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Risk-Taking Love
November 14, 2008
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If you love it, now is the time to respond

Hiwassee College is on track for accreditation candidacy in April 2009. But the beloved college needs the help of Holston Conference to cross the bridge.  

More ways to reach kids
We just added three new stories to our list of 18 Change for Children grant winners.

Turning garbage into gold
A 73-year-old man transforms American junk into essential supplies for third-world countries. (UMNS)

Married to a preacher?
A new survey aims to identify needs of the "often unrecognized, under-rated and uncompensated" leaders of the United Methodist Church. (GCSRW)

Standing in line
Remember this commentary by Estel Williams the next time you stand in line for a football game or restaurant meal. 

Greatest-Hits-Illustration Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked: The top three links in the last (10/29/08) edition of The Call 2.
  • 1 - The Bishop said so: Share this letter.
  • 2 - Hannah: Portrait of a 12-year-old evangelist.
  • 3 - Do I have to preach on stewardship? Yes

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
  • Nov. 15: Early Response Team training in Knoxville, Tenn.
  • Nov. 18: Children's Ministry Connection in Knoxville, Tenn.
  • Nov. 30: United Methodist Student Day
  • Nov. 30: First Sunday of Advent
  • Dec. 1: Resurrection '09 registration due
  • Jan. 16-18: Resurrection youth retreat in Gatlinburg, Tenn.
  • Jan. 23-25: Resurrection youth retreat in Gatlinburg, Tenn.
  • Jan. 23-25: Divine Rhythm young adult retreat in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
  • Feb. 2-5: Ministers Convocation in Lake Junaluska, N.C.
More calendar items...

Clergywoman Picks
  • New on our web site: Download the November issue of "United Methodist Clergywomen E-news" (from the GBHEM).  
  • 3 heritage landmarks in Holston: Do you know what they are? Visit the Conference Commission on Archives and History page.
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World-AIDS-Day Picks
  • Dec. 1 is coming: Learn more about World AIDS Day and take advantage of these worship resources. (General Board of Church and Society)
  • Phone cards for soldiers: A ministry for troops who are away from their families is still going strong. (UMNS)  
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  • Walk Through Bethlehem: Church Street United Methodist Church announces the date (Dec. 14) for this popular, long-running event in Knoxville, Tenn.
  • "Elisabeth of Berlin": Schoolteacher Elisabeth Schmitz recognized the dangers of Nazism long before most church officials. A screening and discussion with filmmaker Rev. Steven Martin is offered Thursday, Nov. 20, 7 p.m. at the UT Wesley Foundation in Knoxville. Info: Tim Kobler at (865) 522-2728.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church