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Bold and Passionate
Aug. 14, 2008
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Wandabula-Letter 1
African bishop responds to Holston's gifts for  Sudan

When Bishop Daniel Wandabula visited Holston in June, he thanked Rev. Fred Dearing and other Cabinet members for giving up part of their salaries to support clergy in Sudan (see photo). Now, a more recent letter has arrived from Africa, expressing additional gratitude for Holston generosity. 

Growing the kingdom, Cokesbury style
Last year, Cokesbury United Methodist Church created a "leadership academy" that left a lot of people scratching their heads. How did that all work out?

Reading List
Since Annual Conference, five new staff members have joined the conference offices in Alcoa, Tenn. (Now say "cheese" and show us your book.) 

Door busters
September is Open House Month in The United Methodist Church. Here are four tips for practicing "radical hospitality" -- and free downloads to help. (United Methodist Communications)

Holston in the news
Steve Hodges, chair of the Outreach/Advocacy Team and executive director of Jubilee Project, is featured as a community leader in the Morristown Citizen Tribune.

Bishop's Blog
In his latest post, Bishop James Swanson writes about John Wesley and holistic mission. 

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
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Get Real Hands Picks
  • Authentic prayer: Young adults are invited to the fall retreat Sept. 26-28 at Camp Wesley Woods.
  • Call-Out: Check out this ongoing feature at the top of this email, where PDF downloads of brochures and bulletin inserts are featured each week.
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Katrina Picks
  • Remember Katrina? The people in Mississippi and Louisiana do. Visit the Katrina Recovery site for info on a special church-wide offering on Aug. 29.
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Relationships and Understanding
  • Watching the Olympics? Churches in China are among the fastest growing today. Read about the UMC's China Program and see where it leads.
  • Can't speak Spanish: That's OK. Sign up for the "Non-Hispanic Churches in Ministry with Hispanics/Latinos" conference Sept. 8-10 at Lake Junaluska, N.C.
  • Remember Buffalo: Former staff members are invited to the first-ever Buffalo Mountain Camp Staff Reunion on Aug. 29-31. Quickly now, e-mail [email protected]  for more information.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church