Life and death: Holston's response
Soon after a magnitude 7 earthquake shook Haiti, Holston Conference joined in the international effort to do something, anything, to help.

Personal losses Two United Methodist mission leaders perish after lying beneath the earthquake's rubble for four days. Holston workers grieve.

What can you do? Here are six ways to help Haiti.


Lest we forget The tragedy in Haiti is beyond sad. But today, we pause to celebrate a great U.S. leader who probably would have treasured his nation's humane response. |


Don't be shy A new evangelism conference will help us learn how to invite people to church ... like we're supposed to. Come to Cokesbury Center Feb. 19-20.


The Call is coming
The January newspaper was mailed to paid subscribers on Jan. 12. Or you may download free PDFs here.


Greatest Hits Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition:
- 437 - UM clergy: One unhealthy bunch (UMNS)
- 280 - My nose may be cold, but Jesus loves you
- 209 - 10 steps to fiscal vitality (UMComm)

Holston.org Picks- Ministers Convocation: Register online now for the Feb. 2-5 event. After Jan. 26, the registration fee increases from $75 to $100.
- Convo book shower! Help out a clergy colleague whose personal library was destroyed by fire.
- Resolutions for Annual Conference: Submission deadline is March 1. Send to sheilaknowles@holston.org or mail to: Sheila Knowles, Holston Conference, P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850. Please include contact information.
More of Holston.org ...

UMC.org Picks
For all the UM news from Haiti: Get updates and find related info easily by marking this page on the UMC.org site: Earthquake in Haiti.
- Race and religion: Find out about a new study guide and video from the GCORR. Diverse speakers share definitions and poignant testimonies of racial experiences.
More of UMC.org ...


- Free: Upright piano (located in Maryville) to a church or individual willing to put it to good use and pay for shipping and tuning. Wanted: Clergy or choir robe in tall size. E-mail brendielouwho@live.com.