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Risk-Taking Love
March 18, 2009
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vote at ACGet ready to vote at AC

United Methodists meeting at annual conferences will vote on 32 proposed constitutional amendments. How will these amendments change the church? (UMNS)

meg taylor 3-18-09
Reading List
This week, the Cabinet makes clergy appointments for the 2009-2010 year. What's on the nightstands of these soon-to-be leaders?  

doctors in sudan
Holston doctors in Sudan
When Holston sent its sixth mission team to Sudan last month, volunteer doctors saw 3,200 patients and diseases they had never encountered. An online photo gallery

crowd 3-18-09
6 tips: How to draw a crowd
You've announced your big event and put it in the bulletin. When the time comes, however, attendance isn't what you had hoped. (UM Communications) 

hope food pantry 3-18-9
Wanted: Stories of hope
For the April newspaper: Tell us how your ministries are serving the job-less in your community. Write [email protected] now. Please include contact info. 

Greatest-Hits-Illustration Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked: The top three links in the previous edition of The Call 2.
  • 1 - 1st report: Hope and heartbreak in Sudan (829)
  • 2 - Kingsport Times News: Fire at E&H (385)
  • 3 - 14 nights in Africa: Know any good books? (352)

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
More calendar items...

golf 3-18-09 Picks
  • Play golf, help kids. Do both by participating in a benefit tournament for Holston camps. On April 20: The Camp Wesley Woods tournament at Beaver Brook Golf Club in Knoxville. On April 25: The Buffalo Mountain Camp tournament at Tri-Cities Golf Club in Blountville.
More of ...

OGHS 3-18-09 Picks
  • Coming this Sunday: The UMC will take a church-wide "One Great Hour of Sharing" offering on March 22. Visit this UMCOR site for free posters, bulletin inserts, video, etc.
  • 50 ideas for under $500: Need a fresh, inexpensive way to connect church with community? Download this new list from the "Rethink Church" site.
 More of ...

pulpit 3-18-09
  • Free pulpit: A retired UM pastor is offering this antique John Wesley-style pulpit (see photo at right) to any church that will transport it from southern Illinois. E-mail [email protected]. 
  • Inspiration in Kingsport: The annual Missions Celebration at First Broad Street UMC is scheduled to have a special guest from Sudan during the March 27-29 event. Visit the FBS site for more info and watch The Call 2 for updates.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church