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Praying for our Military )
Special Edition Jan.12th, 2007
In this edition ...
  • Introducing the Military Christian Fellowship
  • Join a Conference Call to pray for the Military
  • National Prayer Vigil for the Military - Jan. 13, 2007
  • How to pray for our troops
  • Dear friend,

    This week's installment of our regular newsletter is a special edition focused on an important part of our government. The Canadian military forces are employees of the nation. They represent one of the largest departments of government.

    As we approached the end of last year, there was a very clear sense that the Lord was challenging us to put more emphasis in our prayers upon those who serve in the military. In December a number of divine connections allowed us to begin to meet significant leaders in the armed forces.

    With the special focus on praying for our troops during this Saturday, Jan. 13th's National Prayer Gathering, we felt it would be helpful to devote this week's newsletter to this theme.

    Introducing the Military Christian Fellowship

    Did you know that there was an interdenominational ministry that for many years has been reaching out to troops and their families on bases across Canada and around the world? Currently led by Brigadier- General (Ret?d) Larry Lashkevich, MCF has begun to put a renewed emphasis on prayer.

    Recently MCF appointed Michael and Leonor Ward as the Prayer Coordinators for Canada. As we have come to know the burden of their hearts and the passion they have to raise up an army of prayer warriors to support the military, we decided we would do what we could to raise their profile in the nation.

    Michael and Leonor are married with four children aged 10 to 22. He is a serving military member with tours in Somalia and Haiti. They are members of an Associated Gospel Church in Ottawa and are undertaking this prayer ministry under the covering of their local church.

    When asked about their vision, the Wards say, "We want to see 24/7 prayer covering across the nation for our troops, and for their families. We want to raise prayer for that which is not obvious to all, but is so important to those in uniform. There needs to be prayer for those returning injured, the families of those who do not return, for the scars and hurts that you cannot see, the ones that last for years or a lifetime, and for the families of those returning as they try to knit themselves together again."

    Michael and Leonor go on to state, "We know the Lord is raising an army of intercessors with a burden for the military; we invite others to prayerfully consider becoming intercessors who will stand in the gap between the military and God. Please contact us if this is your calling."

    You can send prayer requests or any other type of communication to the Wards either through the website (www.mcf-canada.ca) or by e-mailing mcfprayer@mcf-canada.ca. They would love to hear from you as they seek to recruit this army of intercessors.

    Join a Conference Call to pray for the Military
    military badge

    Stand on Guard Conference Call

    Jan. 13, 2007 (11:30am Eastern Time)
    Coming alongside the National House of Prayer

    Stand on Guard will be scheduling special times of prayer for special events that God raises up across our nation and January 13, 2007 will be one of those times.

    We are coming alongside the National House of Prayer through the Stand on Guard teleconference. If you are unable to join them on the hill - we invite you and your prayer teams to join us on a conference call 11:30am (Eastern Time). Susan Cooper will be our host and Rob Parker will be on the call to give an update.

    Teleconference Cost: ONLY $1.00 for one hour! Check it out!

    The teleconference phone call is at 1-641-696-6600 with an access code of: 114477#. If you do not have a long distance plan which includes the United States, you may call 10-15-565-1-641-696-6600 You will be charged $1 on your monthly phone bill for the one hour phone call plus 4 cents a minute for time over one hour.

    When you call the teleconference number - please remember - you do not have to announce yourself as the teleconference recording suggests - just be prepared to pray.

    In His service
    Rev Joe Campbell
    Prayer Coordinator
    Pro Marriage Network/Vote Marriage Canada

    National Prayer Vigil for the Military - Jan. 13, 2007

    What a response we have had from our call for prayer for the military! Over 50 people asked for the specific instructions about how to organize and provide direction for a prayer gathering in their area.

    Literally from coast to coast there are efforts to join in on this prayer initiative. From Sydney, Nova Scotia at the Sydney Garrison in Victoria Park to Vancouver BC, intercessors are gathering to lift up the military. Here's a list of some other cities where we have been told there will be similar vigils ... Charlottetown PEI, Halifax Nova Scotia, Kingston Ont., Trenton Ont., Sarnia Ont., Edmonton Alberta, Medicine Hat AB, Red Deer AB, Vernon BC. Comox BC.

    Many have written, sharing how they are connected to the military, and have shared specific thoughts on how we can pray effectively. Here's an example of just one letter,

    "I would like to receive the areas of prayer that you will be using to pray for our troops. We are going to do what we can to get some people to pray whether on that day or whenever we can. I appreciate your heart in doing this as we pray for the troops regularly in our prayer groups and personally. So, we hope to be a part in some way. We have a city wide prayer rally here on Jan. 19 and a prayer breakfast on Jan. 6 which we will bring this up and pray at those times as well. Again thanks for this happening in our capital.
    God Bless You
    Marilyn C

    Because of the overwhelming response, we felt we should publish below the prayer suggestions that we are using on Saturday, Jan. 13th at the Centennial Flame in Ottawa. We encourage you to pray along with us!

    How to pray for our troops

    1. For PEACE to come swiftly to Afghanistan as a result of the efforts of our Canadian troops and Stabilization Assistance Forces.
    2. Ask God for SAFETY over all our forces and the extended NATO nations deployed. Pray that any ?hidden plan? of attack would become exposed. (Psalm 91)
    3. That we would see an end to CIVILIAN CASUALTIES and that the Afghan people would lose confidence in the Taliban and instead would begin to trust the democratic forces that are trying to help them. Ask God for a brighter future in a peaceful, stable and self-sustaining country.
    4. Pray that the GOSPEL will reach the members of the Canadian forces, their families and for the spread of the gospel in all of Afghanistan.
    5. Pray for protection of the CHAPLAINS and their empowering by the Holy Spirit, that they may rightly bring the truth of Jesus into the field of operations.
    6. Pray for WISDOM for our government, particularly Gordon O?Connor our Minister of National Defense and for the leaders of our military.
    7. Pray for the families of the deployed troops and for the REINTEGRATION of the soldiers after deployment.
    8. Pray for an INCREASED AWARENESS for the Church of Canada to continue to remember to pray for our deployed troops and their families.
    9. Pray for the EFFORTS OF NATION BUILDING that are ongoing in Afghanistan. This involves such things as the building of infrastructure like roads and power, the institutions, like schools, courts, civilian police, and a democratic legislature.

    Inuit team

    We had an amazing time here in the last week with 14 Inuit leaders from 8 different Arctic communities. In next week's newsletter we will give you a more detailed report on their visit to Ottawa.

    representing you in Ottawa,

    Rob and Fran Parker
    and the team at NHOP.

    email: info@nhop.ca
    phone: 613-789-4907
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