Dear Kinzie Corridor business owner
     Call 312-421-3941 today to RSVP for these upcoming ICNC events
Things to do now
Lending eased, costs reduced under stimulus act
One of the most immediate effects of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is to increase government guaranties for loans and reduce the associated costs. ICNC SBDC manager and former banker Denise Ching has summarized the new benefits to business in an article for ICNC companies. For free assistance in obtaining financing, call Denise at 312-433-2373 or email denise@industrialcouncil.com.
Retroactive tax credits available
Companies located in a Federal Empowerment Zone (most Kinzie Corridor companies are) may be eligible for a tax credit of up to $3,000 for each employee that also lives in the Empowerment Zone. Better yet, the credit is retroactive and can be claimed for up to three previous years. ICNC member John Hess of RetroTax is available for assistance and can be reached at 815-893-0498 or john.hess@retrotax.com.
ICNC events   
Intellectual property -- trademarks, copyrights, and patents
April 21
Your brand, your products, and your inventions or ideas are all important parts of what you sell. Find out what you can do to make sure you protect the intellectual property of your business. Richard J. Gurak, partner at Husch Blackwell Sanders Welsh & Katz, will present information on trademarks, patents, and copyrights, and answer your questions about them. Tuesday, April 21 from 9-10 a.m. to ICNC with a Q&A session afterwards. Free, RSVP or call ICNC.
Quickbooks for beginners
April 24 and May 1
Have you wanted to use Quickbooks for your business, but haven't started? Are you currently using Quickbooks, but only certain features? Join us for a 2-hour class to learn the basics of setting up your business in Quickbooks, establishing your chart of accounts and running basic financial reports. Two class times are available, Friday, April 24th from 9AM-11AM and Friday, May 1st from 9AM-11AM. Free, but space is limited so please RSVP or call Denise at 312.433.2373. 
Artist's Roundtable Luncheon
April 24
Arts of Life logoAll area artists are invited to discuss issues and possible collaboration opportunities
with representatives from ICNC and the Arts of Life team. Pizza will be served. Friday, April 24 at 11:30 a.m. at Arts of Life, 2010 W. Carroll. This event is free, but space is limited so please RSVP or call Andrew at ICNC.

Women's business networking and cooking lesson
May 6
Join new ICNC board member and chef Andrea Herrera at her kitchen for a women's networking event and hands-on cooking lesson. Spanish tapas and sangria are on the menu. Learn great new recipes and talk with fellow business owners.  Wednesday, May 6 from 4-6 p.m. at Amazing Edibles, 2419 W. 14th St., unit C. $20. RSVP or call ICNC. For information e-mail Andrea at amazingedibles@aol.com. Street parking available.
Guerilla financing: where to go if the bank says 'no'
May 13
Looking for options to finance your business? Find out commons pitfalls to getting approved for bank financing and where you can go when the bank says no.  Guest speakers include Accion Chicago and SomerCor 504. Wednesday, May 13th from 9AM-10:30 AM at ICNC. Free; RSVP or call Denise at 312.433.2373. 
HR and labor seminar
May 14
Learn about important new changes to labor law and get answers to your questions about hiring, benefits, discipline, and more. Attorney Joan Eagle of Klein, Dub & Holleb is the presenter of this popular seminar. Thursday, May 14 from 9-11 a.m. Free; RSVP or call ICNC.
Also, a new I-9 form is now required for all employers and the previous versions may no longer be used. Companies can go to the USCIS website for forms and information.
Small manufacturer's energy tune-up
May 27
Spend less on electric and gas for your small business. Engineers from the University of Illinois at Chicago will host a walk-through of systems at ICNC member Overton Chicago Gear to show attendees how to cut costs on:factory
  • Lighting
  • Boilers and steam
  • Machines and motors
  • Compressed air
  • HVAC
  • Energy purchasing

You'll tour the plant and see how energy is used and where it's often wasted. Attendees will receive free, easy to use software to track their own energy spending and calculate return on investment for improvements. The latest news on financial incentives will also be discussed. Overton Chicago Gear, 2823 W. Fulton St. Wednesday, May 27 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Free, but space is limited. Free; RSVP or call ICNC.

Speed networking
June 3
New companies and those looking to meet and network with other neighborhood businesses can talk to 20 new contacts in just 90 minutes. ICNC's speed networking events are a great place to meet potential clients and to expand your network, all in a fun and informal environment. Join us to make connections, share leads and meet friends at this fun, fast paced, FREE networking event. Wednesday, June 3rd, at 9:00-10:30AM at ICNC. Free; RSVP or call Denise at 312.433.2373.
Running an effective e-mail campaign
June 10
Email marketing lets you target exactly whom you want to reach, as often as you want, for less money than traditional advertising options. Join us at ICNC where Steve Robinson from Constant Contact will speak about how to start, grow and maintain your list of contacts; create professional-looking emails; and tracking your success so, you know what's working and what's not. Wednesday, June 10th from 9:30AM-11:00AM. Free; RSVP or call Denise at 312.433.2373
Free computer classes at ICNC
We've added many new free classes. Now you or your employees can get the most out of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Photoshop or ACT! with these popular free classes right here at ICNC's computer training center. Each class is two days of instruction from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesday and Thursday. Call Rosalyn at ICNC to arrange dates.
Kinzie corridor news 
Join ICNC in 2009
If you're not already a member of ICNC, we want you! It's only through the strength of our membership that we're able to advocate for City services, get incentive money for local companies, and provide business assistance like employee recruitment and computer classes. Memership is an affordable $75-$300 for the year, and in addition to all our services, it gets your business listed in our 2009 business directory and on our website. Join or renew now or call Steve at 312-421-3941 to discuss membership. Members: please check your listing on our website to make sure your information is accurate. E-mail steve@industrialcouncil.com with any changes.
Your input needed on membership directory
ICNC is conducting a survey as part of efforts to improve its communications with local companies. Please take a moment to answer four quick questions about our directory. The survey is here.
New Kinzie SBIF grants coming soon! 
Another round of funding for the Kinzie Corridor Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) will be available soon. The grant program provides up to $150,000 in matching funds for capital improvements to small businesses inside the Kinzie TIF district. The City has not announced the amount of funding available or the date applications will be accepted, but companies with projects for 2009 should be ready for the application process to open this spring. Call Steve at 312-421-3941 with questions about eligibilty.
Let ICNC fill your open jobs at no cost
ICNC can find the employees you need. Let us recruit and interview job candidates and we'll send the best ones to you, so you save time and money. Do you need a shipping clerk? Customer service rep? Driver? We have qualified candidates right now. We'll also do a criminal background check and contact references, all at no cost to you. You can place a job order online on ICNC's website, or contact Priscilla at 312-421-3941 or at priscilla@industrialcouncil.com.
Other events
50th anniversary benefit for Little Brothers -- Friends of the Elderly
May 2
Local charitable organization and ICNC member Little Brothers -- Friends of the Elderly is holding a 50th anniversary benefit on Saturday, May 2 from 1-4 p.m. at Rockit Bar and Grill, 22 W. Hubbard St. Tickets are $35, and you can get more information at www.littlebrotherschicago.org.
Scooter raffle to benefit local theater
Redmoon Theater is right here in the Kinzie Corridor. ICNC member Green Home Chicago is partnering with the theater to raffle a 2009 Buddy 50 scooter. Tickets are $25 or 5 for $100. Call Karen at 312-432-9400 for information or tickets.
Space available at ICNC's Fulton Carroll Center
Check ICNC's website if you'd like to rent space with us. We also keep a list of neighborhood properties for sale or lease. Let us know if you have something you'd like included on the list.
Clean 55 gallon plastic drums: $10-15 each
ICNC member has about six drums monthly for pick up. Call 312-421-4747.
Free packing material
ICNC tenant has consistent supply of used bubble wrap, foam peanuts, styrofoam sheets/boxes and other material. Free. Call Garrett at 773-655-0779.
For more information about any of these events contact ICNC at 312-421-3941 or by e-mail at info@industrialcouncil.com.
ICNC is located on the second floor of the Fulton Carrol Center, 2010 W. Fulton St., Ste. 280, Chicago, IL 60612.