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Prayer Bulletin )
Nov. 17th, 2006
In this edition ...
  • Cape Breton Report
  • Watch a Video Clip
  • Keeping the Fires of Intercession Burning
  • Ministering to our Troops at Christmas Time
  • Prayer Points
  • Dear friend,

    With our members of parliament back in their home ridings this week, we have also had a break from our normal activities. This allowed us the room to host a special leaders luncheon with Dr. Jonathan David.

    Dr. David, being from Malaysia, had the blessing of not only meeting the Ambassador of his nation, Dennis Ignatius, but also being wonderfully hosted by him and his wife.

    The local pastors and leaders who met Dr. Jonathan David were especially impressed that he had been praying for Canada for 14 years before the Lord opened the door for him to come this Fall. He challenged all of us about our national destiny and how it was standing in the balance, dependant on how the Church would intercede over the coming months and years.

    Cape Breton Report
    giant fiddle

    Rob and Fran Parker were warmly welcomed in Sydney,Nova Scotia as they spent the Remembrance Day weekend helping to launch the new Cape Breton Prayer Network. They spoke to prayer leaders and pastors who had gathered from across the island, and across denominational lines to participate in a conference by invitation from Dave MacKenna & Lloyd Johnstone of Island Business Ministries.

    The themes Rob and Fran addressed are foundational to regional prayer networks.
    - Healthy Relationships between Pastors and Intercessors
    - Cleansing the Land
    - Identificational Repentance
    - Dynamics of Corporate Intercession
    - Why Pray for Government? (How this affects your Region)
    - Becoming an Infectious Intercessor

    The well-attended meetings were held at the new facilities of the Sydney Salvation Army Community Church. Sunday evening we joined The Lighthouse Church with Pastor Dave Sawler for the monthy Cape Breton prayer and worship evening in nearby Glace Bay. Organizers were greatly encouraged by the number of pastors who attended, and the overall sense of hope for the whole region that everyone felt as they look toward this prayer network being established.

    Watch a Video Clip
    The Hour

    A few weeks ago NHOP was featured on the CBC TV program "The Hour". The five minute segment is still posted on their website for those of you who may not have seen it. We felt it was a very fair and interesting perspective on our ministry.

    Keeping the Fires of Intercession Burning

    Our goal is to maintain onsite intercessory prayer coverage the full time that Parliament is in session. With some changes in people's plans we realized that the first two weeks of December are under-manned.

    So ... we are putting out a call, especially to prayer teams in southern Ontario and western Quebec, to consider coming even for a few days to help us keep the fires of intercession burning. We are able to host teams of upwards of 25, but are quite happy to receive smaller teams during this two week window.

    Call us at 613-789-4907 if your prayer team senses that the Lord is calling you to Ottawa in early December.

    Ministering to our Troops at Christmas Time
    military badge

    It is our understanding, after conversations with high level military leaders, that the well-intentioned desire to send packages to our soldiers in Afghanistan is actually not a good idea. The logistics are complicated and can even put our troops in extra danger.

    We would like to propose an alternative. The families of our military back home could use some extra encouragement. We would like to help match some of those families with generous people who want to give some extra love during this season.

    If you have someone who serves in the military in your family circle or in your fellowship, whom you know would have a family that is a good candidate for a Christmas hamper or gifts, we would like to hear from you.

    Send us a return email or give us a call so that we can begin to make the connections.

    Prayer Points

    1. Pray for the families of our soldiers. The extra stress of military service brings potential problems with substance abuse, maritial strife and even violence. Pray for the chaplains who minister on bases all over the world, that they would have the wisdom and grace to help these families.

    2. Pray for Canada's role on the international stage. This last week has seen members of the Cabinet in several different international summits. Especially pray that the call for human rights will change the way some nations treat their citizens.

    3. Let's pray for good cooperation as a multi- party committee works on a new environmental bill. This is an opportunity for our present Parliament to really work cooperatively: an unusual situation amidst the normal strife.

    Rob and Fran are ministering in Kitchener, Ontario this weekend. Next week we welcome back a prayer team from McLennan, in northern Alberta who will be here for the third time this year!

    representing you in Ottawa,

    Rob, Fran and the NHOP team

    email: info@nhop.ca
    phone: 613-789-4907
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