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Brain Camp 2011 Header Photo

  Our residents participate in a class among the extraordinary specimens housed at Yale Medical Library's Cushing Center. The session, on neuroscience, is part of the residency program's "Brain Camp".

Yale/NAMI-CT Collaboration Stronger Than Ever: Faculty Joins Board, NAMI-CT Honors Department Chair and Resident
Blumberg Preview Photo 162 x 100Yale's Department of Psychiatry fosters a strong working relationship with the Connecticut chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-CT), an organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with serious mental illnesses and their families. Recently, Dr. Hilary Blumberg, a member of Yale Psychiatry's faculty, joined the NAMI-CT Board of Directors. Read more 
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program Ranked #1, Again
US News & World Report Badge 2012Once again for 2012, U.S. News & World Report has ranked Yale's Drug and Alcohol Abuse program #1 in the country. See rankings on U.S. News & World Report site.
Department Announces Clinical Innovation Honors

Yale ShieldThe Department is pleased to announce the winners of its second annual Clinical Innovation in Psychiatry (CIIP) Awards. Read more 

  • First Place: Dr. William Sledge; Behavioral Intervention Team 
  • Second Place: Dr. Caroline Easton; Forensic Drug Diversion Program     
  • Third Place: Drs. Morris Bell and Bruce Wexler; Combined Computerized Cognitive Remediation Treatment and Vocational Services for Schizophrenia
Anti-psychotic Drug Found Ineffective for Veterans' Stress
NY Times Logo 162 x 100

An anti-psychotic drug commonly prescribed to patients with hard-to-treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) does not ease PTSD symptoms, according to a new study by Yale Department of Psychiatry researchers. The study was published in JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association. Read the New York Times article.  

The Importance of Health Care Reform for Women

Mazure,Caolyn,FacultyHeadshot,162x100Upcoming changes to health care access and affordability, the basis for the recently passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, will change the health care landscape for everyone. Dr. Carolyn Mazure writes on the impact of this and other health reforms on women. Read the article 

Yale/CMHC Study Suggests Insurers Trying to Skirt Mental Health Parity Law
Psychiatric Services Logo 162 x 100

New research, published in Psychiatric Services, suggests maintaining health insurance coverage can be extremely difficult for US patients with early psychosis. Discontinuities in health insurance coverage may make it difficult for individuals to receive the services that are critical in determining long-term outcomes. Read more 

A Role for Stress Hormones in Response to Food Restriction
Stress Hormones in Response to Fool Restriction 162 x 100

A study by investigators in the Ribicoff Research Facilities demonstrates a central role for stress hormones in mediating responses to food restriction. The report, appearing in Biological Psychiatry, outlines alterations in gene expression that may be relevant for both adaptive and pathological responses to stress. Read more 

Volume on Impulse Control Disorders Co-edited by Yale Psychiatry Professor
Oxford Handbook of ICDs COVEROxford University Press has released The Oxford Handbook of Impulse Control Disorders as a new title in its Oxford Library of Psychology series. The book, a collection of articles that thoroughly examine a range of related "impulse control disorders", was co-edited by Yale Psychiatry Professor Marc Potenza, MD, PhD. Read more


Professor Receives Young Investigator Award from International Society of Psychiatric Genetics

Yale ShieldThe International Society of Psychiatric Genetics (ISPG) has named David Glahn, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine, the winner of the 2011 Theodore Reich Young Investigator Award. Read more 

Philosophy and Psychiatry Group Kicks-off Second Year
Philosophy and Psychiatry Group

The Yale Philosophy and Psychiatry Group, founded and led by a third-year Yale Psychiatry resident, announces another academic year of programming. The group provides a monthly forum to discuss the "bigger questions" that arise in attempting to understand the whole of a patient. Read more 

Visiting Professor Will be Delegate to United Nations NGO Conference
European Health Psychological Society Logo 162 x 100

The European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) has selected Golan Shahar, PhD, a Visiting Professor in Yale's Psychiatry Department, to represent EHPS at the 64th Annual United Nations Conference for Non-Governmental Organizations Associated with the Department of Public Information. Read more 


CDC: 1/4 of US Adults Have a Mental Illness, Nearly 1/2 Will Develop Mental Illness During Their Lives
CDC Report Map 162 x 100

Mental illnesses account for a larger proportion of disability in developed countries than any other group of illnesses, including cancer and heart disease. A report out this month summarizes data from CDC surveillance systems that measure the prevalence and impact of mental illness in the U.S. adult population. Read more 

Department Calendar

Please visit the Department's online calendar for the next seven days at a glance.

Or, jump to any of the following listings: 

GrandRoundsGrand Rounds

Friday, September 9, 2011; 10:15 am

Neuronal Epigenome Mapping in Developing and Diseased Prefrontal Cortex

Schahram Akbarian 100x145Schahram Akbarian, MD, PhD; Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Director of Brudnick Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Medical School

CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St

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Friday, September 16, 2011; 10:15 am

Drinking From the Fire Hose: The Genomics of Autism Spectrum Disorders

State,Matthew,100x145Matthew State, MD, PhD; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, of Genetics, and Donald J. Cohen Associate Professor in the Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine; Co-Director, Yale Program on Neurogenetics; Deputy Chair for Research, Department of Psychiatry

CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St

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Friday, September 23, 2011; 10:15 am

Dragons Live Here, or DSM 5: A Report From the Front

Greenberg Color PhotoGary Greenberg, PhD; Psyhchotherapist and Author

Dr. Gary Greenberg, who has interviewed the major DSM players extensively, and whose latest book will describe the process and politics of the creation of DSM 5, will discuss what the DSM revision is supposed to be accomplishing, the problems it is encountering, and the larger troubles afflicting psychiatric nosology and diagnosis.

CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St

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Friday, September 30, 2011; 10:15 am

Clinical Innovation in Psychiatry (CIIP) Honors

YSM Shielf Blank 4-Color 100 x 145The winners of the Department's second annual Clinical Innovation in Psychiatry (CIIP) awards will present their programs.

CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St

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Friday, September 30, 2011; 10:15 am

Special afternoon session / Developmental Disruptions in Neural Connectivity in the Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia

Cannon,Tyrone,100x145Tyrone Cannon, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Neuroscience, and Psychology at UCLA School of Medicine

CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St

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BSTPBiological Sciences Training Program in Psychiatry

Monday, September 12, 2011; 11:00 am

Special morning session / The Impact of Stress on Glutamate Release and Transmission: Mechanisms of Stress and the Dampening Action of Antidepressant Agents

Popoli Headshot 2Maurizio Popoli, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, University of Milan, Italy

CMHC W212, 34 Park St

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Monday, September 12, 2011; 3:45 pm

Neural Correlates of Working Memory Deficits in Patients with Schizophrenia

VanSnellenberg,Jared,Headshot 2,100x145Jared Van Snellenberg; Research Scientist, New York State Psychiatric Institute; Doctoral Candidate, Columbia University Department of Psychology

CMHC W212, 34 Park St

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Monday, September 19, 2011; 3:45 pm

Learning and Decision Making in the Primate Brain

Lee,BSTP,100x145Daeyeol Lee, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurobiology, Yale School Of Medicine

CMHC W212, 34 Park St

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Monday, September 26, 2011; 3:45 pm

Molecular Constituents of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in the Brain

Tomita,Susumu,100x145Susumu Tomita, PhD, Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Yale School of Medicine

CMHC W212, 34 Park St

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ClinicalPracticeSeminarSeriesClinical Practice Seminar Series

The Department's Voluntary Faculty Committee (VFC) has organized a new monthly Clinical Practice Seminar Series with programming of interest to our voluntary (clinical) faculty as well as the Department at large. These monthly seminars will be always be held before or after the Department's regular Grand Rounds, and continuing medical education credit will be provided.

All are invited to attend.

Friday, September 16, 2011; 12:00 pm

Non-Pharmacological Aspects of Psychopharmacology

Ostroff,Robert,145x100Robert Ostroff, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine

CMHC Auditorium, 34 Park St

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MoreEventsMore Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 7, 2011; 5:30 pm

Yale Medical Student Psychiatric Association (YMSPA): "De-Institutionalization: Where Are They Now?"

Robert Ostroff, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine; Sally Romano, MD, PhD, Lecturer in History of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine

A discussion of the history and effects of the closing of psychiatric institutions in the United States, and what the options are today for their former patient population.

Sterling Hall of Medicine, 333 Cedar St, Beaumont Room

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Thursday, September 8, 2011; 10:00 am

MRRC fMRI Speaker Series: "The Promise and Challenge of Voxel Based Measures of Intrinsic Connectivity"

Todd Constable, PhD, Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Biomedical Engineering, and Neurosurgery; Director of MRI research and Yale's MRRC

The Anlyan Center (TAC), N-203

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Friday, September 9, 2011; 1:30 pm

IRCSSA Seminar Series: "Prefrontal Dopamine and Temporal Control"

Nandakumar Narayanan, MD, PhD, Hospital Resident, Department of Neurology, Yale School of Medicine

Sterling Hall of Medicine, 333 Cedar St, Giarman Room

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Saturday, September 10, 2011; 8:30 am-12:00 noon

CMHC Foundation: "Sound Mind-Sound Body Community Walk"

Sound Mind-Sound Body is a 2 mile community fundraising walk to benefit the CMHC Foundation and to raise awareness about the important connection between good mental and physical health.

Leon's Restaurant & Long Wharf Park, 501 Long Wharf Dr, New Haven, CT

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Saturday, September 10, 2011; 10:30 am-12:30 pm

CSPP Clinical Conference: The Analyst's Vulnerability and the Repudiation of Femininity

Lewis Aron, PhD; Director, Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, New York University

In this presentation, Dr. Aron builds on recent developments in ethical philosophy to add an explicit emphasis on mutual vulnerability.

New Haven Lawn Club, 193 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT

For more information and to register 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011; 1:00 pm

Child Study Center Grand Rounds: "The Changing Face of Autism: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Working with Adolescents and Adults"

Fred R. Volkmar, MD; Irving B. Harris Professor in the Child Study Center and Professor of Pediatrics, of Psychiatry and of Psychology, Yale School of Medicine; Chair, Child Study Center; Chief, Child Psychiatry at Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital

Cohen Auditorium (NIHB E02), 230 S Frontage Rd

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011; 4:00 pm

Global Mental Health Program: "Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health"

Carla Marienfeld, MD, PGY5 Addiction Psychiatry Fellow, Yale School of Medicine

CMHC, 34 Park St, Rm SAC216

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Fridays through October 28, 2011; 11:30 am-3:30 pm

The Hill Farmers' Market

CitySeed and Connecticut Mental Health Center present "The Hill Market" offering fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs from local vendors.

CMHC Parking Lot, 34 Park St

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Ongoing through September 16, 2011; various hours

Exhibition: "Critical Condition: When Silence Speaks"

A visual art exhibition that imagines the body as a stage where embedded beliefs and social constructs collide and re-emerge as narratives about cultural anomalies in public health.

The Parachute Factory, Erector Square, Building One, 319 Peck St, New Haven, CT


Thursday, November 3, 2011; 5:30pm

CMHC 45th Anniversary Celebration: "Circa66"

To benefit the CMHC Foundation.

Terminal 110, 240 Sargent Dr

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More upcoming Department events 

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