Back-to-School 2011 � News from the Southeastern MA Region STEM Network
Welcome to September!

     September! Ah, nothing else matches the crazy quilt of excitement, anxiety, and anticipation the fresh school year brings.  And somehow all that newness reminds us: this STEM stuff is fun

     So in this season of September, as you engage with kids, with staff, with programs, and with learning, take a chance to be 10 again. There's nothing quite like the reinvigoration that comes with letting the wonder and sheer joy of science, technology, engineering and math shine through.

Replicating the Success
Massasoit Community College's Science Transfer Initiative earns spot as one of six @Scale Endorsement  designations

@scale award group

Students and staff from Massasoit's Science Transfer Initiative (photo courtesy of Massasoit Community College)


Find what works, support it, and repeat it. That's the idea behind the Commonweath's @Scale Endorsement program, which last month identified six efforts across the state as examples of success -- including, from Southeastern Massachusetts, Massasoit Community College's Science Transfer Initiative.


Massasoit's goal? Grow the number and diversity of students who transfer into four-year programs for STEM careers. Its methods? Engage students through a combination of intensive advising, mentoring, career awareness and early undergraduate research


The results speak for themselves. Since launching the program in 2006, the number of Massasoit's science transfers has tripled.


Lt. Governor Timothy Murray made the announcements during the National Governors Association's (NGA) Center for Best Practices conference in Boston, attended by officials from more than a dozen states who view Massachusetts as a national leader in STEM education.

Bristol Community College Hosts STEM Listening Tour
Massachusetts identified as a national model
Attleboro meeting
Bristol Community College President John Sbrega (L) shares a light moment with Lt. Governor of Massachusetts Tim Murray at the Southeastern MA STEM listening tour at Bristol Community College in August.
The Lt. Governor asked -- and several dozen Southeastern Regional STEM leaders gave. Gave advice, that is, during Murray's listening tour to the region in August. 

One of the roles of the regional network lies in connecting local and state efforts and acting as conduit for two way information. Events like the tour help achieve that goal.
Murray used the meeting to let the region know that our state has made great progress in promoting STEM education and careers - so much so that it is now being cited as a national model.  That brought a cheer ... but  audience input quickly reminded everyone that while progress is good, more progress is needed. Suggestions ranged from more career and community visibility from industry to a wider array of early education STEM opportunities. 

Video of the program is available at CONNECT's website:
Be Part of Two Great STEM Events!

Newton October 18

stem summits logo

In October, join STEM leaders from across the Commonwealth for a day of learning and connection at The Marriott in Newton. This year's annual Summit focuses on industry and workforce partnerships and features Linda P. Rosen, PhD., CEO of Change the Equation, as luncheon keynoter. 

  • When? Tuesday, October 18. 
  • Where? The Boston Marriott in Newton, at the crossroads of the Mass Pike and Rte 128. 

Foxboro November 2


Then, on November 2, attend the regional STEM network's fall meeting at Patriot Place in Foxboro. The theme: Employers and Educators Bridging the STEM Gap: A Conversation on Partnership.  Join the conversation to explore how industry and education working together can increase student interest and achievement in STEM. Mark your calendars today; registration begins October 1.

  • When? Wednesday, November 02
  • Where? Patriot Place, Foxboro MA, next to Gillette Stadium
STEM Resources & Activities

NIH materials

Start off the 2011-12 school year with new science classroom decor. The National Institutes of Health offers a suite of materials - posters, booklets, images, interactive games, and news updates.  

  What? Wide range of classroom materials

  Where? At the NIH science education website,

 � Cost? Free 


STEM for Guidance Counselors

The National Science Foundation's  ITEST National STEM Learning Exchange hosts a series of webinars. On September 20, check out Bioscience Careers, with Jeanne Chowning, Principal Investigator, Bio-ITEST project.  The online program offers up stories from working STEM professionals as well as strategies to increase student interest that guidance counselors and educators can put to immediate use.

itest logo

 When? Tuesday, September 20, 3-4 pm, and ongoing in archives thereafter 

 Where? Online at 

Cost? Free, pre-register at:


waquoit bay

Pond Monitoring in Your Classroom

Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve wants you to watch your ponds! This Falmouth non-profit organization's ongoing efforts include helping K-12 teachers set up specialized programs for their own classrooms, including long-term monitoring of a pond near their school. 

 When? On-going at your school

Where? K-12 educator service at Waquoit Bay; 508.456-0495 x 106 to learn how to turn your students into field researchers.

Cost? Free (although donations are accepted).

Share your news!
We want to include all the cool stuff happening around our region. Plus, we'd love to share your news, as well as suggestions for things you find interesting. So ... Let us know! Email your news, events, and other interesting tidbits to
Plus, don't forget to register your organization in the SE MA STEM directory so that people seeking your STEM services can find you:
Our mission is to connect southeastern Massachusetts students, educators, employers, and STEM advocates to resources and to each other.
In This Issue
Welcome to September
Replicating the Success
STEM Listening Tour
Great STEM Events
STEM Resources & Activities
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