Brought to you by Martin/F. Weber Co., America's master color-maker since 1853.
Volume 1, Issue 1                                                                                                                      July 2012
Dear Art Enthusiast,
Hello and welcome to Speaking of Color!  We've just launched our new bimonthly e-newsletter, where we hope to provide art professionals, students, enthusiasts and consumers with the latest information on what's happening with our company and the industry.  We will keep you informed as to the latest and greatest products, breaking news in the art world and the "who's who" of talented artists.  We will also be offering our readers special promotional deals and product samples, so make sure you check out the coupon included at the bottom of each issue.

This is your newsletter.  As such, we hope that you will share your ideas and experiences with us.  If there is an art-related topic you'd be interested in reading about, a fabulous new product you've recently discovered or exciting new painting tips that you'd like to share with others, let us know.  You may see your topic of interest featured in a future edition!  For additional art related news, visit our blog, Paint Talks.  For now, grab a cup of coffee, relax and enjoy our first newsletter.

~ Karen J. Clawson
   Resident Artist


In This Issue

Mission Gold Watercolors Available in U.S.
Featured Artist: Mary Henderson
Innovative New Products
Permalba Oil is in the White House
Breaking News: Bob Ross ® Documentary
Art Tip: Plein Air Painting
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Mission Gold Watercolors Now Available in the U.S.!
We are so pleased and excited to introduce a new premium line of watercolors, Mission Gold, to the United States!   Made by the same company that makes the world famous Mijello Artist Palettes, Mission Gold is far superior to any other watercolor currently available on the market.  For intensity and brilliance beyond compare and watercolor as vibrant as nature itself, experience Mission Gold Watercolors by Mijello.

Go beyond your ordinary watercolor; Mission Gold is the watercolor that listens to you.  Each color is handcrafted and allowed to mature to classical music until it is teeming with richness and complexity.  As a result, all are able to truly express the depth and perspective of multidimensional subjects.  Mission Gold also features a revolutionary Chinese White pigment that behaves how it should.

Use directly on a dry palette!  Mission Gold has unsurpassed consistency and performance.  With more pigment and no thickener, a little color goes a long way.  It also has excellent lightfastness, so your watercolor paintings will preserve their original vivacity.

Featured Artist
Mary Henderson
Mary Henderson ImageMary Henderson is a talented and prolific watercolor artist who lives and works in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She studied fine art at the Saginaw Institute of Art for three years, where she enjoyed working directly with artists who explored different mediums such as metal sculpture, oil and charcoal.  Proficient in multiple media, Mary's favorite medium to work with is watercolor.  She has been inspired by artists such as Claude Monet and Georgia O'Keeffe, whose influences can be seen in her work.  Her light and airy paintings pay homage to Monet, while her close up and vibrant work is reminiscent of O'Keeffe.  Mary spent eight years participating in juried shows throughout the State of Florida, where she received several awards.  Her artwork has been exhibited in galleries both in Florida and nationally.  Mary has been painting and teaching painting for the past 31 years.

Mary Loves to paint wildlife, often in unusual or close-up poses.  Her favorite subject matter to work with is endangered species, especially the mountain gorilla, African elephant and rhino, all of which she paints on cold press watercolor paper. 

As a teacher, Mary's goal is to assist her students in developing right-brain skills, because through artwork, every barrier is broken.  Minds seem to mesh, the socioeconomic and ethnic divisions disappear and people start entering an area of their being where they have not been before; the artist being.  She feels that students are then able to appreciate what they are doing and acknowledge each others creations while building confidence.  Mary believes that students of any age have the ability to be involved in art as long as they have the desire to learn art or have it become a part of their life.  Her greatest joy is "when one of her students stand back in awe of the artwork they have completed after believing that they never had the skill to create art in the first place."

Mary is very excited to have been introduced to the new pigment, Mission Gold.  She stated that "This is the best pigment I have ever used.  I am constantly amazed by it.  Thru all my years of teaching I have constantly searched for a better line of paint.  I have found nothing to compare to its overall excellence.  I am thrilled to be using and teaching with Mission Gold."

Innovative New Products


                      MOO Erasers
The MOO eraser, designed to replace the need for using four different types of erasers, has all the benefits of other erasers.  It's "udderly" fantastic!  The MOO eraser can create light and shadow like a kneaded eraser, as well as a sharp line like a hard eraser.  You don't need to worry about damaging your drawing surface anymore because the MOO eraser is soft.  Its residue clumps together into a strand for quick and easy clean-up.  The MOO eraser easily lifts graphite without smearing or streaking.  It's also great for use with pastels or charcoal. 

If you have any questions or comments regarding the MOO eraser or any of our products, please contact our customer service department.  We're here to help you.  
Weber's Permalba Oil is in the White House!
John Howard Sanden's Bush Portraits are Unveiled at Ceremony
Photo credit:
President Bush and Laura Bush Photo credit: 

Renowned portrait artist John Howard Sanden, founder of The Portrait Institute, recently painted portraits of President George W. Bush and Laura Bush.  The official unveiling took place during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House on May 31, 2012.  The emotional event was hosted by President Barack Obama and the First Lady.  Former Presidents George W. Bush and his father, George H. W. Bush were both in attendance, as were both former First Ladies.

The Bush portraits were painted using our premium Permalba ® Oil Colors in conjunction with our ProMix ® System of flesh and neutral tone oil colors.  The use of these high quality, archival paints ensure that the Bush portraits will be around for your great-grandchildren to enjoy!  Permalba ® and ProMix ® System are the only paint lines to receive the highest rating of lightfastness, I, by Duke University (with the exception of the iridescent colors that have not yet been rated).  ProMix ®, developed by John Howard Sanden, consists of specially formulated professional oil colors which allow the artist to obtain delicate variations of skin tones, quickly and consistently, with reliability and control.  Sanden has also authored several instructional books on the art of figure and portrait painting.  Be sure to visit our website to learn more about John Howard Sanden, his instructional material, the ProMix ® System of oil colors and our Permalba ® paint line.

 Learn more about Sanden's ProMix System!



Breaking News


Bob Ross ® Documentary
We are pleased to announce that the Bob Ross ® documentary, currently broadcasting on PBS across the U.S., will be available on January 1, 2013 from art and craft dealers around the world.  Bob's PBS TV series, The Joy of Painting ®, continues to be seen by millions of people in more than 50 countries every day.  The Joy of Painting ® is the longest running TV series anywhere that instructs viewers how to paint.  In fact, no one in history has created more artists than Bob Ross ®.  



Art Tip
If you're doing any plein air painting this summer, bring along our Turpenoid ® Natural; it's better for the environment.  Never use a toxic product for cleaning artist tools or brushes when a non-toxic product is available.


Turpenoid ® Natural is a non-toxic, non-flammable artist solvent and brush cleaner/conditioner that is safe for both you and the environment.  It's an incomparable product for cleaning, conditioning and refurbishing oil and acrylic brushes.  To refurbish hardened brushes, soak the bristles in Turpenoid ® Natural for a few hours, clean with water and, when dry, your brushes will be like new.  Hint: do not put the wood handle into the Turpenoid ® Natural as the paint on the brush handle could be removed.



Upcoming Events


Donna Dewberry

K. Kingdom, one of our very special partners in Taiwan, is sponsoring an event featuring Donna Dewberry.  Donna has been traveling the world, training her teachers to use Weber wOil ®.  This super premium, water mixable oil color is safe for both the artist and environment. In Taiwan, Donna will travel to most of K. Kingdom's stores, doing demonstrations in wOil ® for their teachers and club members.  She will be there for three weeks teaching her new oil painting techniques to the wonderful people of the Rebublic of China.  K.Kingdom has teaching art shops in most high-end department stores in Taiwan and China.


Visit Donna Dewbery's Website!  


Heart of Ohio Tole Chapter's 32nd Convention - August 13-18, 2012 

The convention will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio.  Painting classes in a variety of skill levels and mediums will be offered.   

Learn more about the Heart of Ohio Tole Convention  


Florida Watercolor Society's 41st Annual Convention - September 13-16, 2012 

The convention will be held at the Doubletree Hotel.  Workshops will be held September 10-13, 2012.  Juror Nicholas Simmons and Soon Y. Warren will each be conducting a 4-day workshop.   

Learn more about the Florida Watercolor Society Convention 


Artists' Materials Expo 2012: Creative Spirit - September 13-16, 2012 

The Expo will be held at the Buffalo Thunder Resort in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  It will feature 74 booths of art material manufacturers, over 80 workshops and a workshop participant gallery.

Learn more about Artists' Expo 2012: Creative Spirit     



Follow-up Links
Colorful Quotes

Painting is an attempt to come to terms with life. There are as many solutions as there are human beings.

~ George Tooker

Martin/F. Weber Co., America's master color-maker since 1853.
Martin/F. Weber / 4444 Lawton / Detroit, Michigan 48208 
Free Sample
Attention watercolorists!  Now is your opportunity to try out Mission Gold watercolors for yourself.  Click on the "contact us" button, fill out the attached form and submit it to us by the coupon's expiration date to receive a free Mijello Mission Gold watercolor sample pack. 

Offer Expires: October 1, 2012