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Risk-Taking Love
September 5, 2008
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Gustav evacuees get taste of Holston hospitality

Last Friday, Kingsport pastor Tom Seay got a telephone call. Guests were coming. 180 of them. On an airplane from New Orleans. And nobody knew how long they were staying. 

Holston Conference is joining a global Christian campaign to stop genocide in Darfur. Opportunities include a fall Bible study, a Kingsport appearance by the co-author of the new "Not On Our Watch" book, a petition, and free weekly conference calls. Will your church be part of the movement?

How to embarrass your best volunteers
The Safe Sanctuaries policies recommend background checks on all workers in children's and youth ministries.Here are six tips to keep background checks from being awkward for all. (Interpreter Online)   

Reading List
The September edition of The Call newspaper features three personal stories behind the Denman Evangelism Awards. So, we wondered: What kinds of books do great evangelists read?

"I was there and witnessed the worship, praises, singing, crying, laughter, commitments and recommitments. I saw men leave with hope who arrived with very little hope." -- Bishop James Swanson in his September column

Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked: The top three links in last week's (8/28/08) edition of The Call 2.
  • 1 - More changes for Asbury Inc.: Johnson City Press reports.
  • 2 - Reading List: Foundation staff members, show us your books.
  • 3 - Holstonians in Baghdad: Chaplains Knight and Charles reunite.

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
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Pray-Now Picks
  • Pray now: Always check the link at the top of this e-mail for an opportunity to pray now. Today: Offertory prayers for September.
  • Last chance: Order DVDs of "Calling All Men" by Sept. 8.

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UMC-Wedding-Resources Picks
  • Resources for Christian weddings: Prayers, music, guidelines, and other helps. (General Board of Discipleship)
  • 30 tips for "best projection practices": Does your church have a screen for projecting hymns, announcements, sermon points? (GBOD)
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  • If you like this e-mail, please tell your congregation. The Call 2 was created to connect churches and people for stronger ministry. Sign up a free subscription at
  • Prepare now for Children's Sabbath, which will be marked Oct. 12 in Holston. Visit the Children's Defense Fund site for ideas.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church