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March 24, 2011
Volume 5, Issue 6  

Do you have something to say about EWA's position on an industry topic? Join the conversation with Mark Crosby, EWA's President/CEO, via his refreshing, insightful, and often provocative blog.

Repurposing the TV Bands - Recognize Incumbents 

In Comments filed March 18 , the Land Mobile Communications Council (LMCC) advised the Commission that it "must not lose sight of very significant investments that have been made in non-broadband communications equipment and applications that are being used in the effective operation of public safety, critical infrastructure and other business activities, including in bands under consideration in this proceeding.  The 470-512 MHz band is essential to organizations that serve the public interest directly through public safety and service activities, as well as those whose operations are fundamental to the economic well-being of the nation." The LMCC also urged the FCC "to recognize the vital role played by this band and not to include it in whatever decisions it reaches with regard to the repurposing of other television broadcast spectrum".  MORE
Changes to the FCC's License Cancellation Policy?  

Maybe it was because the incumbent failed to respond to a formal FCC inquiry, or perhaps it is potentially due to a renewed interest on the part of the FCC in enforcing its permanent discontinuance" rules, but this story should be of extreme interest to many EWA members who might have just walked away.

When Telecom Communications based in Plainview, New York discovered that a license issued nine years earlier to RF Data was not on the air, they conducted a little due diligence. They contacted the tower owner who confirmed that there was no transmitter installed at their site on the purported frequencies. Correspondence requesting that the license be cancelled was then submitted to the FCC's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by Telecom Communications. In response, WTB's Mobility Division sent a letter to RF Data requesting that they provide within 30 days information concerning the operational status of call sign WPVS899. RF Data did not respond.  MORE

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City Raises 700 MHz Public Safety Eligibility      

Last week, The City of Charlotte, North Carolina asked the FCC to clarify who and for what purpose may public safety entities access 700 MHz public safety broadband spectrum.  Specifically, the City asked is the spectrum use determined by the type of entity using the spectrum or by the type of usage? The City of Charlotte suggested that the Communications Act and FCC decisions support the view that the spectrum usage should be based on who the user is, e.g., state and local governments, and not be limited to the purpose of the spectrum usage, e.g., police, fire, and EMS service applications.  MORE 

The Date Remains the Same!       

There have been no changes to the mandatory 150-512 MHz narrowbanding date, and none are anticipated. As reported by Urgent Communications, FCC staff attorney Roberto Mussenden stated during a recent IWCE session, that the agency is prepared to take enforcement action against licensees that do not comply.  MORE 

700 MHz Band Auction Scheduled     

The anticipated auction of 16 licenses in the 698-806 MHz band is one step closer to reality with the FCC's announcement of participation procedures and an auction start date of July 19, 2011.  MORE

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More Spectrum for Large Carriers Consumer-Friendly?  

In case someone wanted to convince federal regulators of the dangers of large companies getting even larger, a non-partisan pro-consumer group recently issued results from a study it conducted supporting the notion that more spectrum for larger carriers is not necessarily consumer-friendly. The Phoenix Center's Economic Framework for Rational Allocation of Spectrum concluded that consumers are "better off with more quality competition from new advanced broadband services made possible only with big blocks of spectrum.  MORE 

AT&T + T-Mobile  

The AT&T acquisition of T-Mobile USA made the headlines of nearly every newspaper, tech blog and Twitter account in the nation this week. AT&T's $39 billion investment would make them the largest carrier, with 120 million customers (surpassing Verizon Wireless' 102 million), but approval will take time as AT&T addresses regulatory requirements with FCC and Department of Justice reviews and certainly congressional hearings.  MORE 


Programming Unauthorized Radio Equipment  

EWA has reported this form of enforcement action before. Universal Technologies LTD (Universal) was issued a Citation for programming radio transmitting equipment for the Montgomery Mall in North Wales, Pennsylvania for which the Mall was not authorized. The Commission's rules state that "except for frequencies used in accordance with § 90.417, no person shall program into a transmitter frequencies for which the licensee using the transmitter is not authorized."  MORE 

Third Party Advisors Won't Pay Your Fine 

In a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, Shubat Transportation Company (Shubat) was fined $19,000 for failing to renew its license  in a timely manner and for continuing operations for seven years after the expiration of their former license. Shubat admitted that it became aware that its license had expired but took no action until March 2010 noting "staff did not have knowledge of FCC requirements/procedures."  Shubat relied on a service company to file a Special Temporary Authority in March of 2010, which reported that their license had expired six years earlier and that they needed an extension to continue radio operations while they applied for a new license. MORE 

FCC Issues $662,541 Fine! 

ADMA Telecom, Inc. a Florida-based company which provides prepaid international calling cards was issued a Forfeiture Order and assessed a fine in for $662,541 for various violations. No, that is not a typo! In the initial Notice of Appear ant Liability for Forfeiture (NAL), ADMA was cited for failing to comply with the Commission's registration requirement and "contribution and revenue filing requirements" from 2001 to August 2006. ADMA was also held liable for providing certain international services without obtaining appropriate authorization.  MORE  


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EW 2011 Logo 

General information regarding the Enterprise Wireless 2011 Leadership Summit, October 5-7, 2011, in Nashville, Tennessee is now available on EWA's web site. Click here for more information.



A&M Green Power Group, LLC
Pacific Junction, IA

Hussey Communications, Inc.
Winslow, ME

Pepco Holdings, Inc.
Wilmington, DE

TRS Wireless

Orlando, FL

Send Us Your Comments 

Members are encouraged to contact EWA with their comments and recommendations regarding the Alliance's services. 

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