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Saving Grace
June 11, 2009
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10 things AC 6-11-09 10 things you might not know about Annual Conference

On June 14-17, more than 2,000 members of 903 Holston churches will circle up in Lake Junaluska for the conference's historic, annual, defining meeting.

reading list grogg 6-10-09
Reading List
We asked people who will be appearing on the Annual Conference stage ...      

dade co 6-10-09
Boiled eggs and goat meat
An Annual Conference highlight is the missions offering for Sudan. Here, a young adult explains what it's really like to be on a mission trip to Africa. (Dade County Sentinel)  

There will always be poor people
In his June column, Bishop James Swanson explains how poverty in Sudan compares to the poverty of his own life.

call is coming 6-10-09
The Call is coming
The June newspaper was postal-mailed to paid subscribers on June 5. Or you may download PDFs here.

brain prayer 6-10-09
This is your brain on prayer
"People were speaking in tongues and barking like dogs. I thought, 'What is a United Methodist minister, with a Ph.D. in New Testament theology, doing here?'" (All Things Considered, NPR)

best of summer 6-10-09
Best of summer
For the nine weeks of summer, we're posting the best pics from each of our four conference camps! Here they are for week 1.

Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition:
  • 950 - UMNS: Higher calling, higher salary
  • 487 - UMNS: Holston-born actor defends children
  • 439 - What do district lay leaders read?

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
  • June 11: Calling All Men Golf Tournament in Dandridge
  • June 14-17: Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska 
  • June 21-28: Youth in Mission trip to the Gulf Coast
  • July 6-10: Jr. and Sr. High Assembly at Emory & Henry
  • July 20: Deadline for Resurrection T-shirt contest
  • July 23-25: UMW School of Christian Mission in Oak Ridge
  • Aug. 2: Holston Night at the Smokies Ballpark in Kodak 
  • Aug. 7-9: Calling All Men in Sevierville
  • Aug. 30: Holston Home 5th Sunday offering
  • Sept. 11-13: Cross-Bearers for youth at Camp Wesley Woods
  • Sept. 19-20: Native American Gathering in Tellico Plains
  • Sept. 19-21: F.U.E.L. Sabbath Retreat in Gatlinburg 
  • Sept. 19: Camp Lookout Golf Tournament in Harrison
  • Sept. 19-20: UMW Annual Meeting in Lake Junaluska
More calendar items...

vision 6-10-09 Picks
  • Did you know? At the top upper left of this e-newsletter, you see the words "Saving Grace." Each week, a different phrase from the Holston Conference vision statement appears in this same place. 
  • Speaking of vision: Check out the Discipleship Team's new Quadrennial Training page for the UMC's four areas of focus over the next four years.
More of ...

twitter 5-7-09 Picks
  • Twitter the Psalms: A North Carolina church invites you to join them in a summer Psalms project. (GBOD)
  • United Methodists do not torture: The General Board of Church and Society invites you to sign the petition.
 More of ...

golf 6-10-09
  • Bring your clubs: Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center is offering a special rate for golfers who want to stay an extra night after Annual Conference. For Wednesday, June 17, only: $36 per room, any facility. Special rate for 18 holes of golf with cart: $16. Call 1-800-222-4930 or e-mail [email protected]. 

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church