Art Talks, a benefit for NAMI-CT, will feature the acclaimed works of Sherri Wolfgang's Crazy Making collection, including "Two Faces" (above), and ArtShip - the artists of Fellowship Place.
Art Event Kicks-Off Fundraising Drive for NAMIWalk
Art Talks, a showcase of works by and about those with mental illness, is a cocktail reception to benefit the annual NAMIWalk. The event's program will feature Morris Bell, PhD, professor of psychiatry at Yale, discussing his work on cognition and recovery. Art Talks will be held on Friday, May 18, 2012 at Silvermine Arts Center in New Canaan, CT. Read more and purchase tickets
Howard Zonana is Recipient of Forensic Psychiatry Award
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL) has selected Howard Zonana, MD, Yale professor of psychiatry, to receive the 2012 Isaac Ray Award. This prestigious honor is based on Dr. Zonana's decades of demonstrated leadership and outstanding achievements in the field of forensic psychiatry. The award will be presented at the APA's annual meeting in May 2012. Read more
The Battle Over Premenstrual Disorder in DSM-5
Doctors and psychiatrists at work on DSM-5 are considering the addition of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Kimberly Yonkers, MD, professor of psychiatry, is a champion of PMDD research, and she also sits on the committee that will either greenlight or ax PMDD's placement in the manual. Read more
Cocaine and the Teen Brain: Insights Into Addiction
When first exposed to cocaine, the adolescent brain launches a strong defensive reaction designed to minimize the drug's effects. A new study, published in the Feb. 15 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, identifies key genes that regulate this response. Jane R. Taylor, PhD, Charles B. G. Murphy Professor of Psychiatry and an author of the paper, is teaming up with other Yale researchers to look for more genes that may play a role in protecting the brain from the effects of cocaine and other drugs of abuse. Read more
Areas of Brain Less Active in People Who Drink More
A study has found that the caudate nucleus and frontal cortex regions of the brain show less activation in people who drink more heavily. The paper was released online ahead of its publication in the May 2012 Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Corresponding author Chiang-Shan Li, MD, PhD is associate professor of psychiatry. Other Yale-affiliated authors include Sarah Bednarski, MS; Emily Erdman, BS; Sheng Zhang, PhD and Sien Hu, PhD. Read more
Study Suggests Advantage of Novel 5-Factor Model of PTSD Symptoms
An article published in the March 2012 Journal of Psychiatric Research indicates that a novel 5-factor model provides a significantly better representation of PTSD symptoms than the 3-factor DSM-IV and the 4-factor dysphoria and numbing models. The findings may have implications for discussed revisions to PTSD symptom clusters in the DSM-5. Yale authors include Robert Pietrzak, PhD; Jack Tsai, PhD; Ilan Harpaz-Rotem, PhD; and Steven Southwick, MD. Read more |
Assistant Professor Named YCCI Junior Faculty Scholar
Hedy Kober, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry, joins an accomplished group of investigators as a 2011 Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI) Junior Faculty Scholar. Dr. Kober is conducting a study to test whether cocaine-dependent individuals are able to use cognitive strategies to regulate their cravings and identify the neural mechanisms that underlie their regulation. Read the announcement and more about the Scholar program |
Early Career Psychologists Find Success and Opportunity
This month's Monitor on Psychology, a publication of the American Psychological Association, profiles early career psychologists who are finding career success in interdisciplinary pursuits. Anne Klee, PhD and Allison Ponce, PhD, are both assistant professors of psychiatry working in community mental health. Read more |
Irina Esterlis, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry, has been awarded a three-year grant as part of the Dana Foundation's Program in Brain and Immuno-imaging. The grant will fund a project titled Brain Imaging of the Glutamatergic System in Depression. Dr. Esterlis is the project's principal investigator. Read more |
VIDEO: Second Interview and Formulation (I&F) Session
On Monday, April 2nd, a second "Interview & Formulation" (I&F) session will be held featuring Robert Rohrbaugh, MD, professor of psychiatry, deputy chair for education and career development, and psychiatry residency program director. He will interview a patient from the community and present his formulation followed by teaching points. A department-wide wine and cheese event will follow. Watch a short video announcing the event
Yale to Host Borderline Personality Disorder Conference
The 8th Annual Yale NEA-BPD Conference, to be held Friday May 4, will address difficulties with impulsive aggression in individuals diagnosed with BPD, including basic clinical research, neuroscience, forensic treatment development, psychopharmacology, and consumer and family member perspectives. Seth Axelrod, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry, is the Yale-affiliated conference director. Read more and register online
Department Partners with Austen Riggs and Child Study Center on Parenting Conference
This unique clinical-research conference is built around a clinical case in which the patient's parents and children were part of an intensive treatment process at Austen Riggs. The CME-eligible conference will examine how cutting-edge findings clarify and deepen our understanding of both competent and problematic parenting. The event will be held July 20th and 21st at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, MA. Read more and register online |
Missed a Grand Rounds? Watch it Online!
Watching an online video will never replace the experience of joining your colleagues in the CMHC auditorium, but if you missed a Grand Rounds talk over the last few months, you can likely find a streaming version of it on the department's web site. The archive now includes the standing-room-only session in honor of Sidney Blatt, PhD, among others. Grand Rounds video archive
This Month in Department History
March 1967: Redlich Appointed Dean of Medical School
Forty-five years ago this month, Dr. Frederick "Fritz" C. Redlich, chair of the Yale psychiatry department, was appointed dean of Yale's School of Medicine. The New York Times noted that in medical circles, the appointment of a psychiatrist to head one of the nation's most prestigious medical schools was seen as an indication "that psychiatry has come of age."
"Dean of Medicine is Named at Yale," New York Times, 03/15/1967
Books by Yale Psychiatry Faculty
Oasis in the Overwhelm: 60-Second Strategies for Balance in a Busy World (2nd Edition)
by Millie Grenough, MSW, Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine Four powerful 60-second strategies that can instantly reduce stress, strengthen your physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being and make you healthier and happier. Read more
Alumni Spotlight
SAVE THE DATE: Yale Reception at APA Annual Meeting
Please join Yale Psychiatry at the American Psychiatric Association's 2012 Annual Meeting. At our reception, Aaron Beck, MD, Yale Medical School graduate and father of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), will be presented the Distinguished Alumni Award. The event will be held on Monday, May 7th, 2012 at the Union League of Philadelphia. More details will be forthcoming. Registration for the APA 2012 Annual Meeting has begun.
Alumni, please submit your news and updates to psychiatry@yale.edu.
Upcoming Grand Rounds
Please visit the Department's web calendar for more upcoming events.
Friday, March 9, 2012; 10:15-11:45 am
Clinicians as People Writing About Patients as People
Rebecca Miller, PhD, MA, Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry; Ani Annamalai, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Claude Grazia, MSW, Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Social Work); Sarah Mourra, MD, PGY-4 Psychiatry Resident; David Sells, PhD, MA, Associate Research Scientist in Psychiatry; Michelle Joy, YSM Medical Student, Class of 2012; Lila Fain, Occupational Therapist, CMHC; and John Strauss, MD, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry
CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St
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Friday, March 16, 2012; 10:15-11:45 am
Resident Grand Rounds: "Prison Release Interventions for HIV+ Prisoners: Treating Substance Use Disorders with Medication-Assisted Therapies"
Frederick Altice, MD, Professor of Medicine (AIDS) and of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases), Yale School of Medicine
CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St
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Friday, March 23, 2012; 10:15-11:45 am
Molecular Regulation of Prefrontal Cortical NMDA Circuits; Vulnerabilities for Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Amy Arnsten, PhD, Professor of Neurobiology, Yale School of Medicine
CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St
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Friday, March 30, 2012; 10:15-11:45 am
Title TBA
Ronald Duman, PhD, Elizabeth Mears and House Jameson Professor of Psychiatry and Professor of Neurobiology and of Pharmacology, Yale School of Medicine; Director, Abraham Ribicoff Research Facilities, Connecticut Mental Health Center
CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St
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Grand Rounds video archive
The Department's web site includes videos of past Grand Rounds presentations. Talks will be added as they are digitized.
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