Another round of SBIF grants is on the way. The City of Chicago will soon open applications for grants to fund up to 50% ($150,000 maximum) of capital improvement projects at eligible businesses located in the Kinzie Corridor Tax Increment Financing District. We'll announce all the details when we have them, but start thinking about projects you could apply for. Call us for help.
Check your hires for tax credit opportunities
Stimulus package adds two new hiring categories for credits
The traditionally underutilized Work Opportunity Tax Credit just got better. Youth 16-24 that haven't been regularly employed (or fit in other categories) and previously unemployed veterans on your payroll could net you up to $2,400 each in tax credits. ICNC member and national expert on WOTC Jeff Newcorn of R. Jeffrey & Associates can be reached at 312-475-9877 or for assistance. His website is
Help us save you money
Take a survey so we can analyze company costs
ICNC is looking at how much local companies spend on waste hauling, utilities, and health care. These are all important costs for you and people often call us to ask about their bills. If we don't know what people are paying for these things, we can't tell you if you're paying too much. Take a moment and help us collect this important information.
ICNC events
Kinzie women-owned business event: networking and cooking lesson
May 6
Join new ICNC board member and chef Andrea Herrera at her kitchen for a women's networking event and hands-on cooking lesson. Spanish tapas and sangria are on the menu. Learn great new recipes and talk with fellow business owners. Wednesday, May 6 from 4-6 p.m. at Amazing Edibles, 2419 W. 14th St., unit C. $20.
RSVP or call ICNC. For information e-mail Andrea at Street parking available.
B2B XPO Chicago
May 6
Learn helpful tips from industry experts so you can take your business to the next level. Gain new insight and share best practices with other entrepreneurs moving their businesses forward. Network with other small business owners in the city's growing Industrial Corridor while enjoying complimentary buffet and beverages. B2B XPO brings business experts to the table, each prepared to meet with you one-on-one for a hands-on session focused on what you can do now to improve and grow your business. Experts on hand to help with accounting, banking, branding, real estate, IT, legal, web development, and more. Wednesday, May 6 from 4-8 p.m. at ICNC. Call Terry at 773-769-1992 for more information or go to to register.
Guerilla financing: where to go if the bank says 'no'
May 13
Looking for options to finance your business? Find out common pitfalls to getting approved for bank financing and where you can go when the bank says no. Guest speakers include Accion Chicago and SomerCor 504. Wednesday, May 13th from 9-10:30 AM at ICNC. Free;
RSVP or call Denise at 312.433.2373.
HR and labor seminar
May 14
Learn about important new changes to labor law and get answers to your questions about hiring, benefits, discipline, and more. Attorney Joan Eagle of Klein, Dub & Holleb is the presenter of this popular seminar. Thursday, May 14 from 9-11 a.m. Free;
RSVP or call ICNC.
Also, a new I-9 form is now required for all employers and the previous versions may no longer be used. Companies can go to the
USCIS website for forms and information.
Small manufacturer's energy tune-up
May 27
Spend less on electric and gas for your small business. Engineers from the University of Illinois at Chicago will host a walk-through of systems at ICNC member Overton Chicago Gear to show attendees how to cut costs on:

- Lighting
- Boilers and steam
- Machines and motors
- Compressed air
- Energy purchasing
You'll tour the plant and see how energy is used and where it's often wasted. Attendees will receive free, easy to use software to track their own energy spending and calculate return on investment for improvements. The latest news on financial incentives will also be discussed. Overton Chicago Gear, 2823 W. Fulton St. Wednesday, May 27 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Free, but space is limited. RSVP or call ICNC. This seminar is funded through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Building Industry Training and Education Program.
Speed networking
June 3
New companies and those looking to meet and network with other neighborhood businesses can talk to 20 new contacts in just 90 minutes. ICNC's speed networking events are a great place to meet potential clients and to expand your network, all in a fun and informal environment. Join us to make connections, share leads and meet friends at this fun, fast paced, FREE networking event. Wednesday, June 3rd, from 9-10:30AM at ICNC. Free;
RSVP or call Denise at 312.433.2373.
Running an effective e-mail campaign
June 10
Email marketing lets you target exactly whom you want to reach, as often as you want, for less money than traditional advertising options. Join us at ICNC where Steve Robinson from Constant Contact will speak about how to start, grow and maintain your list of contacts, create professional-looking e-mails, and track your success so you know what's working and what's not. Wednesday, June 10th from 9:30AM-11:00AM. Free;
RSVP or call Denise at 312.433.2373
Free computer classes at ICNC
We've added many new free classes. Now you or your employees can get the most out of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Photoshop or ACT! with these popular free classes right here at ICNC's computer training center. Each class is two days of instruction from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesday and Thursday. Call Rosalyn at ICNC to arrange dates.
Kinzie corridor news
Join ICNC in 2009
If you're not already a member of ICNC, we want you! It's only through the strength of our membership that we're able to advocate for City services, get incentive money for local companies, and provide business assistance like employee recruitment and computer classes. Membership is an affordable $75-$300 for the year, and in addition to all our services, it gets your business listed on our website.
Join or renew now or call Steve at 312-421-3941 to discuss membership.
$15 million in infrastructure recommended for Kinzie Corridor
The City of Chicago provided ICNC with a list of recommended infrastructure improvements slated for completion in the next three years, totaling nearly $15 million and including 13 street fixes set to begin this year. Most of the requests ICNC companies made are included. Funding is to come from the TIF and needs to be approved, but work is set to begin this month. Thanks to 27th Ward Alderman Walter Burnett, the Chicago Department of Transportation, and the Department of Community Development for their commitment to improving neighborhood streets, alleys, sidewalks, and curbs.
Illinois Entrepreneurship Network recognizes ICNC's business assistance
The latest newsletter of the Illinois Entrepreneurship Network congratulated ICNC's Small Business Development Center on helping ICNC member Whitfield Security Services ramp up to fulfill a new contract with Cook County. ICNC's Priscilla Torrence recruited and screened 20 new security guards at no cost, and ICNC assisted with finding financing to bridge the wait for the first payment from the county. Contact ICNC to find out how we can help you.
Let ICNC fill your open jobs at no cost
ICNC can find the employees you need. Let us recruit and interview job candidates and we'll send the best ones to you, so you save time and money. Do you need a shipping clerk? Customer service rep? Driver? We have qualified candidates right now. We'll also do a criminal background check and contact references, all at no cost to you. You can place a job order online on ICNC's website, or contact Priscilla at 312-421-3941 or at
Other events
Neighborhood mixer and Brazilian food
May 14
Ever wonder who lives in the neighborhood just south of the industrial corridor? Come to the neighborhood mixer to meet residents and retailers, and have a cocktail and Brazilian appetizers at Sinha's, 2018 W. Adams, on Thursday, May 14th from 7-9 p.m. $10, organized by the Neighbors' Development Network. RSVP to Heather Jamison at or call 312-654-9004 for more information.
Spanish for supervisors
May 21
ICNC's recent "Spanish for Supervisors" seminar was well-received, and company owners and HR reps learned important rapport-building concepts and Spanish phrases. If you missed it, you have another chance. Greater Northwest Chicago Development Corporation, the neighboring industrial council, has organized the same workshop and is inviting ICNC members to attend for free. Thursday, May 21 at Freedman Seating, 4545 W. Augusta. Call Deborah Smith at 773-637-2416 x 228 to RSVP or for information.
Tea with the police (for a good cause)
June 11
The 13th District Police have organized a "High Tea" and fundraiser for the Community Healthcare Center at 2611 W. Chicago, the largest free health clinic in Illinois. Join the officers Thursday, June 11 from 6-8 p.m. at the Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park. $30. Contact Sgt. Clas for details: or 312-746-8355.
Space available at ICNC's Fulton Carroll Center
ICNC's website if you'd like to rent space with us. We also keep a list of neighborhood properties for sale or lease. Let us know if you have something you'd like included on the list.
Clean 55 gallon plastic drums: $10-15 each
ICNC member has about six drums monthly for pick up. Call 312-421-4747.
Free packing material
ICNC tenant has consistent supply of used bubble wrap, foam peanuts, styrofoam sheets/boxes and other material. Free. Call Garrett at 773-655-0779.
ICNC is located on the second floor of the Fulton Carrol Center, 2010 W. Fulton St., Ste. 280, Chicago, IL 60612.