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Good Friday
April 10, 2009
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local pastors school 4-9-09How to be a pastor in 80 hours

What do you have to learn to be a local pastor in Holston Conference? One of these students might be your next one. 

reading list arnold 4-9-09
Reading List
If they're studying to be United Methodist pastors, what kind of books do they read at night?

easter 4-9-09
Easter! How many came?
The Call wants to report your total Easter worship attendance. Pastors and lay leaders only: Report totals by Tuesday, April 14, 5 p.m., to [email protected]. Please include your name, church, district. 

closed church 4-9-09
If your church closed today
... would anyone miss you? Ask yourself these questions for clues about your church's current status. (Interpreter Online)

murder in claypool 4-9-09
Murder in Claypool Hill
A faith community in Tazewell District gathers to pray after two employees are killed in a Pizza Plus restaurant. (Bluefield Daily Telegraph)

Greatest-Hits-Illustration Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition.

  • 645 - "Get out of the boat." The Bishop said so.
  • 435 - One sad photo leads the Holston Conference to act.
  • 301 - UM men reveal: What's on their nightstands?

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
More calendar items...

sudan brochure 4-9-09 Picks
  • May 17 offering: Holston churches will unite on Sunday, May 17 (or an alternate date) to collect the Annual Conference missions offering for Sudan. The goal is $125,000. Download a brochure or bulletin insert (color/ black and white) now. 
  • Calling All Men: Register online by June 17 and save money. Then mark Aug. 7-8 on your calendar for the mega event in Severville.
More of ...

where mercy fails Picks
  • Unforgettable photos. As denominational interest in Sudan intensifies, a United Methodist photographer releases a new book, "Where Mercy Fails." (UMNS)
  • Pastors want this: The 2008 General Conference revised the Service of the Baptismal Covenant. Get details and download updated documents. (GBOD)
  • Money for college: It's now possible to apply online for a United Methodist scholarship or loan. (GBHEM)
 More of ...

lookadoo 4-9-09
  • Remember this guy? Youth are invited to hear two former Resurrection speakers in Kingsport. On May 1 at 6 p.m., Lowell McNaney will speak at "Refiner's Fire" at Rock Springs UMC. Info: 423-349-7531. On May 17 at 1 p.m., Justin Lookadoo will speak at Vermont UMC. Info: 423-288-2801. No cost. Love offerings instead.
  • Earth Day is coming. Visit the National Council of Churches of Christ Eco-Justice Programs site for ideas on caring for God's planet.
  • We need each other. This e-newsletter was created to connect Holston congregations for the ultimate purpose of reaching others for Christ. Encourage your church friends to sign up for a free subscription to The Call 2 at

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church