here:
BetterHealthGuy Tidbits
You Won't Want to Miss These!!
  • Lyme Disease Patient Video on YouTube
  • HHV-6 Foundation - a common and significant viral co-factor in many with Lyme Disease
  • CALDA  - new California Lyme Disease Association web site - it looks great!
  • Dr. Shoemaker: Is Mold Making You Sick?
  • Thanks for all your kind words, inspiring stories, thoughtful direction, and for your compassion. Live, love, and laugh each and every day for tomorrow is not a given.

    In Better Health,

    Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All information provided in this email is for informational purposes only and represents the experiences and information encountered to date by
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