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January 25, 2010 
Volume 4, Issue 2
Was I ever wrong ...

Crosby picLast April, I wrote an editorial discussing the Radio Spectrum Inventory Act that had been introduced by Senator John Kerry (D-MA) that would require both the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to build an inventory of radio spectrum bands that they respectfully manage.  While no specific objective of the legislation was provided in the bill, it was apparent then and now that the primary strategy is to identify spectrum that would be available for broadband uses. At the time, I did not believe that this legislation had any hope of passing.  Was I ever wrong!  Not only does this legislation have significant traction, a House version of this legislation containing much needed clarity received bipartisan support and was unanimously voted out of the House Communications Subcommittee last week.  MORE
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Spectrum Inventory Bill Passes House Subcommittee
The FCC and NTIA FCC would be required to do an inventory of spectrum between 225 MHz and 3.7 GHz, under a bill approved on a unanimous vote of the House Communications Subcommittee. Chairman Rick Boucher, D-Va., submitted a manager's amendment to the bill, which was sponsored by Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif.  MORE
Genachowski Requests National Broadband Plan Extension
Chairman Genachowski requested a one month extension from Congress for completion of the FCC's National Broadband Plan, advising that the agency would deliver the final plan on March 17, 2010.  Genachowski said the additional time will allow the Commission to continue to receive input from the public and to fully brief Commissioners and House and Senate Committees on the Plan. MORE
No More 700 MHz Devices after June 2010  
The FCC's recent Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking impacts the use of wireless microphone systems operating in the 700 MHz band, by prohibiting the further distribution and sale of devices that operate in that band. MORE
TETRA Association Waiver Request 
The FCC has received twelve comments in response to the TETRA Association request for waiver of Parts 2 and 90 to allow Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) technology to be used in the U.S.  The Land Mobile Communications Council (LMCC) expressed concern that a blanket waiver of the bandwidth limitation and emission mask rules would increase the potential for interference to existing Part 90 licensees. MORE
CPNI Certifications Due March 1
The FCC Enforcement Bureau Enforcement Advisories announces that the annual CPNI certifications are due by March 1, 2010.  The Enforcement Advisory provides a FAQ list about CPNI, a CPNI Certification Template and the text of the CPNI rules and safeguards required for use of customer proprietary network information. All telecommunications carriers who provide telecommunications services, such as paging and commercial mobile radio services providers, are required to file a CPNI certification. MORE
Reboot.FCC.gov Website Seeks Citizen Feedback
The FCC is looking for input on how to improve usability, accessibility and transparency across the agency, according to Chairman Julius Genachowski. A new website Reboot.FCC.gov highlights five key elements, specifically, redesign of FCC.gov, Data, Engagement, Systems and Rules and Processes for public discussion and feedback.  MORE
AAA Requests Certification to Provide 800/900 MHz B/ILT Coordination
In making a request to enter the 800/900 MHz Business/Industrial Land Transportation (B/ILT) frequency coordination business, the American Automobile Association (AAA) states they are "qualified" and meet the criteria to do so, and further suggest that Industrial/Business systems below 512 MHz are similar to such systems above 800 MHz. MORE 
"Minor in Nature"
The FCC issued a $13,000 fine to Verizon Wireless citing repeated violations of Commission Rules 17.4(a) and 17.21(a) relating to the registration, painting and lighting of one of their towers in Hartwell, Georgia. The tower is over 200 feet in height and was constructed in 2004. MORE
"Inadvertently ... the renewal was Omitted"
The FCC issued a reduced $250 fine to Bible Broadcasting Network (BBN) for willfully violating Section 73.3539 of the Commission's rules by failing to timely file a license renewal application, despite continued operation of station K217EY. BBN asked for forgiveness explaining that "inadvertently, the application for renewal of the station was omitted from the application from the KYFO-FM application [and that] it was unintentional."  MORE
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These comments are in response to Mark Crosby's commentary in the January 7,2010, Insider about the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) petition asking for an audit of 900 MHz narrowband PCS spectrum: 
"Mark, go after all of the public safety agencies who switched to 800 MHz to give up their VHF and UHF channels that they rarely use unless they are asked about them."
"900 MHz two way pagers?  You are going to hang yet another box on those guys' Sam Browne Belts? You can't drive down the street now without having to dodge a cop driving down the road while texting.  What a mess."
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"Bill and Carolann...Awesome. Ya'll are great!"
Jeff Dixon
Sharp Communications
"Cecilia thanks for all of your great service"
John Black
Spectrum License Consultants, Inc.
B & L Communications
Platte, SD
Kotana Communications, Inc.
Williston, ND
Radio-Phone Communications, Inc.
West Warwick, RI

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