Call 2 Header-6-22-09

Redeeming Justice
Aug. 23, 2010
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umns mosque conflice 8-23-10
United Methodists address mosque conflicts

The United Methodist Book of Resolutions calls for "better relationships between Christians and Muslims on the basis of informed understanding, critical appreciation and balanced perspective of one another's basic beliefs." (UMNS)

nathan malone 8-22-10
Commentary: Let the Spirit guide you
"Deep down, too many Christians couldn't care less about denominational connections but simply want to know, 'Are you conservative or liberal?'"

laura shearer 8-23-10
Serving the servants
The Pastoral Counseling Center offers services to clergy, clergy family members, conference staff, district staff and other ministry professionals.

hodges and swanson 8-16-10
Hodges arrive in East Africa
It was all excitement as East Africa Conference welcomed Steve and Diantha Hodges in Kampala, Uganda.

adult ministries 8-23-10
New adult ministries
The kick-off event for Holston Adult Ministries was held Aug. 21 at Cokesbury UMC in Knoxville. See this Facebook page for photos.

middlebrook team in haiti 8-23-10
Young adult team returns from Haiti
A mission team from Middlebrook Pike UMC helps to build a sanctuary and school in impoverished Haiti.

abolish poverty logo 8-23-10 Picks
  • Abolishing Poverty: The second annual "Abolishing Poverty in Appalachia" conference happens Sept. 10-11 at First Broad Street UMC in Kingsport.
  • Confirmation Workshop will be held Oct. 16 at the Alcoa Conference Center with the Credo program led by the Revs. Chris and Gloria Hughes.
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tenfold logo 8-23-10 Picks
  • Mission opportunity: Bishop James Swanson requests that all churches consider participating in Ten-Fold happening Oct. 10-19
  • Attention Johnson City: Munsey Memorial, First Johnson City, and Cherokee UMC are joining to host a denominational "Rethink Church" event on Sept. 11. All Johnson City area churches are encouraged to participate. See
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rarity pointe golfer 8-23-10
  • Golf Tournament: The 10th Annual Tiger Shoot-Out Golf Tournament, a benefit for Hiwassee College, will be held Sept. 13 at Rarity Pointe Golf Club in Lenoir City, Tenn.
  • Deacon/Diakonate Gathering will be held Oct. 24-26 at Lake Junaluska Conference and Resort Center. Theme: "Bridging Brokenness, Toward Healing and Wholeness."

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
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Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church