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September 12, 2011

Volume 5,  Issue 19



From Crosby's Blog: "Refreshing..."  

AT&T didn't see it coming, I don't believe that the FCC saw it coming either.  That is, the Department of Justice's (DoJ) antitrust suit to block the AT&T/T-Mobile merger that was filed [recently] in the U.S. District Court.  Obviously, this is Washington, D.C., and the stakes are huge on a number of fronts, so it isn't over until it's over.  MORE

Narrowband Question of the Month    

Q: How can I quickly determine if my license must be modified to meet the narrowbanding mandate?

A:  If the Emission Designator reported on your license indicates 4K00F1E, 4K00F1D, 7K60FXE, 7K60FXE or 11K2F3E, then your license need not be modified.  If your Emission Designator starts with a number greater than 11K, more than likely a 20KF03E designator, then you need to change your emission. EWA will be pleased to assist.  

Visit EWA's Narrowbanding FAQs for more answers to often raised narrowbanding questions. If you need further clarification, click on the "Send Us Your Narrowband Questions" link.

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FCC Studies Antenna Impacts to Environment  

The FCC will conduct a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) of its Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) program to comply with its obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  MORE

LMCC Requests Dismissal of Mobile Broadband Coalition Proposal  

The LMCC urged the FCC to dismiss as "entirely without merit" the Mobile Broadband Coalition's suggestion that the FCC initiate a rulemaking proceeding to "repurpose" the 851-861/806/816 MHz band from its 25 kHz channelization to a "flexible use and market based approach."  MORE

FCC Chairman Appoints Managing Director  

David Robbins has been named Managing Director of the Commission starting September 12, 2011, announced FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.  MORE

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Department of Justice Opposes AT&T/T-Mobile Merger    

The Justice Department filed a Complaint on August 31 opposing the AT&T/T-Mobile merger on the grounds that it would cause an unacceptable reduction in competition in the provision of wireless services.  MORE  

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Threatening Police Officers on Their Own Channels?    

The FCC found Estevan J. Gutierrez liable for operating without authorization on police frequency 159.150 MHz, which is licensed to the Las Vegas, New Mexico, Police Department (LVPD).  MORE

Apology Not Accepted     

In a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, Northeast Utilities Service Company of Waterbury, Connecticut, was issued a $19,000 fine for inadvertently cancelling a license for a Private Land Mobile Radio Service (PLMRS) station WQFD453 in June 2007, and then later operating on that cancelled frequency for a period of three years before a request for Special Temporary Authority (STA) was granted.  MORE

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Find Out What Customers Want (Besides Lower Costs!)


"I will reveal my secrets of how to get licenses when everyone says that there are no frequencies available."  
    -- for the User and Strategy Forum

"I'll disclose what an IT buyer is really looking for in a wireless system."
    -- for the "...Sell to Enterprise" panel 

Interested?  Then don't miss the Enterprise Wireless 2011 Leadership Summit.  It's only at the Leadership Summit that you'll find out what this regional network operator and nationwide wireless users have to say.  

There is an exhibit hall full of established and new wireless tech companies.  And don't miss exclusive insider analysis on FCC plans for 2012 - it will affect your business!  Over two days, you'll learn what's new, what your competition is doing and what planning you should do to boost sales in the year ahead.
More highlights: 
  • New! NXDN® and Connect Plus™ User and Strategy Forums, led by Mark Abrams, Mobile Relay; Bart Fisher, Fisher Wireless, Rich Lacouette, New York Communications, Mike Unmano, Day Wireless and Mike Smith, ESP Wireless
  • How to Sell to Enterprises, featuring a panel of representatives from top enterprises: UPS, NBC/Universal, and Delta Airlines
  • MSS Regional Meetings
  • New! Tech You Can Use: Vendor Viewpoints
Make your plans to join competitors, industry leaders, fellow innovators and people like you who make wireless work in America, all in a high energy, high impact event.  

See the full program for the October 5-7 event and take a look at the newly updated exhibitor list. Register today!


During Enterprise Wireless 2011 Leadership Summit 


Icom invites our dealers to join us for a continental breakfast from 8am to 10am Friday morning, October 7, in the Neely Room to learn the vision of IDAS technology and how to position this exciting product in today's market.

If you have questions or for more information, please contact Mark Maynard at markmaynard@icomamerica.com
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Send Us Your Comments 

Members are encouraged to contact EWA with their comments and recommendations regarding the Alliance's services. 

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