Kinzie Corridor News
312-421-3941 November 2011
Apply Now for 2012 EMT No-Cost Classes
Get Half Your Employee Training $ Back
ICNC can reimburse up to 50% of the money you spend on employee training. If your training qualifies, through the State of Illinois' ETIP grant, we can reimburse you for training done any time after July 2010. Call ICNC for assistance with this and other programs. We'll help make sure more of your tax dollars come back to the neighborhood.
See how Berthold Electric Co. secured training funds through ICNC... and how your business can, too.
Kinzie Creepy Crawl
Thank you to Solstice Stained Glass, Nicholas Clark Architects, Design Inc., Stay Straight Manufacturing, Anthony's Own Fine Liqueurs and PortionPac Chemical Corporation for hosting the Halloween Creepy Crawl. While it was a scary walk among the goblins, everyone made new friends in the neighborhood. Except for Jacob Wahler and Emily Carlson, who battled in the age-old Halloween fight of Stained Glass vs. Architecture. Check out the image. |
Support New Healthcare Option for Small Business
In an effort to allow small business people to get the same heathcare rates as large corporations, the SBAC is asking ICNC members to support Illinois Senate Bill HB 3236. This legislation would make it possible for small businesses and individuals to join together in a non-profit co-operative and create their own health insurance pool.
This co-op, modeled after very successful non-profit organizations
in Minnesota and Wisconsin, would provide an alternative to the
for-profit health insurance companies that are killing small businesses with their high rates.
Click here to read the legislation or here to download a draft letter of support.
Please address the letter to your State Senator.If you're not certain who your senator is, find out here.
Help Fulfill a Seniors Holiday Gift Wish
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) is making their list and checking it twice. LBFE is looking for support for their annual Holiday Gift Program for lonely and isolated seniors. This year, LBFE will provide more than 1,000 elders with personalized gifts, requested by seniors and supplied by hundreds of generous volunteers and donors like you. Your gifts will represent tokens of love and caring, gifts that will make our elders feel special, cheerful, and included in the holiday festivities. To sign up to give a gift to a senior, or to volunteer for gift wrapping, please contact Christine Bertrand at cbertrand@littlebrotherschicago.org
or call Christine at 312-455-1000. LBFE is located at 355 N. Ashland Avenue.
Looking for Capital?-New State Programs
Advantage Illinois consists of four programs totaling $78 million to spur lending and venture capital in small companies. By working with the banking community and venture capitalists, the programs will assist small business in expanding and in making capital investment. Illinois will get entrepreneurs and small businesses starting up or expanding at a faster rate. For more information visit Advantage Illinois or call ICNC.

ICNC-Won't You Join Us?
What did ICNC do for its members last year?:
- Facilitated more than $1M in grants and loans
- Provided direct access to political leaders from Alderman Burnett to Congressman Danny Davis & Senator Dick Durbin
- Advocated for business friendly issues on members behalf by serving on both city and state advisory bodies.
- Assisted companies with city regulatory issues.
- Upgraded job skills with FREE training in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, QuickBooks, etc.
- Provided business development assistance to new and expanding companies.
- Increased sales through international trade assistance, marketing seminars and a business reference database.
- Assisted more than 100 small business tenants in the world's largest incubator.
- Performed FREE HR services for more than 80 companies. Including ad placement, background checks, interviews and more.
- Presented a host of free seminars from SEO to HR Law.
- Hosted a number of networking events.
- Promoted member companies on NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, WCPT & WLFM.
- Shared conference room and computer room space at no-cost to members.
Not a member yet? Well what are you waiting for? You can join online here or for more information contact Andrew at ICNC.
Save the 13th District! 
As a cost cutting measure,the City of Chicago has put forward a plan to close the 13th Police District. Unfortunately, this comes at a time when we here at ICNC are hearing more and more reports about hold ups and break ins in the area.
If you would like to keep the 13th district building open, go to www.save13.org to sign online petition. Alderman Maldonado has already voiced his support for saving the station. In the meantime, by using just a little bit of common sense crime prevention, business owners can protect their assets as well as their employees. Click here to learn more.
Free Legal Services for Entrepreneurs 
The Law Project of the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, coordinates free legal assistance from many of Chicago's top law firms to support nonprofits and low income entrepreneurs. It's Small Business Program provides legal advice on business issues such as, corporate structuring, lease provisions, trademark regulations, employment and contracting. For more information about The Law Project and how you can access its services, visit www.thelawproject.org , email us at tlp@thelawproject.org or call 312.939.3638.
Foreign Travel Export Promotion Grants:
STEP Program Rollout at ICNC
Illinois is offering $1.26 million in State Trade & Export Promotion grants to help you explore new foreign markets for your product or service. Services partially funded by STEP include trade show registration, foreign buyer matchmaking, and travel costs. This FREE seminar will provide pratical information on access to STEP and how it will help meet our state's goal of doubling its exports by 2014. Your company could be one of the thousands of Illinois businesses finding success on the global market: register here!
Monday, November 7
(Doors open at 8:30 for coffee and networking)
Halal Certification for Food Manufacturers &
| Understanding Halal | Distributors
Halal-certified foods represent a $634 billion global market, and their reputation for quality is growing among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. At this seminar, experts from the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America will teach you about tastes and preferences of halal food purchasers and explain the certification process. Large firms like Nestl�, Cargill, and Kraft see the market potential and already have lines of halal-certified products, and you may be surprised at how simple and cost-effective certification can be for your plant or distribution lines. Register here for this FREE event.
Wednesday, November 9
(Doors open at 8:30 for coffee and networking) |
December 15th- ICNC's Holiday Party at Garfield Conservatory
Join us for ICNC's Holiday Party at Garfield Conservatory on Thursday, December 15th (note: changed from Wednesday, December 14th). ICNC's holiday party is one of our companies' favorite events. Meet your neighbors and fellow business owners over drinks and appetizers in the Garfield Park Conservatory. The lush surroundings of the conservatory are always impressive, but when decorated with lights for the holidays they are magical. This is a free event, but please RSVP now!
Thursday, December 15th

Sponsored by:  |
Exporting for Growth
Learn from successful exporters how to sell your goods abroad and what resources are available to help you. After a successful and productive event in Washington, D.C., Washington Post Live and UPS have teamed up to bring this resource to Chicago for FREE. Details and registration here.
Chicago Hilton
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Affordable Space

Check ICNC's website for low-cost incubator space with free business assistance and resources, located at the Fulton Carroll Center.The site displays info on available spaces including prices and descriptions.
Current spaces available include a 2,947 sf unit with a great usable floor plan. 28' high ceilings, tons of light and. Access to freight elevators and common bathrooms. Monthly rent is approximately $1,596. Call ICNC for an appointment to see this or other spaces.

Other space available:
- 3,320 sf. Great usable floor plan. South facing windows. Built out offices with lots of lofty, open space. Common area restrooms, plumbing, wood floors throughout, immediate access to freight elevators. Monthly rent is $1,798
For more info call 312-421-3941 or email info@industrialcouncil.com
320 N. Damen Ave., Chicago, IL. 60612