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Fine Arts Weekend Highlight Video

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"The atmosphere at MBA is very warm and supportive, the teachers are very Christ centered, the school offers many interesting opprotunities for a variety of activities, and the campus is an idyllic place to attend school."
Linsdey Henning, Class of 2011

Sonora, CA
"It's a family friendly school, it creates opportunities in all aspects of life. Including education, life lessons, and getting closer to God. You also make friendships here that are impossible to make anywhere else."
Kaitlynn Gonzales, Class of 2010

Merced, CA
"Your school has provided a great christian environment for my son's spiritual growth. Also your school offers a very challenging academic environment. I have enjoyed seeing and hearing my son's personal growth.  I love to see the fruit of my labor flourish. Thank You Monterey Bay Academy!"
Jose Valencia Sr., Current Parent

Chowchilla, CA
"My conversion to Christ at MBA set my life in a direction that cannot be described in words, because it has been an experience.  I could never repay the valuable training and life preparation I received at MBA."
Jose Rojas, Class of 1979

Director, Volunteer Ministries, North American Division of SDA
"I feel a certain pride toward MBA.  I feel it is a school that really develops a child's character.  Compared to other schools I have seen, MBA seems so personal and because of the boarding school experience, it is like a family.  I feel very attached to MBA and being at MBA makes me feel like part of a kind of special 'club', a club connected with God that has many members that all have that same feeling
Danica Betts, Class of 2011 
Associated Student Body (A.S.B.) Executive Vice President 2010-2011
"I am indebted to the teachers and leaders that I now realize were making great sacrifices to work at MBA.  The education, discipline, and life-long friendships from my years at MBA are invaluable assets that will live with me forever
Scott Nelson, M.D., Class of 1988 
Medical Director, CURE International, Haiti and Santo Domingo

MLK Jr Day

Raising a new flag last week on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

JANUARY 24, 2011
From the Principal's Desk
Tim Kubrock, Principal
Tim Kubrock, Principal
Dear MBA Family,

When Jesus walked the earth 2,000 years ago, he said to his disciples: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few.  So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields." Matt. 9:37, 38.  Today, earth's population is approaching 7 billion people.  MBA is a training ground for students and staff members.  Our goal is to help prepare young people for the future and to be workers for Christ wherever they go.  Last week was our student Week of Prayer.  We have been blessed and inspired as we've listened to the testimonies of our students.  Keep praying with us that God will send more workers into His fields.
MBA Happenings

Our student Week of Prayer took place last week ending with A.S.B. vespers Friday night followed by five different options for students to attend.  On Sabbath morning, there was a special communion service at 10:00am in the MBA church.  We received a big blessing from our guest speaker for the worship service, Jim Gilley, President of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN).        

This week is ASB Spirit Week.  Each day, students and staff members are encouraged to dress up with the theme of the day.  At lunchtime in the cafeteria, prizes and treats are shared and pictures taken of those who participate.  Spirit days will be: Monday-hero/sports;  Tuesday-Clash;  Wednesday-Disco 80s/Hobo;   Thursday-Class colors day (12-green; 11th-pink;  10th-yellow;  9th-purple); and Friday-Twins/triplets day. 

Spirit Week
ASB Spirit Week - Clash Day

 We will be hosting the MBA Music Festival from Jan. 27-29 for Junior Academies and Elementary schools.  Approx. 140 students from 10 different schools will participate in the event which features both a choral and band clinician and combined musical groups.  There will be two special music concerts next week-end, Friday night at 7:30pm (with a variety of MBA music groups) and the Final Festival Concert on Sabbath at 3:00pm (featuring a 190-voice choir and 75-person band).  Cheri Gregory will be speaking for the worship service on Jan. 29 at 11:10 am.  You are invited to attend any of these special events next week-end.

Meet the Staff
Amy Deming
Amy Deming, Art Teacher

Amy Deming, is our Art teacher and other half of Pastor Jeff (PJ) Deming.  They have 3 children, Robert, Sabrina '11 and Tanner '14.  They will be celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary on May 26 of this year.  Amy was born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska.  She attended Union College where she and PJ dated.  She completed her B.S. degree at Union College with a major in Language Arts and a minor in Art.  She has also completed a Master's Degree from the University of Nebraska.  During her career, she has experienced a wide variety of teaching experiences, including: teaching English at 3 different Academies; serving as school secretary and librarian; teaching 5th and 6th graders; home-schooling; substitute teaching and spending many summers involved with summer camp ministry with her family. 


Mrs. Deming is a life-long learner who loves books and reading, writing, cooking, knitting, and spending time at Barnes and Noble (although she is slowly accepting her local option of Borders).  She loves working with her Art students and hopes to visit Sweden and Australia one day (are you listening PJ?).  One of her favorite quotes says: "It's never too late to be who you might have been"-attributed to George Eliot.  We are blessed to have Amy and her family here at MBA this year!

MBA 2011-2012

Tentative dates for next school year:


Aug. 11 -- Arrival date for all International students (TOEFL test and orientation on Aug. 12)
Aug. 14 -- Registration day
Aug. 15 -- First day of classes
Sept. 28-Oct. 2 -- First Home leave
Nov. 18-20 -- Parents' week-end
Nov. 20-27 -- Thanksgiving Vacation begins Sunday after parents' week-end, (Nov. 20)

Dec. 13-15 --  Semester Exams
Dec. 15-Jan. 3 -- Christmas Vacation
June 1-3, 2012 -- Graduation week-end

Quote of the day:  "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."-Albert Einstein.

All the best,
Kubrock signature
Tim Kubrock
MBA SealMonterey Bay Academy is committed to excellence in communicating Jesus Christ while teaching young people to balance academics with everyday living in a clear and practical manner, so they will be equipped to grow in wisdom, integrity, and service.