nhop letterhead
Welcome to Ottawa! )
Feb. 9th 2007
In this edition ...
  • Canada-Israel Together Tour
  • Cityscape Prayer Team
  • Prayer Points
  • New Interns - Amanda, Jill, and Erica
  • Welcome to the NHOP team!
  • Dear friend,

    Winterlude is the 3 week festival in Ottawa that celebrates the snow and the cold. This week Christians in the city welcomed Jews from warmer climes, and at NHOP we had the joy of hosting a team from balmy Vancouver.


    Canada-Israel Together Tour

    Thank you for praying for this wonderful series of meetings that crossed the country this last week. It was an amazing illustration of the beauty of friends walking together in unity.

    At each venue, in the three cities of Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver, the celebration of the two cultures in song, dance and tributes brought tears to the eyes of Jew and Gentile. What a sight it was to see members of the Israeli Knesset dancing arm in arm with our own parliamentarians at the end of an evening of celebration.

    Please continue to pray that the new connections that have been developed between Christians and Jews across the land would be fostered into lifelong friendships.

    Cityscape Prayer Team
    St. Joseph's Oratory

    From the moment they landed, this intergenerational team from Vancouver hit the ground running. From morning to night they discovered themselves in the midst of significant events here in Ottawa.

    The Cityscape Prayer Team felt a special burden to keep the whole Canada-Israel Together Tour covered in prayer. They also met a couple of their M.P.'s and interceded in both the House of Commons and the Senate during public sessions.

    Friday found these West-Coasters praying on the streets of Montreal. Having discerned ahead of time that they had a special assignment to pray for Quebec, they headed into the heart of the Laurier- Sainte-Marie riding (represented by Bloc Quebec leader Gilles Duceppe) to pray with the folks from Word of Life church. Later they travelled to the spiritual high place of the St. Joseph's Oratory on Mount Royale.

    This was the second tour of duty for the Cityscape Prayer Team and we are already looking forward to the next group they send our way.

    Prayer Points

    1. Pray for a way through a parliamentary impasse that has been building for a few weeks now. A private member's bill that seeks to enforce the Kyoto accord will have a final vote this coming Tuesday. It may force the ruling Conservative Party to trigger an election on the environmental issue.

    2. Continue to pray that an all-party Environmental bill will foster cooperation on this important issue. It seems that parliamentarians have a clear choice again this next week on whether to work collaboratively or competitively.

    3. We would ask for prayers for our new interns as they begin 12 weeks of intensive learning and serving in our midst. As they step onto the frontlines here in Ottawa, we are very aware they need prayers for their health, relationships, and ministry.

    New Interns - Amanda, Jill, and Erica
    3 interns

    Here they are! They've arrived from Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C.

    Over the next 3 months these young leaders will be immersed in an intense learning experience as they learn lessons about intercession, leadership, theology, Bible interpretation and Canadian civics and ethics. Living in our servant community, they will meet many new people and interact with leaders who serve in various facets of our government.

    Welcome to the NHOP team!

    We have also welcomed to our team, Jim and Barb Forsdike, from Vernon, B.C. who will serve as Intern Pastors for the next 12 weeks. Please pray for them!

    For those of you who live in the Ottawa area, we want to welcome you to join one of our weekly courses that begin next week as a part of our NHOP School of Prayer. Check our website for more information about the Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning classes.

    Representing you in the nation's capital

    Rob & Fran Parker, and the team at NHOP

    email: info@nhop.ca
    phone: 613-789-4907
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