Upcoming Events
Summer Luncheon with Pat Ryan  - June 24
ICNC's annual summer luncheon has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 24th.   Join your fellow ICNC memberOlympic-logo companies for lunch in Galleria Marchetti's outside tent and meet Aon Corp. founder and Chair of Chicago Olympics 2016 Committee, Pat Ryan as he addresses issues central to the Chicago economy.  Tuesday, June 24, 11:30am-1:30 pm at Galleria Marchetti, 825 W. Erie. $75.  RSVP to ICNC.
Industrial Expo with Mayor Daley - June 26 
ICNC and other industrial groups will hold an industrial exposition at Coyne American Institute for area business owners to learn about city-wide opportunities for land, buildings, and financial assistance.  Mayor Richard Daley is the keynote speaker and panel discussions focus on topics from sustainability to utilities.  Free, but spaces are limited and RSVP is required at 312-744-0140.  Thursday, June 26, 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Coyne: 330 N Green Street, Chicago.
27th Ward Annual "Stay in school picnic"
- August 30
Darlena Williams-Burnett and Alderman Walter Burnett announce Chicago Neighbors United's annual "Stay in School Picnic" to be held Saturday, August 30 from 10 am to 6 pm. in Union Park, 1501 W. Randolph. Local businesses are encouraged to contribute - call 312-432-1995 for more information.
SBIF grant applications due TODAY!
SBIF, or the Small Business Improvement Fund matches investments of Kinzie Corridor TIF companies dollar for dollar up to $150,000. Capital improvements include new roofs, electrical upgrades, tuckpointing, parking lot paving and beautification and more. Click here for more information and grant applications and call ICNC if you'd like any assistance.
Guest Column - Sustainable Furniture Making

Last year, longtime ICNC member Ace Styline, a local Ken Krussmillwork and cabinetry fabricator, decided to use environmentally-friendly products in all its manufacturing processes. Owner Ken Kruss reports numerous benefits from the change, the most immediate being improved air quality in the factory. He wrote this article for ICNC's newsletter, so other companies can find out what he learned.

ComEd rebates for energy efficiency

Beginning as early as June, 2008, ComEd and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity will begin a program designed to rebate business customers for a portion of the cost of new energy-efficient systems including lighting, motors, HVAC equipment, and chillers. Visit the ComEd website here for details

Burglary prevention evaluation

Dr. Ron Rufo, with the Preventive Programs section of the Chicago Police Department, is available to visit local businesses and make suggestions on how to make facilities harder to burglarize. With rising scrap metal prices, burglars are more brazen.  Protect your business by calling Dr. Rufo at 312-745-5858 x 84652.

Gathering of Kinzie  Women Business Owners 
More than 25 local women business owners met at ICNC to share information on their businesses and a fantastic lunch provided by local caterer, Andrea at Amazing Edibles.   Company size ranged from small start-ups to over 300 employees.   Before closing, it was decided unanimously to meet again in a few months.   Please contact Joyce at ICNC if you would like to attend the next gathering.

Free background checks

Hiring? Don't pay for background checks - we'll do them for free!

Did you know that ICNC's Business Employment Services will place an ad, pre-qualify, interview, and do a basic background check of prospective employees, all at no charge? It's true! Contact Priscilla at 312-421-3941 or at Priscilla@industrialcouncil.com for more details.
ComEd grants available
Small businesses that can demonstrate a financial hardship may be eligible for one-time grants of up to $2,500 to pay for electricity. Business size and electricity usage limits apply and the program ends October 1st. See ComEd's website here to learn more and to apply.
Survey Results: Cook County Sales Tax
Nearly one hundred companies responded to ICNC's survey on the new Cook County sales tax increase, which brings total sales tax in the City of Chicago to 10.25 percent, the highest of any major U.S. city. Of the respondents: Half charge sales tax and half do not; 30 percent have received customer complaints about the tax; and 31 percent think they will lose business to other counties because of it.
New 13th District Commander greets local businesses
 13th District Police Commander Judith Martin spoke to local businesses on May 15 at a lunch at Natalino's Italian restaurant. Martin addressed area theft and crime concerns and pledged to continue the District's enthusiastic cooperation with the local business community. As scrap metal prices continue to rise, area businesses must be even more vigilant to secure their property and alert police to any thefts.
Last chance for 2008 ICNC directory ads and listings 
The new ICNC directory is about to go to the printer for distribution at our June 24 annual luncheon. This is your last chance to join ICNC in time to have your company listing and advertising in the directory. Current members check your listings to make sure everything is accurate. Call Steve today.
Affordable industrial space for rent at ICNC
ICNC has affordable space for your business at its award-winning Fulton Carroll Center business incubator. Current spaces include 2534 square feet for $1583/month and up to 3000 feet of newly built-out space with high ceilings. See what's available here. 
Waste to Profit program wins innovation award
The Chicago Manufacturing Center 's Waste to Profit program has won the 2008 "Innovator of the Year" award from the Manufacturing Extension Partnership. Waste to Profit is a network of more than 90 Chicago-area companies who have reduced waste and procurement costs by matching materials from one company's waste stream to input needs for another company's raw materials. ICNC member companies Christy Webber Landscaping, Goose Island Beer Company, and PortionPac Chemical Corp. are among the companies participating. See the full article here. Congratulations to CMC and all the companies who are cutting costs and promoting sustainability.
For lease
8,000-10,000 square feet for light manufacturing. Maplewood and Lake Street (PMD 4). AC office, six overhead doors, three docks, shared utilities, tax stop. Available August. 773-435-7600 x 658.
Industrial Council of Nearwest Chicago
2010 W. Fulton Street, Suite 280
Chicago, Illinois  60612
Phone: 312-421-3941
Fax: 312-421-1871