Welcome to Dr. Sharon Vanderlip's First Newsletter!
To my clients and friends,
Thank you very much for the opportunity to help you care for and raise healthy animals for companionship, competition, and service. This first newsletter is dedicated to you and your amazing animals!
Please visit my website. It has been completely redesigned and updated! www.sharonvanderlip.com
Best wishes,
In the Spotlight!
Gunner is a Freedom Dog!
Freedom Dogs is non-profit, 501c3 organization that trains Specialty Service Dogs to assist wounded military heroes returning from battle with emotional scars, such as post traumatic stress disorder. Gunner passed his Public Access Test and continues to excel in his training. I am thrilled to have played a role in bringing Gunner into the world. I performed the artificial insemination. Two months later, on a cold November evening at midnight, I delivered Gunner and his littermates by C-section while Dr. Jack Vanderlip provided anesthesia and monitoring, as he always does for all of our surgical patients.
There was a happy celebration at the midnight hour in the clinic that night! Meet Gunner and please be sure to visit www.freedomdogs.org
Romeo is a Star!
Do you remember the big, beautiful Great Dane at the card table in the Super Bowl commercial? That was Champion Sunstrike Romeo!

Owner David Noe says it took several hours of filming, but he and Romeo had a lot of fun! Watch the video!
Romeo is the proud sire of many beautiful puppies in Canada and New Zealand. Some of his offspring are already champions! |
This year Dr. Vanderlip received a Local Authors Award from the San Diego Public Library.
Dr. Vanderlip read from her newest book, Hedgehogs, at
- the 2011 San Diego Writing Women Launch Party
She also gave a presentation on canine reproduction to the Great Dane Club of San Diego in April 2011.
Dr. Vanderlip can be scheduled for seminars, readings, and book signings. |
New Books by Dr. Vanderlip
to be Released in 2012!
There is so much to know about pet rabbits! My book is filled with the newest information regarding rabbit history, behavior, care, nutrition, housing, breeds, breeding, and exhibiting.
It was fun researching the rabbit literature, from the most current veterinary information to the oldest myths. While searching through my antique book collection, I found several beautiful illustrations in a rabbit book written by a French veterinarian in 1894, including the one above depicting two Angora rabbits!
- Shetland Sheepdog Breed Bible
The Shetland Sheepdog is the quintessential canine: affectionate, intelligent, good natured, willing, intensely loyal, and beautiful. It is, above all, a devoted companion and a working dog. Shelties rank among the most intelligent and trainable breeds. It is no wonder these extraordinary dogs are so popular!
These two new books are comprehensive, informative, fun, and filled with beautiful color photographs. The Shetland Sheepdog Breed Bible also includes a training DVD. I hope that you will enjoy reading these books as much as I enjoyed writing them for you!
To learn more about other pet care books I have written, please visit the books page on my website. Thanks! |
Are Pure Bred Dogs the Next Endangered Species?
Find out at the National Animal Interest Alliance seminar November 12-13, 2011 in Harrisburg, PA. |
Tips for Dog Breeders
Some laboratories store submitted samples for up to one week, in case additional testing is needed. If your veterinarian sends your dog's serum to a laboratory for progesterone monitoring, and if you later decide to have additional tests run (such as a Brucella canis test or a retrospective leutinizing hormone test), it may be possible to ask the laboratory to test the samples that were already submitted. It might save you and your dog an additional trip to your veterinarian's office! |
While doing a literature search in my library, I found a newspaper clipping from the early 20th century hidden between the pages of a 1928 Veterinary Materia Medica. The article asked "Should Women Operate On Animals?" and quoted a veterinarian giving a talk entitled "Man and His Dog". He stated, "The profession of veterinary surgery is not a suitable one for women and I would never advise a girl to take it up as a career. They make a success of being veterinary dieticians or scientists, but never as a practitioner. In Europe women are always discouraged when it is discovered that they are anxious to study that profession." As a veterinarian and veterinary surgeon, I found this article to be a good reminder of how fortunate we are to live in more enlightened times. I am happy to share this amusing article for your musing!  |
Animal Expressions
"Dog Days of Summer"
As we welcome September, we say goodbye to August and the hottest days of summer, often called the "dogs days of summer". This odd animal expression originates from Latin: diēs caniculārēs and comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, the Dog Star, played a role in causing hot weather.