 Upcoming ICNC workshops and events
Please RSVP to any of these events by clicking on the RSVP link or by calling ICNC at 312-421-3941.
Kinzie women business owners: Cooking classes and fun at Amazing Edibles
Thursday, March 18
amazing_ediblesMeet other women running businesses in the Kinzie Corridor while you make and taste delicious tapas in the catering kitchen of a local business owner,
Event sponsor
first chicago
Andrea Herrera. While eating and learning about local sustainable agriculture, we will celebrate the many contributions made by ICNC board member Barbara Rose of S.N. Peck, both to ICNC and numerous women's advocacy and food groups. 5-7 p.m. at 2419 W. 14th St. Only $20, thanks to the generous sponsorship of First Chicago Bank & Trust.
Buy tickets or RSVP now!
Focus on sales at ICNC's lead breakfast
Wednesday, March 31
first data
Need to build your customer base? Wish you had a large group of business people referring clients to your company? Then ICNC's lead breakfast is for you! Join fellow ICNC members for an opportunity to tell other members about your company and benefit from mutual referrals. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. and the event begins at 8 a.m. sharp. No charge, but attendance is restricted to only one representative from each industry, so sign up before your competitors do! Sponsored by First Data. Free; at ICNC.
The power of social media
Wednesday, April 14
Discover the powerful ways of expanding your business and building strategic alliances through social media. Learn how to put LinkedIn and Facebook to work for your business and make social media a part of your marketing plan. See how others have succeeded with case studies, best practices, and profile optimization examples from businesses like yours. Presented by JP Netquest. Free; 10 am to 12 pm at ICNC.
ICNC seminars are supported in part by the City of Chicago's Department of Community Development and by the State of Illinois' Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
City seal
Kinzie Corridor and  ICNC news
Business regulations, grants highlighted at ICNC membership luncheon 
ICNC board chair Jim Ranoha speaks at the membership luncheon.
ICNC's 2010 memberhsip luncheon
City regulations and unpredictable enforcement were hot topics at ICNC's annual membership luncheon, held Friday, February 26th at Coyne American Institute. ICNC executive director Joyce Shanahan recounted the plight of ICNC member Kitchen Chicago, a commercial contract kitchen whose tenants lost thousands of dollars in food while attempting to secure business licenses. The City also announced $1 million in Small Business Improvement Fund grants to be available this spring. ICNC will assist any company interested in applying and has a list of local contractors ready to do electric, roofing, and any other work you might apply to have done.
Rod Berthold inducted into Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame 
ICNC member company Berthold Electric's president, Rod Berthold, was inducted into the Chicago Area Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame at the institution's 25th anniversary celebration on February 25th. Under Rod's stewardship, the electrical power distribution equipment company more than doubled its revenue from 2003 to 2009. Congratulations, Rod and the rest of the company!
Apply now for Ernst & Young entrepreneurship award
You've got until Friday, 3/19 to nominate yourself or someone else for Ernst & Young's enetrepreneur of the year award. There are multiple categories and the application can be filled out online. 
SBDC Spotlight: Mutt Hutt
ICNC's Small Business Development Center wants to introduce you to Grand Avenue pet care facility and ICNC member Mutt Hutt, which has just opened up a great new retail Pet Boutique at 1216 W. Grand. It's called "Cats, Cutts & Chow" and offers high quality pet products, food, supplements, and grooming services using only safe, all natural products...all with the ambience of an Oak Street Boutique. For more information, contact Catt, Cutts and Chow at 312-243-3647.
Get local discounts for being an ICNC member
Save money and shop locally!
One of the best parts of ICNC membership is finding local sources for goods and services and selling your products or services to your neighbors. Check out the member to member discount page of ICNC's website to take advantage of deals on food, office supplies, and even fitness. Email Steve with your company logo and a description of your discount if you'd like to participate in the program. This program is only open to current ICNC members. 
Past and future TIF spending online
The Kinzie Corridor is fortunate to be the City's best-funded industrial Tax Increment Financing district, with nearly $60 million available as of the most recently released report. Now the City has TIF information online. Go directly to the Kinzie Corridor TIF page to find out what projects have received tax subsidies and what the City plans to spend your tax dollars for here in the neighborhood. Or see the City's website for information on TIF spending and plans for all TIF districts city wide.
Looking for Alternative Sources of Finance?
ICNC has re-invigorated its Small Business Revolving Loan Fund. Businesses located in the Kinzie Corridor can apply for amounts up to $12,500. The range of interest rates is Prime -1.00% to Prime + 5% with a maximum term of 36 months. For more information please contact Denise by phone at 312.421.3941 or email denise@industrialcouncil.com.
Let ICNC find qualified employees for your job openings
ICNC's business employment services can make your hiring easier. Tell us about your job openings and we can advertise and screen resumes. Then, we'll even interview candidates and do reference and background checks on the ones you're interested in. You just make the final decision. Best of all, it's at no cost to you. Call Priscilla today to get started.

Free computer classes at ICNC
ComputerWe've added many new free classes, so you and your employees can get the most out of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Photoshop, ACT! or Quickbooks.  
Register for clases on ICNC's website or call Sallie to request a new class.
Wanted: ICNC members for 2010
Thank you to the hundreds of 2009 ICNC members, old and new. Your support helps us improve the business environment of the Kinzie Corridor and to bring more of your tax dollars back to the neighborhood. Join or renew now for 2010 or call Steve at 312-421-3941 to discuss membership. Current members please make sure your company's information is listed correctly on our online membership directory. E-mail Steve with any corrections.
Get employee training expenses reimbursed
Two programs can help ICNC area companies get from 50-100% reimbursement for employee training costs. The City of Chicago's TIFWorks program is available for companies in the Kinzie Industrial Corridor Tax Increment Financing District, and the State of Illinois' Employee Training Investment Program is for companies throughout the state. Call ICNC for assistance with these and other programs. We'll help make sure more of your tax dollars come back to the neighborhood. 
Other events and classifieds
Calling all current and future food moguls: Sell what you're cooking
kitchen chicago
ICNC member company Kitchen Chicago, a contract kitchen offering licensed commercial kitchen space by the hour, invites anyone interested in selling what they cook to two important seminars vital to growing your business and avoiding problems later:
  • Packaging and branding: Saturday, March 20. Learn what it takes to bring your food product to market. Free, 1 pm at Kitchen Chicago.
  • Labeling and food safety: Wednesday, March 24. The Illinois Department of Public Health tells you everything you need to know about this topic. Free, 4 pm at Kitchen Chicago
Go to Kitchen Chicago's website to RSVP or for more information. 
Targeting 27th and 2nd Ward residents for local employer: Over 80 jobs!
ICNC is recruiting 27th/2nd ward residents for a number of positions with an area medical center.  Positions vary - from clerical work to food service, maintenance, security, health care and much more.   Stay tuned for upcoming job fairs and more information on ICNC's website and/or forward your resume to jobs@industrialcouncil.com.  
City of Chicago business workshops
Every month the City holds free workshops for businesses. Go to the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection's website for times and other details. This month's workshops include:
3/17 Bankruptcy law
3/19 Finance your business
3/24 City contracting 101
3/21 How to get certified
Entrepreneurial workshop: Saturday, March 20
Prospective business owners can learn start-up tips and hear from successful business owners. Speakers include Christy Webber of Christy Webber Landscapes and Rosa Escareno from the City of Chicago. $35; 3:00 pm. Info here.
ComEd energy efficiency expo: Wednesday, May 19
Excelon Chairman and CEO John W. Rowe kicks off this full-day event for companies and trade allies to learn about identifying and capturing energy savings in buildings and operations. Seminar tracks include financing projects, calculating payback, and evaluating construction and renovation for energy opportunities. $85: 7:30 am to 5 pm. More info here.
FCC buildingSpace available at ICNC's Fulton Carroll Center
Check ICNC's website for low-cost incubator space with free business assistance and resources. We also keep a list of neighborhood properties for sale or lease. Let us know if you have something you'd like included on the list.
Other local space available
  • 6,000 square feet at 600 N Albany; $2300/month. Details here.
  • 4,000 square feet at 3028 W Carroll. 1st floor, 16-ft ceilings, $2,500/month. Call Terry at 312-428-1192. Live/work space (700 sf apartment w/1,900 sf of warehouse/garage space) also available at 3026 W Carroll.
  • Western/Fulton area partitioned spaces of less than 900 square feet for office, warehouse, or light production. $10/sf with all utilies included. 24 hr. access, inside dock. Click here for details, or call Jason at 312-243-3624.
For more information about any of these events contact ICNC at 312-421-3941 or by e-mail at info@industrialcouncil.com.
ICNC is located on the second floor of the Fulton Carrol Center, 2010 W. Fulton St., Ste. 280, Chicago, IL 60612.