June 16, 2011
Volume 5, Issue 12 |
Centralized Trunking Rules - LMCC Seeks Rule Updates
The LMCC submitted Supplemental Comments in WP Docket No. 07-100 recommending specific revisions to the rules governing the availability and licensing of centralized trunked systems in the Industrial/Business and Public Safety 150-512 MHz bands in a letter filed with the FCC on June 3. MORE |
New FCC Remittance Process Starts June 20
Beginning June 20, 2011, if an applicant files a Fee Remittance Advice Form 159 through the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS), they must now enter new information on fee type codes, namely the application and the regulatory fee codes. MORE |
Crosby Reappointed to CSMAC
EWA President Mark Crosby has been appointed to a second term on the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee ( CSMAC) under the Department of Commerce. MORE |
FCC Seeks to Terminate Dormant Proceedings
Dormant dockets would be targeted for termination where no further action is required or contemplated, or where no filings have been made for several years according to an FCC Public Notice from the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. MORE |
Leadership Changes at the FCC
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced that effective June 20, Ruth Milkman would be stepping down as WTB Chief and moving to Special Counsel to the Chairman for Innovation in Government, a job, if not a title, previously held by Mark Beth Richards who recently left the FCC to return to the FTC. MORE |
D Block Bill Moves to House after Senate Approval
The Senate Commerce Committee has approved S. 911, the Rockefeller-Hutchison legislation that would reallocate the 700 MHz D Block from commercial to public safety use, with a 21-4 vote. MORE |
TETRA Waiver Request
PowerTrunk™, a manufacturer of TETRA equipment and a proponent of a rules waiver request on interference protection, asked the FCC to confirm in its action on the pending Petitions for Clarification and/or Reconsideration that the waiver limitations apply only to full power TETRA equipment and not to reduced power equipment that has been certified by the FCC. MORE
NTIA Commends FCC on Public Safety Broadband Network Efforts
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) lauded the FCC for "conscientiously addressing our first responders" communications needs, and continuing to make these needs a priority" in comments filed June 10 from Larry Strickling, NTIA Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information. MORE |
LightSquared Receives Support From Genachowski
On May 31, Chairman Genachowski responded to a letter from Senator Chuck Grassley reaffirming that LightSquared would not be permitted to initiate commercial broadband service until its GPS interference issue is resolved. MORE |
But He Looked Like a Customer! Spark Gap CB Shop of Lincoln, Illinois was issued a Citation by the Commission for marketing (attempting to sell to an undercover Enforcement Bureau Agent) an external radio frequency power amplifier and amateur radio devices that operated in the Citizen's Band (CB) spectrum, all products that are not eligible for certification under the Commission's rules. MORE |
That's a Big Fine, Good Buddy Following three interference complaints and warnings issued by the Commission from 2007 to 2011, John Hays was issued a Notice of Apparent Liability and Forfeiture for operating a citizen's band (CB) radio at power levels of 750 watts, far greater than the authorized limit of 4 watts. MORE |
On June 10, the FCC issued a Forfeiture Order in which it assessed a $20,000 fine on American Taxi Shuttle and Limo, Inc. in Daytona Beach, FL for using a VHF frequency for which it was not licensed. MORE |
Kevin W. Bondy was issued a $24,000 fine for intentionally and repeatedly operating on an unlicensed frequency with the intent of purposely causing harmful interference to the operations of the Oaks Shopping Center (Oaks) in Thousand Oaks, California. MORE
Register Now for Enterprise Wireless 2011 Leadership Summit
Registration is now open for the Enterprise Wireless 2011 Leadership Summit to be held October 5-7, 2011 at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel in Nashville. This annual event is co-hosted by Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) and USMSS and will feature two days of exhibits, educational programs, vendor presentations, networking events and the USMSS regional membership meetings. Register today or click here for more information.
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Members are encouraged to contact EWA with their comments and recommendations regarding the Alliance's services.