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Risk-Taking Love
January 22, 2009
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inauguration 1/26/09
What do United Methodists think?

Not all United Methodists support President Obama, but those who witnessed his inauguration were awed.

ray robinson 1/26/09
"Please, Mr. President"
Sometime Republican, sometime Democrat -- what does Ray Robinson think of Obama? Commentary by a retired Holston pastor  

african american team 1/22/09
African-American ministry in Holston
Do we have one? A report on a newly formed African-American Ministry Team

resurrection stage 1/22/09
Last weekend, 7,000 youth and youth leaders converged in Gatlinburg for Holston's giant annual spiritual event. 4,500 more are expected this weekend.

chilcote 1/22/09
Remembering Dr. Chilcote
Holston members share memories of former Emory & Henry President Thomas Chilcote, who died Jan. 21. (Bristol Herald Courier)

Greatest-Hits-Illustration Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked: The top three links in the Jan. 16 edition of The Call 2.
  • 1 - A hateful sermon from a Knoxville preacher (548)
  • 2 - People of color: What do they read? (347)
  • 3 - WTVC: Christmas communion in a bar (260)

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
  • Jan. 23-25: Resurrection youth retreat in Gatlinburg, Tenn.
  • Jan. 23-25: Divine Rhythm young adult retreat in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
  • Feb. 2-5: Ministers Convocation in Lake Junaluska, N.C.
  • Feb. 15: Special offering for Hiwassee College
  • Feb. 16: Change for Children grant applications due
  • March 12-14: Ministers' Wives retreat in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
  • March 29-31: Jubilation retreat for older adults in Kingsport, Tenn.
  • April 17-18: "GREAT Small Churches" conference in Johnson City, Tenn. (info to come)
  • April 25: "P.I.C.K. a Partner" training for instructors in Knoxville, Tenn.
More calendar items...

divine rhythm crowd 1/22/09 Picks
  • Going to Divine Rhythm? Bring a bandana so the young adult mission team going to Sudan in March can use them for children's activities. Goal: 2,500 bandanas.
  • Resolutions for Annual Conference: Submit by Feb. 28 to Committee on Resolutions, Holston Conference, P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37707-0850, or [email protected].
  • Special offering on Feb. 15: Download a bulletin insert for Hiwassee College.
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inauguration flag 1/22/09 Picks
  • 44 Steps Closer: United Methodist News Service gives special coverage to the U.S. presidential inauguration.
  • Free videos: Visit for worship, web site, and program resources.
 More of ...

souper bowl 1/22/09
  • Souper Bowl of Caring: Get your youth involved in this massive movement to feed the hungry on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 1.
  • Creation Care: Concord UMC in Knoxville invites you to an environmental program on Feb. 11, 6:30 p.m. Register by Feb. 6 to [email protected]

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church