nhop letterhead
Prayer Bulletin )
Aug. 4th, 2006
In this edition ...
  • Our New English Sign
  • Our New French sign!
  • "The Experience" (Tents in our Front Yard)
  • Prayer Points
  • Dear friend,

    Have you ever invited 500 guests to your house for a party? Our team has been preparing for an open house this Sunday afternoon at which we expect at least that many people to tour the facility.

    This is all a part of the Dominion Conference that is being held here in Ottawa over this long weekend. Dick and Joan DeWert of The Miracle Channel are hosting this large prayer conference.

    Our New English Sign
    Richard and sign

    A few months ago we were overwhelmed by the generosity of a local woman who donated $1000.00 toward a "proper" sign for our building. It was installed this week!

    When Rob Parker began looking for a company that worked with granite, he found one nearby. The owner knew all about the building from many years before and had actually done work for the previous owners, an order of nuns. (We always say, that this had originally been built as a house of prayer, and has now returned to it's calling.)

    That's our assistant director, Richard Long standing in the picture.

    Our New French sign!

    It seemed only appropriate that we should erect a sign in our other official language. Surrounding this sign are a team of intercessors from Kelowna, B.C. They kindly brought a wonderful gift from their home church this week and were willing to fund this second sign.

    What a blessing when Anglophones sow generously into the Francophone community! Our house is in a predominantly French area of central Ottawa, so the new sign has already generated a number of conversations with our neighbours.

    "The Experience" (Tents in our Front Yard)
    Tents of Experience

    Right across the street from NHOP is a public park. This weekend it features 5 tents set up by Hany Soryal's outreach ministry - "Quebec Je T'aime." It's called "The Experience".

    In their own words this experience "is a series of tents in which are housed three different "environments" -artistic interpretations of the phases involved in the journey of rebirth, as taken from John 3:5. "Jesus (said) 'Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.'" Through these magnificent, three-dimensional, multi-sensory works of art, visitors experience God's love and its relationship to rebirth. This experience culminates in the visitors receiving an invitation from Jesus, to know Him and to be His love."

    We love the synergy of the Spirit. As we work with The Miracle Channel this weekend, we also have the privilege of encouraging the many conference attendees and local residents to visit the park across the street for a unique experience.

    Prayer Points

    1. Please pray for the special events happening here in Ottawa this weekend, that they will be a catalyst for transformation in the nation and in people's own hearts.

    2. More families are greiving the loss of fallen soldiers this week. Let us pray that they will experience the strong comfort of the Lord in this time of sorrow.

    3. This is a critical week for our national finances. All departments have to submit their main estimates for the following year. Pray for great wisdom and efficiency as 200 billion dollars worth of expenditures is carved up for use in many different ways.

    Our team will be well represented at the "Consumed" Gathering in Edmonton at the end of August. We hope to see many of you there. More about that in next week's newsletter.

    Representing you in Ottawa,

    Rob, Fran, Richard and the team at NHOP

    email: info@nhop.ca
    phone: 613-789-4907
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