Things to do now:
Come to the $1 million SBIF grant kick-off
Tuesday, April 20
11:00 am
Universal Scrap Metal
321 N Artesian   
  • Grant information
  • General Surface Hardening used a SBIF to tuckpoint its building
    Albany Steel
    Grant applications
  • Information on other incentives for your project
  • Tax credit and permitting assistance
The City has recently approved another $1 million in grants to be distributed to companies in the Kinzie Corridor TIF district to pay for up to 50% of building improvements like roofs, windows, and tuckpointing. If your project and company qualify for the SBIF, you can receive up to $150,000 as a grant -- not a loan. Alderman Burnett and other officials invite you to learn about the program and apply on April 20.
You can read about the program and download an application from SomerCor 504's website:
A SBIF helped Albany Steel add a parking lot
And you can see a list of ICNC member companies who can help you with capital improvement projects.
You can submit your application's beginning April 20 at the kick-off event and the deadline is May 20.
Call Steve at ICNC to find out if you're eligible and for help with the application.
 Upcoming ICNC workshops and events
Please RSVP to any of these events by clicking on the RSVP link or by calling ICNC at 312-421-3941.
The power of social media
Wednesday, April 14
Discover powerful ways of expanding your business and building strategic alliances through social media. Learn how to put LinkedIn and Facebook to work for your business and make social media a part of your marketing plan. See how others have succeeded with case studies, best practices, and profile optimization examples from businesses like yours. Presented by JP Netquest. Free; 10 am to 12 pm at ICNC. RSVP
Starting a business in Illinois
Thursday, April 22
Learn how to start a new business, from creating a legal entity to licensing and financing. Sponsored by the Illinois Small Business Development Center at ICNC. Free; 10 am to 12 pm. RSVP
Focus on sales at ICNC's lead breakfast
Thursday, April 29
Need to build your customer base? Wish you had a large group of business people referring clients to your company? Join felloWCPTw ICNC members for an opportunity to tell other businesses about your company and benefit from mutual referrals. Doors open at 7:30 am and the event begins at 8 am sharp. Only one representative from each industry permitted, and there are very few slots left. Free thanks to generous sponsorship from WCPT. RSVPrequired. 
Make pay-per-click advertising profitable for your business
Wednesday, May 26
For anyone who has thought about using pay-per-click internet advertising or has used it with less success than they'd hoped. Learn keyword research, setting up an AdWords account, ad writing, and landing pages. These four skills will make your ads profitable and even fun to manage. Free; 10 am-noon at ICNC. RSVP
ICNC seminars are supported in part by the City of Chicago's Department of Community Development and by the State of Illinois' Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
City seal
Kinzie Corridor and  ICNC news
Tax breaks and incentives
Make sure your company is getting what it deserves for the investments it makes. Here are two incentives you should remember:
HIRE Act: This is a social security tax exemption, so you don't pay the 6.2% for qualifying new hires for the rest of the year. IRS info here. 
Put Illinois to Work: This State program will pick up the entire tab for six months of wages if you hire a formerly unemployed worker. See the State's website for details. 
Get local discounts for being an ICNC member
Save money and shop locally!
One of the best parts of ICNC membership is finding local sources for goods and services and selling your products or services to your neighbors. Check out the member to member discount page of ICNC's website to take advantage of deals on food, office supplies, and even fitness. Email Steve with your company logo and a description of your discount if you'd like to participate in the program. This program is only open to current ICNC members. 
April 22 deadline for contractors to get lead training
Attention contractors, it's time to come into compliance with stricter lead laws. Workers renovating older homes must now be trained in lead-safe practices and their firms must be certified. See the EPA guide here.
City offers amnesty program for sign permits
From April 15 to October 15, businesses that have signs but no permits can get all the first year's permits free and pay no fines. If you don't want to worry about violations you can get your paperwork straightened out and be ready for next year. Call 744-6249 for details.
Would you use free English classes for your workforce?
ICNC would like to know if your company would be interested in free ESL classes for your employees. Please call Andrew at 312-421-3941 if you think you would take advantage of this free offering.
ICNC offers small business loan
ICNC has re-invigorated its Small Business Revolving Loan Fund. Businesses located in the Kinzie Corridor can apply for amounts up to $12,500. The range of interest rates is Prime -1.00% to Prime + 5% with a maximum term of 36 months. For more information please contact Denise by phone at 312.421.3941 or email denise@industrialcouncil.com.
Let ICNC find qualified employees for your job openings 
ICNC's business employment services can make your hiring easier. Tell us about your job openings and we can advertise and screen resumes. Then, we'll even interview candidates and do reference and background checks on the ones you're interested in. You just make the final decision. Best of all, it's at no cost to you. Call Priscilla today to get started.

Free computer classes at ICNC
ComputerWe've added many new free classes, so you and your employees can get the most out of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Photoshop, ACT! or Quickbooks.  
Register for clases on ICNC's website or call Sallie to request a new class.
Wanted: ICNC members for 2010
Thank you to the hundreds of 2009 ICNC members, old and new. Your support helps us improve the business environment of the Kinzie Corridor and to bring more of your tax dollars back to the neighborhood. Join or renew now for 2010 or call Steve at 312-421-3941 to discuss membership. Current members please make sure your company's information is listed correctly on our online membership directory. E-mail Steve with any corrections.
Get employee training expenses reimbursed
Two programs can help ICNC area companies get from 50-100% reimbursement for employee training costs. The City of Chicago's TIFWorks program is available for companies in the Kinzie Industrial Corridor Tax Increment Financing District, and the State of Illinois' Employee Training Investment Program is for companies throughout the state. Call ICNC for assistance with these and other programs. We'll help make sure more of your tax dollars come back to the neighborhood. 
ICNC recommends companies in the Kinzie TIF look at a new menu of TIF-funded trainings run by the Chicago Manufacturing Center.
The Chicago Manufacturing Center and the City of Chicago's Department of Community Development are partnering to stimulate business success, using TIFWorks dollars to fund workforce-training costs for companies located in TIF districts. With TIFWorks support, your business can become better equipped to rapidly improve prformance and take advantage of the economic recovery. TIFWorks-funded training can help you:
�        Promote growth and increase profit
�        Develop and expand product lines
�        Win new business and retain key customers
�        Expand into new markets
�        Adapt to new technologies and equipment
�        Comply with occupational or industry regulations
�        Upgrade workforce skills and improve employee morale
Call Alistair Stewart, Director of Business Development at CMC at 312.542.0457to learn more.
Other events and classifieds
The truth, tragedy, and transformation of E-Waste: Tuesday, April 13
The 85% of electronics that are not recycled are a potential source of energy and new materials and products. If you think your company could be a part of the solution, or if you're just curious, check out this seminar by the Chicago Waste to Profit Network and the University of Chicago. 5:30-7:30 pm; $10. Info and tickets here.
Ex-offender hiring, tax credits, and liability: Tuesday, April 20
Business owners and HR professionals can learn the mechanics of the incentives available for hiring ex-offenders who are re-entering the workforce. 8:30-10:30 am with breakfast; free at Garfield Park. Info and registration here.
ICNC tenant Aloft offering lunchtime Pilates classes
For only $15 per class, you can try Pilates mat classes at Aloft Loft's location in the ICNC's building. It's from 12 to 1 pm on Thursdays. See website for details or to sign up.
ICNC member recommends entrepreneurship program
Amazing Edibles owner and ICNC board member Andrea Herrera credits non-profit mentoring group the Accelerator Program with assisting her company's growth. She's now a chair of the program and is seeking recruits who want to focus on reaching $1 million in sales for their company. You can go to the organization's website or call Andrea at 312-563-1600.
Targeting 27th and 2nd Ward residents for local employer: Over 80 jobs!
ICNC is recruiting 27th/2nd ward residents for a number of positions with an area medical center.  Positions vary - from clerical work to food service, maintenance, security, health care and much more.   Stay tuned for upcoming job fairs and more information on ICNC's website and/or forward your resume to jobs@industrialcouncil.com.  
City of Chicago business workshops
Every month the City holds free workshops for businesses. Go to the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection's website for times and other details. This month's workshops include:
4/14 Small business tax matters
4/16 Como financiar su negocio
4/21 City contracting 101: How to respond to an RFP
4/23 How to start your business and succeed
4/28 How to get certified, doing business with the City
ComEd energy efficiency expo: Wednesday, May 19
Excelon Chairman and CEO John W. Rowe kicks off this full-day event for companies and trade allies to learn about identifying and capturing energy savings in buildings and operations. Seminar tracks include financing projects, calculating payback, and evaluating construction and renovation for energy opportunities. $85: 7:30 am to 5 pm. More info here.
FCC buildingSpace available at ICNC's Fulton Carroll Center
Check ICNC's website for low-cost incubator space with free business assistance and resources. We also keep a list of neighborhood properties for sale or lease. Let us know if you have something you'd like included on the list.
Other local space available
  • 6,000 square feet at 600 N Albany; $2300/month. Details here.
  • 4,000 square feet at 3028 W Carroll. 1st floor, 16-ft ceilings, $2,500/month. Call Terry at 312-428-1192. Live/work space (700 sf apartment w/1,900 sf of warehouse/garage space) also available at 3026 W Carroll.
  • Western/Fulton area partitioned spaces of less than 900 square feet for office, warehouse, or light production. $10/sf with all utilies included. 24 hr. access, inside dock. Click here for details, or call Jason at 312-243-3624.
For more information about any of these events contact ICNC at 312-421-3941 or by e-mail at info@industrialcouncil.com.
ICNC is located on the second floor of the Fulton Carrol Center, 2010 W. Fulton St., Ste. 280, Chicago, IL 60612.