First Broad Street pastor appointed Morristown D.S.
The Cabinet surprises with a second change in district leadership.

Live like Resurrection people
"Have you thought about the fact that people in your communities --
your own friends, co-workers, fellow students, neighbors, and yes,
strangers, too -- will not share in the joy of Easter?" Bishop
Swanson's March column


Struggling to pay apportionments "We budget to pay full apportionments, but we do so realizing we
probably won't make it. We have to pay the mortgage and the electric
bill first." -- Rev. Tom Seay (UMNS)


Sudan Summit In four short years, Holston's mission work with south in Sudan is attracting widespread interest and participation from other conferences.


Reading List We asked these participants at the Sudan Summit, "What book is lying on your nightstand?" |

Going to Haiti?
Mandatory training for United Methodist volunteer mission teams traveling to Haiti or other work sites begins this week.


Asbury Place lawsuit A lawsuit has been filed against Asbury Place, alleging that a
resident was sexually assaulted by another patient in March 2009. (The Daily Times)


Greatest Hits Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition:
- 886 - Moving right along: Appointment week
- 753 - Churches shifting in Chattanooga (CTFP)
- 343 - Ronnie Collins continues his 40-day fast


Conference Calendar
- March 27: Volunteers in Mission training in Kingsport
- April 1: Early registration deadline for summer camp
- April 1: Francis Asbury Award nominations due
- April 10: Volunteers in Mission training in Knoxville
- April 9-10: Early Response Team training in Cleveland
- April 9-11: Clergy Marriage Retreat in Jonesborough
- April 11-13: Jubilation older adult retreat in Kingsport
- April 15: Redwine, Margaret Loving grant applications due
- April 17: Volunteers in Mission training in Abingdon
- April 18: Native American Ministries Sunday
- April 19: Camp Dickenson baseball fundraiser at Emory & Henry
- April 24: Volunteers in Mission training in Chattanooga
- April 25: Buffalo Mountain golf tournament in Blountville
- April 26: Camp Wesley Woods golf tournament in Maryville
- April 27: "Preaching With the Next Generation" in Knoxville
- May 15-16: UMW Spiritual Enrichment and Young Women's Retreat in Lake Junaluska
- May 27: Wells for Sudan Golf Tournament in Kingsport
- May 30: Peace with Justice Sunday
- June 13-16: Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska, N.C.
- July 5-9: Junior and Senior High Assembly at Emory & Henry
- July 22-24: UMW School of Christian Mission in Kingsport
- Aug. 1: Holston Night at the Smokies Ballpark in Kodak
- Aug. 13-14: Calling All Men in Knoxville
- Aug. 21: Holston Adult Ministries Conference in Knoxville
- Aug. 21: UMW Social Action Workshop in Knoxville
More calendar items...


Holston.org Picks- Going to Sager Brown? If you'll soon be volunteering at the UMCOR depot in Louisiana and are willing to transport health kits from Holston, please call Bill Daugherty at (423) 253-4801.
- Report baptisms: Churches participating in the "50 Days of Evangelism" campaign may report baptisms and access recordings of sermons at evangelism.holston.org.
- Save $15: Sign up by April 1 and get a discount for a summer week at one of four Holston camps!
- Middle-school youth retreat: For rising 6th-8th graders, Buffalo Mountain's new overnight retreat is a way to help youth bond and acclimate for a new year on Aug. 20-21.
- Money for ministry: The Holston Conference Foundation administers Loving grants for older adult ministries and Redwine grants for emerging ministries. Application deadline for both: April 15.
More of Holston.org ...

UMC.org Picks
- Easter resources: FAQs, lectionary, music, clip art, preaching help, and more from the GBOD.
More of UMC.org ...


- Caring for Creation is a four-day "eco-justice" event at Lake Junaluska, N.C. Represent Holston along with other faith communities concerned for the earth's care April 8-11.
- 18-30 mission trip: The UTC Wesley Foundation invites adults ages 18-30 to join a May 1-8 mission trip to the United Methodist Relief Center in Mount Pleasant, S.C.
