SERVE Romania
| Jim and Brenda Brosch
Missionaries to Romania
"We are saved into a community - the family of God"
John Brown 2010
Jbrosch@dbcm.org brendabrosch@gmail.com Vonage: (940) 453-2677 Romania Home phone: 0256 211 023
Check out our blog!
Compelled by Love (Click on link above)

A few pics from our
Family Time
sweet good-byes

 Jim, with Stephen, our grandson
We were blessed to spend 2 days with the kids and grandkids at Beavers Bend Park. The rain and storm did not stop us from laughing and loving every minute of our time spent together! 
 Brenda, with our youngest granddaughter, Phoebe
Biserica Criștină După Evanghelie Timișoara, Romania This photo was taken on a whim after church on a Sunday night. We love these folks already and look forward to serving alongside them to grow the Kingdom of God.!
Upcoming Plans; Prayers Needed!
Please pray...
for God's provision, safe travel and changed lives in the following mission efforts:
Evangelism Mission, Bucharest, Romania: July 1-7
Evangelism alongside Medical Mission; Bacau, Romania July 8-18
Women Serving God Meetings: Bacau, Brasov and Timisoara
Please pray for Janis Saville, Valetta Buliga, Pamela Waldrop, Carolyn Harris and Brenda as we train women seeking to serve God biblically and theologically.
for Hannah as she travels to Timisoara. She leaves DFW June 2nd and is traveling alone.
for our entire family as we all adjust to our "new normal."
that our Visa is granted for 5 years!
for good relationships with new friends who are new Christians and opportunity to share the gospel with some who are unbelievers.
that we live our lives to please Him in every way and He gives us grace when we fail.
Hello Friends,
It seems like ages ago when we first arrived here in Timisoara and moved into our apartment. As planned, we spent five busy weeks back in the States which just flew by and seemed too short to accomplish everything we wanted to do. We arrived just in time for Easter and were able to celebrate the graduation of the BTCL class of 2011!
We are so thankful that we were able to see and hug many of you! We are also blessed that we made some new friends, gathered our Visa requirements and spent some time with family. God has blessed us beyond our imaginations with wonderful people in our lives who took care of us and sent us off in true "Texas style" with great love and blessings.
Our near future priority will be getting our long-stay Visas, learning the Romanian language and culture, and serving alongside our local Romanian church family.
We have two mission projects and three Women Serving God workshops coming up soon. The first will be an evangelistic campaign in the Capital of Bucharest from July 1-7. We will be with an International Commission team, sharing the gospel home to home.
After the Bucharest mission, we will travel to Bacau for a WSG workshop, then serve with the Denton Bible Church Short Term Medical / Evangelism team. At the end of this week, we travel to Brasov and finally, to Timisoara for Women Serving God meetings.
We are excited that Hannah, our youngest daughter, will be coming over on June 3rd and will be here to serve with us in Bucharest and Bacau. She will also have opportunity to visit and volunteer at a local orphanage here in Timisoara. She spent 2 weeks here in 2008 and is looking forward to what God has in store for her. Please pray for her, as well as for both short-term teams. God is always faithful to show us more of Himself when we depend on Him.
Your prayers and support are needed now more than ever! We have exciting and challenging times ahead and must depend on Him to provide everything we need.
For the Sake of The Name,
Jim and Brenda Brosch
We praise Him.. - for all of you who have gone above and beyond the call to help us.
- that we sold the Volkswagen a few days before we left.
- for the sweet family time we enjoyed.
- for new friends and supporters who joined our team.
- for our apartment which is right where we need to be for the next year
- for Denton Bible Church missions office, Sam & Valetta Buliga and our many, many Romanian friends who are continuing to help us with our transition.
God knows what we need, even before we ask! He clearly has blessed us with each of you. THANK YOU is not enough but we can't stop saying it. We love you all!
A small glimpse into our new world:
Our apartment is only a twenty minute walk from the Aeropagus Center where we study language, and a few blocks from church and the grocery store. For anything else, the bus stop is nearby. We have about 500 sq. ft. which includes a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. It's a cozy arrangement which motivates us to stay simple and organized! :)
 Our kitchen Entering our 3rd floor apartment 
Door into the church After church fellowship
The view from our back window. The busy street on our walk to school. To see more pictures and news, check out our blog: www.broschmission.blogspot.com OR you can find us on Facebook! |
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and give praise.
Awake my glory! Awake, lute and harp!
I will awaken the dawn.
I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing to you among the nations.
For your mercy reaches unto the heavens, and your truth unto the clouds.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
Let your glory be above all the earth.
Psalm 57:7-11
Har vouă și pace dela Dumnezeu, Tatăl nostru, și dela Domnul Isus Hristos!
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Phil. 1:2