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December 30, 2010
Volume 4, Issue 20


On behalf of EWA's staff, we wish to thank our members for their continued support and business during 2010, and we look forward to serving your interests in 2011.  Have a Happy New Year!       

 Mark Crosby

Member Regulatory Forums to Continue in 2011 

There are many EWA members who never miss EWA's Regulatory Forum teleconferences that are held every other Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. (EST).  Mark Crosby, EWA President, and Liz Sachs, EWA's Regulatory Counsel, lead discussions on current regulatory and spectrum topics, and note how national telecom policies may affect your business.  On January 4th, EWA's first 2011 forum will be conducted with topics to include the latest on the National Broadband Plan, the 900 MHz Industrial/Business Pool freeze and anticipated rule changes that will affect how licensees may secure exclusive trunked channels.  MORE

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Net Neutrality Moves Forward

Earlier this month, the FCC approved net neutrality rules after Democratic Commissioners Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn secured policy concessions in exchange for qualified support of a compromise framework negotiated between Chairman Julius Genachowski and major industry stakeholders. The new guidelines subject telecommunications broadband operators to transparency, anti-blocking and anti-discrimination provisions, while providing internet service providers greater flexibility to conduct network management.  MORE

Will Mobile 9-1-1 Improve Public Safety?  

With 70 percent of all 9-1-1 calls being made from mobile hand-held devices, the FCC is looking for public comment on how Next Generation 911 (NG911) can be more effective. The FCC is seeking public comment on the feasibility of first responders accessing text messages, video and photos from consumers to assess emergencies in real-time, as well as adequately supporting those with disabilities who rely on text messages for their primary communications. The Notice of Inquiry was released on December 21, 2010, and comments are due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register.  MORE: FCC NOI 10-200, December 21, 2010    FCC News 9-1-1 Services 

LMCC Moves Forward on Trunking Rules 

The LMCC's Spectrum Management Task Force has reached a consensus on a number of engineering issues regarding potential modifications to FCC Rule Section 90.187. Upon completion of an updated version of the proposed rule changes, the Task Force will submit them to the LMCC membership for approval, with a final recommendation to be delivered to the FCC.  MORE: FCC Second FNPRM, WP Docket 07-100 March 11, 2010, FCC 10-36

Free Narrowbanding Workshop Scheduled  

A workshop organized by the FCC to assist Public Safety and Industrial/Business licensees with their narrowband transition will be held January 26, 2011, from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. EST.  The workshop, being held at the FCC's Washington,  D.C. office, will include representatives from federal agencies, equipment manufacturers and public safety organizations. Live simultaneous broadcast will be available on the FCC's web page www.fcc.gov/live. MORE: FCC PN December 23, 2010.   


Trace Morris    

It is with deep regret that we inform the membership of the passing of Trace Morris, President and CEO of Morris Communications, Inc., Marcom, Inc., and ELP, LLC, Greenville, South Carolina, where he held various positions over his 30 year career. He was very active in the communications industry currently serving on EWA's Board of Directors, a member of EWA's Nominating Committee, and was an active member of the American Association of Paging Carriers.


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Not a Normal Cost of Doing Business  

When BASF discovered that their mobile only license had expired in 2004 they submitted a request to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) for a Special Temporary Authorization (STA) to continue to operate.  The only problem was they didn't submit the request until 2009 five years after the license had expired, but explained that the lack of timely renewal was due to an "administrative oversight." MORE
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Send Us Your Comments 

Members are encouraged to contact EWA with their comments and recommendations regarding the Alliance's services. Click here  to contact EWA.

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