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Worship God
October 29, 2008
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Stewardship Trip to Texas
They went to Texas to learn  more about money

The trip was planned before the big banks failed, but the stewardship lessons learned by these selected clergy are timeless. 

Unforgettable Hannah
Unforgettable Hannah
Hannah Williams, youth winner of the Denman Evangelism Award, died Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 1:55 a.m. Here's the story she shared with The Call in September. 

Concord youth on fall break
How I spent my fall break
Jeffrey Richards needs a wheelchair to get around after a serious car accident this summer. Who built the new ramp to his house? (Knoxville News Sentinel)

Jasper 175th
Celebrating the Jasper Circuit
One hundred seventy-five years ago, a Methodist preacher was appointed to spread God's word in Jasper, Tenn. (Marion Co. News)

Bishop Swanson
Letter from Bishop Swanson
Share this with your congregation before Nov. 30.

Greatest-Hits-Illustration Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked: The top three links in last week's (10/24/08) edition of The Call 2.

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
More calendar items...

Flood buckets Picks
  • 500 flood buckets by Thanksgiving: Join the conference drive to replenish supplies for UMCOR.  
  • Ministers' wives: Mark your calendar now for the annual retreat March 12-14, 2009, at Oak Tree Lodge in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
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Bucketfuls of candy Picks
  • Chocolate without guilt: "Do I want my children to think of Halloween as simply a chance to procure bucketfuls of candy?" (General Board of Global Ministries)
  • All Saints Day: Worship planning helps. (General Board of Discipleship) 
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Estonia church
  • Friends of Estonia: The 12th Annual Meeting will be held here in Holston, April 23-25, 2009, at First Sevierville UMC. Download this brochure for more info.

  • Christmas concert: First Marion UMC invites the public to a outreach missions fundraiser on Dec. 5, 7 p.m. at Lincoln Center. Tickets: $15 each. Peformers include James Rogers and Daniel Rodriguez. Call Carolyn Cattle at (276) 783-5194. 

The October 2008 print edition of The Call did not include the complete obituary for the Rev. Buddy Hauk, but only provided information available at press time. The November newspaper will provide a more complete obituary. In the meantime, please see this Knoxville News-Sentinel announcement.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church