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News from NHOP

May 30th, 2008
In This Issue
Prayer Points
Residential Schools Apology
Canadian Forces Day - June 1st
Government Prayer Sunday

prayer and bible  Prayer Points

1. Please pray for M.P. Chuck Strahl, the cabinet minister who is stewarding the process for the official apology for the Residential Schools abuses, that all the right people would be available with open hearts so that this might bring about a true and lasting spiritual healing for these First Nations peoples and for our nation.
Special Prayer Request
2. In April 2008 the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal ruled that Christian Horizons, an Evangelical Christian ministry to the developmentally disabled, could not require their staff to agree to live by Christian faith and lifestyle commitments.
   Since its founding in 1964, Christian Horizons has required all staff to share Evangelical faith and lifestyle commitments as part of their common heart for ministry. The sole adjudicator acting as the tribunal in this case noted that this decision has nothing to do with whether or not public funding is involved and is solely based on the fact that Christian Horizons is engaged in providing services outside of the Christian community.
  Christian Horizons was ordered to develop policies and procedures for re-educating their staff and changing their employment practices to allow non-Christians to join the staff. These policies and procedures will have to be approved by the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC). The Chief Commissioner of the OHRC has stated that she will apply this decision to all Christian ministries that minister outside their Christian community.
  Christian Horizons has appealed the decision. As a result of the appeal the decision is not applicable until the courts rule on this matter. The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, the Canadian Council of Christian Charities and Christian Legal Fellowship are in the process of assessing making a legal intervention in the courts in this case.  Please pray for these groups as they decide how to proceed.

microphonesNHOP BLOG
 Every day we post teaching articles, prayer alerts, stories and resources on our
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    The National Day of Action brought over a thousand peaceful First Nations people to Ottawa on Thursday this past week.  One of our prayer missionaries - Wendy Turpin, who has been especially moved to pray for Aboriginal issues, took part in the event and took this picture below.

First Nations Flag

Our daily NHOP Blog has the full report and many other articles about praying for current issues in front of our Parliament. 

feather pen This June 11th. our Prime Minister is bringing a long-awaited for apology for the abuse our First Peoples suffered in Residential Schools.
  For many years our hearts have been broken by the terrible stories we have heard concerning the residential schools.  As Christian leaders we commend our government leaders and want to join in asking forgiveness of all First Peoples, especially those who were abused, from those who called themselves Christians.
  We are praying that this act of repentance would have a great effect toward full healing of our Canada's First Peoples.
  Rather than only our government reading a well prepared document, we are asking you to agree online with this step of reconciliation. We are praying that many citizens of Canada would participate and help to send a healing message to the First Peoples and our Prime Minister that the citizens of this great nation agree with the heart of this apology.
  We believe that this action could be pivotal for the advancement of our nation and for the ongoing spreading of the gospel. Please pray for this apology and for how it is received by our First Peoples.  

Join us in signing the online apology and send it along to as many as possible. 

FacebookCanadian Forces Day  June 1st 

(We are grateful to Michael & Leonor Ward who lead the prayer ministry of the Military Christian Fellowship for writing this challenge below.)
   Canada has set aside June 1st of this year as Canadian Forces Day.   The Canadian Forces website states that this day is a day for you to show your pride for men and women of the Canadian Forces.  These men and women, sons and daughters of Canada, carry out their duties with valour and bravery, often in the face of great adversity.  One of the best ways of showing our pride in their sacrifice is to pray for them. 
  As you pray, we want to tell you that a new season has begun for the military in Canada.  The Lord has awakened in the heart of the people of Canada a genuine interest for their military - more than that a LOVE for their men and women in uniform.  Our military has regained its sense of purpose and is reclaiming the important role that they play in our nation. 
     Get ready with your Canadian Flags for Government Prayer Sunday June 29, 2008, (the Sunday before Canada Day, July 1st) . Our website contains downloadable resources for this special day. 

   Join with hundreds of churches who prayerfully supported the nation last year on Government Prayer Sunday.  Contact us for more information at www.nhop.ca  or call 613-789-4907.
Camp Fire2 
We want to fire up your teenagers! 
  In the week leading up to "The Cry" we will be holding an indepth training camp for high school intercessors.  Qualified campers will be required to send in a short essay or video submission (Youtube) as their application.
   Activities will include prayer walks, street and park outreachs, hikes, museums, worship, prayer and teaching.  Cost is only $300 which include room, meals, snacks, special outings and T-shirt.  Limited spaces available.
pillars and flowersWe still have lots happening here at NHOP as we head into the summer months.  Keep checking our regular website for latest news on our travels, Schools of Prayer and special events.  Thanks for standing with us as we represent you in our Nation's Capital.  Your faithful partnership allows us to do what we do.               
                                  the NHOP team