
News from NHOP

July 27th, 2007
In This Issue
Prayer Points
Heaven's Rehearsal
Looking for "Imagine" intercessors

prayer and bible
Prayer Points

1. Pray for the chair of the Aboriginal Affairs Committee, Colin Mayes, who on Thursday recalled all the committee members to Ottawa to address the issue of extending full human rights to all Aboriginal peoples in our nation. The effort was blocked by opposition members of the committee.  A breakthrough in working together is needed on this Parliamentary committee which is symptomatic of how many of the other committees are working.
2. Praise God for the provisional release of Max Charbonneau in Haiti back on July 14 after almost a full year waiting for a trial.  Regular readers will remember the special prayer request we shared back in March.
Pray for a complete and victorious end for this ordeal.  Check the Haiti Ministries website for ongoing updates.
3. Let's continue to join with millions of other Christians as we pray for the release of 22 South Korean aid workers in Afghanistan. Also let's remember to pray for their families.
4. Please pray for NHOP as our staff travel and take some vacation time in the midst of planning for new staff arrivals, interns and prayer missionaries who will all be living onsite.

WANTED: Interns

Deadline Extended          Aug. 14th 
girl reading word

Do you know someone who should consider doing a 3 month internship with us this Fall?

Please encourage them to check out our website for all the details.
Interns work and live alongside our team right onsite at our centre.  They experience a balance of prayer, study and work.
If you know a developing prayer leader who would benefit from an intensive training environment, we want to talk to them.
house summer
Hoping you are enjoying a great summer ...

Thanks for standing with us in prayer. 

        Representing you in the nation's capital,
       the NHOP team
We are so grateful to so many of you who continue to support us financially.  Everyday as we open the mail we have cause to give thanks to the Lord for His provision through His people.  Thank you for being faithful!
Rob and Fran Parker, our directors, have been enjoying the East Coast, taking some holidays and speaking in a number of places in all 4 provinces.  This week they met many new friends in Fredericton, N.B.
Meanwhile back at home the rest of the team prepares for an exciting Fall, looking forward to the arrival of new staff, our first group of Prayer Missionaries, and a set of new interns.
Weeks are starting to book up for the Fall season, so we would encourage you to start planning now for when your team could come and take their turn on the wall, praying onsite for Canada's government.  Give us a call to get all your questions answered and reserve your spot.
group praying
Heaven's Rehearsal
Air Canada Centre - Toronto
Sept. 15, 2007
We want to encourage any of our readers who can attend this unique event to support it and tell others about it.
Heaven's Rehearsal

"Raise a banner for the nations!
All you people of the world,
you who live on the earth,
when a banner is raised on the mountains,
you will see it..."
Isaiah 62: 10 ~ Isaiah 18:3

    Heaven's Rehearsal, a worship gathering for all nations, tribes, people, and languages, is as a banner being raised by the Lord!  Canada, as a community of nations and specifically Toronto as the most multi-cultural city of the world, is being positioned to be a prophetic picture of the Bride of Christ.  When representation of that full complement of the Bride gather "to rehearse" in passionate worship before her Holy Bridegroom, she will be coming under His banner of love (Song of Solomon 2: 4).  

     There are numerous scriptural references to "banners" in Isaiah and others among the prophets.  The context of each may vary, but it was clearly understood in those times that the banner was used militarily as a rallying point for troops in preparation for battle and leading them into action.  These banners signalled the gathering of the troops. 
     As Heaven's Rehearsal is raised as "a banner for the nations", could it be that His Bride composed of all nations and all generations will experience that revelation of Who He is, of who we are, and of not just our future together but of our function now?  Under His banner of love expressed in passionate, intimate worship there is an opportunity of the unity for which Jesus prayed (John 17:23)...this unity is only possible under a banner of love and a release of His glory!  Unity is the highest expression of love as there is a laying down of our lives for each other "that the world may know...!"
     Heaven's Rehearsal, as a banner and rallying point for the nations, has the potential to serve as an expression of His love in its highest form.  The voices of the nations combined in intimate worship could be the "sound" of that unified Warrior Bride going into action for endtime, global harvest!

Join your voice with thousands and together let's rehearse for heaven!

Heaven's Rehearsal
Air Canada Centre - Toronto
September 15, 2007 ~ 7:00 p.m.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Tickets available -  $20.00 each from ticketmaster or 416.870.8000
Group rate:  for 10 or more - $15.00
To order at group rate, contact 905.231.1701

"After this I looked and there before me
was a great multitude that no one could count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language,
standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb.
They were wearing white robes
and were holding palm branches in their hands."
Rev. 7:9

More about Heaven's Rehearsal

Looking for Intercessors for "Imagine"
   We had 18 people sign up to begin praying specifically for this conference after our last newsletter.  Perhaps there are more of you who are interested.  Here are the details...
   This coming November hundreds of church planters and denominational leaders will converge in the National Capital Region for a biennial conference sponsored by Church Planting Canada.  This year's event is titled "Imagine" and will foster new strategies and initiatives for outreach in Canada.
  Our associate director, Richard Long is part of the planning team and is in charge of the prayer component.  All delegates will be led on a prayer walk of Parliament Hill and will also visit the National House of Prayer.
   Richard is looking for intercessors from across the nation who are sensing the call to cover this event in prayer.  He will be sending out regular updates over the next 4 months to all who might be interested in joining him in prayer for "Imagine."
Hit your reply button or send a note to if you want to learn more.