Tired of bad news? Read this
A new Hispanic congregation has outgrown its first space and relocated to a visible downtown building. Who owns the new location?


She was United Methodist You saw her husband on the national news, crying for the loss of his family, requesting prayers for the military pilot who crashed in San Diego. (UMNS)


Jeans to the back, suits upstairs The folks heading into Trinity UMC on Sunday morning look as if they're attending different services. Because they are. (Coalfield Progress)


The Call is coming The December newspaper was postal-mailed to paid subscribers on Dec. 5. You may download PDFs here, or order a print subscription here.


'I owe Hiwassee whatever I can give' Commentary: A grateful alumnus from Chattanooga writes about the college that gave him "a second chance." |


Greatest Hits Here's what you liked: The top three links in the last edition of The Call 2.


Conference Calendar
- Jan. 9: Last day to submit 2008 apportionments to conference treasurer. (Questions? E-mail John Tate.)
- Jan. 16-18: Resurrection youth retreat in Gatlinburg, Tenn.
- Jan. 18: Human Relations Sunday
- Jan. 23-25: Resurrection youth retreat in Gatlinburg, Tenn.
- Jan. 23-25: Divine Rhythm young adult retreat in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
- Feb. 2-5: Ministers Convocation in Lake Junaluska, N.C.
- Feb. 16: Change for Children grant applications due
- March 12-14: Ministers' Wives retreat in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
More calendar items...


Holston.org Picks
- Hunger List: Does your church have a hunger ministry? Is your church on the list?
- MyDistrict: The newspaper edition has featured eight of 12 districts, with four to go. What's unique about your district?
More of holston.org ...


UMC.org Picks
- Upper Room Daily Devotional: Always available online, so you don't have to keep up with the little book.
More of umc.org ...


- Local foods for Christmas: Order gift baskets, personal care products, or specialty foods from Holston's own Appalachian Spring Cooperative in Sneedville, Tenn.
